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Think Outside the Box During Our Open Data by Design Contest

June 9, 2014 - 9:38am


Researchers at the National Renewables Energy Laboratory get creative with data with a virtual wind tunnel. | Photo courtesy of the Energy Department.

Researchers at the National Renewables Energy Laboratory get creative with data with a virtual wind tunnel. | Photo courtesy of the Energy Department.

Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of the third contest in our year-long American Energy Data Challenge initiative.  During this new contest – called Open Data by Design – we are challenging the public to create exciting new visualization designs that will make our open energy data resources more valuable and easily understood.  Whether you decide to get creative with the Green Button Data Standard, the Home Energy Score Tool API, or one of the other open data sets, we hope many people get involved and submit new, creative and interesting ways to unlock the value of the data.   

Leveraging the power of data, technology and innovation is critical to promoting a clean energy economy in America. During last week’s Energy Datapalooza hosted by the White House, the Energy Department and the General Services Administration, a number of important new actions being moved forward in the public and private sectors were highlighted, and the winners of our second contest called Apps for Energy were announced.

This is an exciting time to be creative, think outside the box, and make the data you choose visually appealing, and now is the time to get involved! The Energy Data by Design contest will run for the next five weeks. At that point, we’ll open up the voting for the Popular Choice Award, and our panel of judges will evaluate the submissions for the Best Information Design, Best Visualization, and Best Infographic. A total of $17,500 in prizes will be awarded.

To find out more or to enter the contest, go to:
