Planning Studies

The missions of the NYISO are to maintain and enhance regional reliability, promote and operate fair and competitive markets, and to provide first class customer service, all in a cost effective manner. Planning at the NYISO supports these missions by developing processes that will ensure the long-term adequacy of the NYCA bulk power system. This is accomplished by effectively managing the load forecasting, transmission planning, and system and resource planning functions.

Reliability, Economic, Public Policy, and Resource Adequacy Planning Documents

RELIABILITY PLANNING STUDIES: These studies are used to assess current reliability needs based on user trends and historical energy use. To learn more visit the documents below.

ECONOMIC PLANNING STUDIES: These studies are used to evaluate the current and future state of congestion on the bulk power grid and the economic impact of projects to reduce that congestion.

PUBLIC POLICY PLANNING STUDIES: These documents are used in the Public Policy Transmission Planning Process, which studies transmission needs driven by federal or state laws or regulations.

RESOURCE ADEQUACY STUDIES: Resource Adequacy Studies are used to analyze what resources are being used and what resources will be needed in the future.


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