The NARIC Multimedia Collection

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The NARIC Multimedia Collection includes videos, webcasts, podcasts, and other multimedia products from the NIDILRR community.

Man using wheelchair "Hands-on brakes for manual wheelchairs"

"Hands-on" brakes for manual wheelchairs.

Abstract: This video demonstrates the designer and multiple individuals testing the new design of a "hands-on" brake for manual wheelchair users to help them slow down and stop, both easier and quicker while reducing burning and fatigue, and allowing users to keep their hands on the wheels at all times. This system replaces the stock wheel and camber block of the chair, without increasing the chair's overall width or weight, not impacting normal operation and propulsion of the wheel, providing consistent and repeatable operation, and without obtrusive cables or levers.

Post date: 06/19/2012 - 15:44
A young man sitting on a couch looking at the camera.

2016 Mental Health Awareness Campaign Efforts.

Abstract: Presenter, along with a co-host, talk about mental health awareness month (May). They highlight things people around the country are doing to raise awareness for mental health and the prevention of stigmas that too often goes along with having a mental health disorder. In addition, they show two YouTube videos and provide links to more.

Post date: 06/11/2019 - 15:42
two adapted video game controllers displayed on a desk.

Active video games for children with disabilities.

Abstract: Presenter discusses two phases of a research project that looked at how to create better video game controllers that allow people with a disability, no matter their age, to not only be able to interact with the game itself, but to also be able to play with family members.

Post date: 06/17/2019 - 15:59
A young man is standing on a sidewalk strapping an activity monitor to his right wrist.

Activity monitors for physical activity assessment of wheelchair users.

Abstract: Narrator talks about and presents the findings from a study in which 45 wheelchair users with spinal cord injury participated and performed activities such as resting, propelling a wheelchair, and performing arm exercises. Study results indicate that commercial devices may not be suitable for wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury.

Post date: 06/17/2019 - 16:10
A woman in a pink shirt. Overlay: Adjustments to therapy for TBI patients

Adjustments to therapy for TBI patients.


Post date: 06/17/2019 - 16:39
Aging, Retirement, and End of LIfe for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Cliff Poetz, Community Liaison, Institute for Community Integration, University of Minnesota

Aging, Retirement, and End of Life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Abstract: This is part 8 of 18 in a series of videos from the National Goals in Research, Policy, and Practice meeting. The meeting aimed to advance a research agenda that influence policy and practice for and with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Post date: 06/11/2019 - 13:53
Aging, Retirement, and End of Life for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Joan Earle Hahn, PhD, RN, GCNS-BC, CNL, CDDN, Director of Nursing Program, Keane State College

Aging, Retirement, and End of Life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Abstract: This is part 7 of 18 in a series of videos from the National Goals in Research, Policy, and Practice meeting. The meeting aimed to advance a research agenda that influence policy and practice for and with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Post date: 06/11/2019 - 14:08
Woman walking into fitness facility. AIMFREE


Abstract: Video demonstrates how the AIMFREE (Accessibility Instruments Measuring Fitness and Recreation Environments) instrument can be used to create barrier free fitness environments for individuals with disabilities. The AIMFREE instrument was developed to measure the accessibility of fitness and recreation facilities as it pertains to persons with mobility impairments. Available in paper format or online, AIMFREE contains about 400 questions and 15 different sections.

Post date: 06/19/2012 - 15:27
Lloyd Cooper, Lead Industrial Designer, PUSH project.

An advanced virtual environment exercise device (AVE2D)

Abstract: Presenter talks about the advanced virtual environment exercise device (AVE2D) project and how engaging in collaborative competitive exercise is one of the most effective ways to increase physical activity. The goal of the project is to increase exercise enjoyment and participation for people with disabilities and provide opportunities for them to engage in shared activities.

Post date: 06/17/2019 - 16:06
Assessing medicaid healthcare claims for people with disabilities. Evidence based information for policy makers

Analyzing Medicaid healthcare claims for people with disabilities

Abstract: The presenters provide evidence-based information about a project that analyzes claims data for the entire adult Medicaid population of Kansas residents in a different way. Dividing the population into groups that have commonalities in terms of use and the way they use healthcare instead of the traditional way claims are analyzed, helps policymakers to better understand the overall health, needs, and how healthcare services are used from specific groups of individuals. Run time: 7 minutes 39 seconds.
Post date: 05/30/2014 - 04:32