Contract and Grant Reports

In addition to producing its own publications, reports, and abstracts, the NEFSC also sponsors the production of such works with contracts and grants. The NEFSC awards funds to external organizations to conduct special, nonrecurring research when the NEFSC lacks the expertise, capability, and/or time to conduct such research itself. The final reports emanating from contract and grant research range from informal memoranda to formal publications, and can contribute significantly to the body of scientific knowledge.

Incomplete Records: For some items in the following list (especially for some of the older items), our files do not contain full documentation (no issuance date, missing contract number, etc.).
Obtaining/Viewing Copies: A copy of all contract and grant reports will eventually be maintained in the library at the NEFSC's James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory at Sandy Hook, New Jersey (732-872-3035). If you cannot locate a copy at the Howard Laboratory library, contact the NEFSC's Editorial Office which should be able to direct you to an NEFSC researcher with a copy (508-495-2228). Eventually, all contract and grant reports should be online and available for viewing through links on this webpage.

Contract and Grant Reports, 2011-present
Contract and Grant Reports, 2001-2010
Contract and Grant Reports, 1991-2000
  • Incze, L.S. 2000. A preliminary survey of hydrography and plankton in the Narraguagus-Pleasant Bay system of eastern Maine. [Final report] NMFS Grant No. NA97FL0215. 30 p.
  • Lindholm, J.; Auster, P.J. 2000. A comparison of structural elements of sand habitats inside and outside of Closed Area II on Georges Bank. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 40EQNF900061. 19 p.
  • Mangel, M.; Bojanowski, M. 2000. Marine mortality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from the Penobscot, Connecticut and Saint Johns Rivers. [Final report; companion report to Metcalfe et al. 2000] NMFS Grant No. NA87FL0560. 17 p.
  • Metcalfe, N.B.; Bull, C.D.; Mangel, M. 2000. Seasonal variation in catch-up growth reveals state-dependent somatic allocations in salmon. [Final report; companion report to Mangel and Bojanowski 2000] NMFS Grant No. NA87FL0560. 21 p.
  • Read, A.J.; Craddock, J.E; Rosel, P.E. 2000. Life history of small cetaceans in the Northwest Atlantic: October 1, 1997 - December 31, 1999. [Final report] NMFS Grant No. NA77FL0373. 17 p.
  • Robbins, J.; Mattila, D. 2000. Gulf of Maine humpback whale entanglement scar monitoring results 1997-1999. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 40ENNF900253. 24 p.
  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 2000. Development of an input-output model for social economic impact assessment of fisheries regulations in New England. [Final report] NOAA Grant No. NA87FF0548. 36 p.
  • Hamilton, P. 1999. Digitizing the North Atlantic right whale catalog. [Interim report] NOAA Contract No. 40ENNF800351. 1 p.
  • Hamilton, P.K.; Marx, M.K.; Kraus, S.D. 1999. Scarification analysis of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) as a method of assessing human impacts. NOAA Contract No. 46EANF60004. 39 p.
  • Kenney, R. 1999. Maintenance of the computer database for the right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) in waters of the western North Atlantic -- 1 July - 31 December, 1998. [Progr. report] NMFS Grant No. NA67FE0383. 7 p.
  • Knowlton, A.R.; Hamilton, P.K.; Marx, M.K.; Quinn, C.A; Kraus, S.D. 1999. Maintenance of the North Atlantic right whale catalog: 1 January - 31 December, 1998. NOAA Contract Nos 46EANF600004 and 40ENNF800188. 15 p.
  • Robbins, J.; Mattila, D. 1999. Monitoring entanglement scars on the caudal peduncle of the Gulf of Maine humpback whales. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 40ENNF800288. 15 p.
  • Beland, K.F.; Dubé, N.R. 1998. Atlantic salmon research addressing issues of concern to the National Marine Fisheries Service and Maine Atlantic Salmon Authority[: May 1, 1995 - April 30, 1998]. [Final report] NMFS Grant No. NA57FL0149. 59 p.
  • Bojanowski, M.; Mangel, M. 1998. Estimating marine mortality factors for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from the Penobscot, Connecticut and Saint Johns Rivers. [Final report] NMFS Grant No. NA77FL0433. 43 p.
  • Brown, M.; Malik, S.; Waldick, R.; Tomlinson, C.; White, B. 1998. Genetic characterization of the western North Atlantic right whale: year III. Sept. 1997 - Sept. 1998. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 40EANF700069. 13 p.
  • Brown, M.; Waldick, R.; Tomlinson, C.; White, B. 1998. Genetic characterization of the western North Atlantic right whale: year III. [Progr. report] NOAA Contract No. 40EANF700069. 7 p.
