Property Information

Using the new Property Information Viewer, citizens can do a simple Parcel ID or Address search and obtain basic information. Using the Planning Viewer, citizens have more tools at their disposal including: Google Street View, measure, drawing tools, and printing.

Property Info Planning Viewer


Browse through our interactive maps to view information such as pending annexations, zoning maps and lot boundary maps. Also check out our map collection for large size printable maps.

Interactive Maps Map Collection

GIS Data

Browse our ArcGIS Open Data Site for any planning related GIS data. Download KML, shapefiles, and CSV versions of our data to use for you own development.

Search GIS Data

Rezoning Cases

Search for a rezoning case and view pending and complete cases.

Rezoning Cases

Story Maps / Dashboards and 3D

*UPDATED 12/6/18* View story maps, 3D Scenes and other information applications.

View Applications

GIS Tutorials

Browse our web application tutorials to get the most out of our tools. Users can learn how to export maps, created parcel owners lists, and perform basic analysis.


Current and upcoming projects from the GIS group:

  • Lot Boundary Digital Conversion
  • Open Data Portal
  • Atlanta City Design
  • Local Government Model
  • Story Maps

We are constantly upgrading and tweaking our applications to best suit your needs. Please contact us with any issues or updates that you'd like to see to our Map Collection and Interactive Maps.