  • Gilbert, J.R.; Guldager, N. 1998. Status of harbor and gray seal populations in northern New England. [Progr. report] NMFS/NER Cooperative Agreement No. 14-16-009-1557. 13 p.
  • Hamilton, P.K.; Knowlton, A.R; Kraus, S.D. 1998. Maintenance of the North Atlantic right whale catalog -- 1 January - 30 June 1998. [Progr. report] NOAA Contract No. 46EANF60004. 7 p.
  • Hiby, L. 1998. One-aircraft tandem survey -- analysis of pod sighting data from line transect aerial surveys using one aircraft to repeat selected track segments. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 40ENNF700128.
  • Kenney, R. 1998. Maintenance of the computer database for the right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) in waters of the western North Atlantic -- 1 January - 30 June 1998. NMFS Grant No. NA67FE0383. 13 p. + suppl.
  • O'Brien, J.J.; Meyers, S.D. 1998. The oceanic physical environment for Atlantic salmon. [Final report + 1 ann. report + 13 qtr. rep's.] NMFS Grant No. NA57FL0122.
  • Read, A.J.; Brault, S.; Craddock, J.E; Moore, M.; Rosel, P.E. 1998. Life history of small cetaceans. [Final report] NMFS Grant No. NA67FL0431. 94 p.
  • Stevick, P.T.; Allen, J.M.; Katona, S.K. 1998. Curation of the North Atlantic humpback whale catalogues and databases. [Progr. report] NOAA Contract No. 50EANF500092. 10 p.
  • Sutinen, J.G., editor; Clay, P.; Dyer, C.L.; Edwards, S.F.; Gates, J.; Grigalunas, T.A.; Hennessey, T.; Juda, L.; Kitts, A.W.; Logan, P.N.; Poggie, J.J., Jr.; Pollard Rountree, B.; Steinback, S.R.; Thunberg, E.M.; Upton, H.F.; Walden, J.B., contributors. 1998. A framework for monitoring and assessing socioeconomics and governance of large marine ecosystems. [Final report; NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NE-158] NOAA Contract No. 40ENNF700378. 44 p.
  • Borchers, D.; McIntyre, I. 1997. Report on estimation from simulated independent observer line transect data using logistic regression. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 40ENNF700181. 11 p.
  • Hamilton, P.K.; Knowlton, A.R; Kraus, S.D. 1997. Maintenance of the North Atlantic right whale catalog -- 1 January - 31 December 1997. [Progr. report] NOAA Contract No. 46EANF60004. 20 p.
  • Mattila, D.; Robbins, J. 1997. An integrated program for the research of North Atlantic humpback whales. [Final report; originally submitted June 1996, revision submitted October 1997.] NMFS Grant No. NA47FL0068. 17 p.
  • Palka, D.; Polacheck, T. 1997. Comparison of several analytical methods that estimate g(0) and account for co-variates in density estimates using double-team line transect data. [Final report; report Int. Whaling Comm. SC/49/O18]. NOAA Contract No. 40ENNF600447. 24 p.
  • Griffith, D.; Dyer, C.L 1996. An appraisal of the social and cultural aspects of the multispecies groundfish fishery in New England and the Mid-Atlantic regions. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 50DGNF500008. 76 p.
  • Northridge, S. 1996. Estimation of cetacean mortality in the U.S. Atlantic swordfish and tuna driftnet and pair trawl fisheries. NOAA Contract No. 40ENNF500160. 21 p.
  • Read, A.J.; Brault, S.; Craddock, J.E; Rosel, P.E. 1996. Life history of small cetaceans from the Northwest Atlantic. [Final report] NMFS Grant No. NA57FL0557. 17 p.
  • Baldwin, K.C.; and Kraus S.D. 1995. Investigation and development of an active acoustic deterrent for harbor porpoises and the gillnet fishery. [Final report] NMFS Contract No. NA36FD009801. 29 p.
  • Beland, K.F.; Dubé, N.R.; Evers, M.; Spencer, R.C.; Thomas, S.; Vander Haegen, G.; Baum, E.T. 1995. Atlantic salmon research addressing issues of concern to the National Marine Fisheries Service and Atlantic Sea Run Salmon Commission[: May 1, 1992 - April 30, 1995]. [Final report] NMFS Grant No. NA29FL013101. 133 p.
  • Katona, S.K.; Allen, J.M.; Stevick, P.T. 1995. Maintaining the YONAH humpback whale catalogue. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 50EANF100056. 27 p.
  • Knowlton, A.R.; Korsmeyer, F.T.; Kerwin, J.E.; Wu, H.-Y.; Hynes, B. 1995. The hydrodynamic effects of large vessels on right whales. NOAA Contract No. 40EANFF400534.
  • Moses, E. 1995. Distribution of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in relation to oceanographic features of the Scotian Shelf. [M.Sc. Thesis, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.] NOAA Contract No. 40ENNF500160. 53 p.
  • Read, A.J.; Brault, S.; Craddock, J.E; Rosel, P.E. 1996. Life history of small cetaceans from the Northwest Atlantic. [Final report] NMFS Grant No. NA47FL0314. 29 p.
  • Rubinstein, B.L. 1995. Analysis of seal bycatch data and biological samples collected by NEFSC fishery observers. NOAA Contract No. 40ENNF500082. 32 p.
  • Hamilton, P.K.; Knowlton, A.R.; Kraus, S.D. 1994. Maintenance of the North Atlantic right whale catalog - Jan. 1, 1994 to Dec. 31, 1994. NOAA Contract No. 50EANF400048.
  • Katona, S.K.; Allen, J.M.; Stevick, P. 1994. Maintaining the North Atlantic humpback whale catalog. [Progr. report] NOAA Contract No. 50EANF100056. 25 p.
  • Kenney, M.K.; Gilbert, J.R. 1994. Increase in harbor and gray seal populations in Maine. NOAA Contract No. 50EANF200064. 19 p.
  • Read, A.J.; Craddock, J.E.; Gannon, D. 1994. Life history of harbour porpoises and pilot whales taken in commercial fishing operations off the northeastern United States. [Final report - Phase II.] NOAA Contract No. 50EANE200082.
  • Rinkel, L.A.; Valliere, A. 1994. Rhode Island commercial fishery harvest and production[: October 1, 1991 - September 30, 1994]. [Final report] NMFS Grant No. NA17FT0070. 8 p.
  • Desportes, G.; Brault, S. 1993. Analysis of reproductive status of long-finned pilot whales from the North Atlantic. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 40EANF201695.
  • Georgianna, D.; Dirlam, J.; Townsend, R. 1993. The groundfish and sea scallop processing sectors in New England. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 50EANF200065. 165 p.
  • Hall-Arber, M. 1993. Social impact assessment of Amendment #5 to the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan. [Interim report; MIT Sea Grant Coll. Program Tech. report MITSG 93-25] NMFS Grant No. NA90AADSG424. 57 p.
  • Read, A.J.; Craddock, J.E. 1993. Life history analysis of small cetaceans taken in commercial fishing operations. [Final report - Phase I.] NOAA Contract No. 50EANE200082. 8 p.
  • Hain, J.H.W., editor. 1992. Right whales in coastal waters of northeast Florida, January 1992. 1. Fine-grain biological studies. 2. Survey methodology. 3. Mitigation of human impacts.
  • Read, A.J.; Kraus, S.D. 1991. Harbour porpoise distribution and relative density in the waters of coastal Maine. [Draft report] NOAA Contract No. 40EANF101538. 28 p.
Contract and Grant Reports, 1981-1990
  • Payne, P.M.; Heinemann, D.W.; Selzer, L.A. [1989.] A distributional assessment of cetaceans in shelf/shelf-edge and adjacent slope waters of the northeastern United States based on aerial and shipboard surveys, 1978-1988. NMFS Contract No.'s NA84ENA00149, NA84ENF5002570, and NA84EAF8702181. 108 p.
  • Payne, P.M.; Selzer, L.A. 1989. The distribution, abundance and selected prey of the harbor seal, Phoca vitulina concolor, in Southern New England. [Mar. Mammal Sci. 5(2):173-192.]
  • Carlson, C.A.; Mayo, C.A. 1988. Changes in the ventral fluke pattern of the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, and its affect on matching. NOAA Contract No. 40EANF702183. 53 p.
  • Center for Marine Conservation; National marine Fisheries Service. 1988. Proceedings of the Workshop to Review and Evaluate Whale Watch Programs and Management Needs, Monterey, CA. 53 p.
  • Katona, S.K.; Beard, J.A. 1988. Population size, migrations and substock structure of the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the western North Atlantic Ocean. NOAA Contract No. 40EANF700314. 36 p.
  • Katona, S.K.; Kraus, S.D.; Harcourt, P.; Perkins, J.S. 1988. Humpback whales - a catalogue of individuals by fluke photographs. NMFS Contract No. NA80FAD00006. 169 p.
  • Mayo, C.A.; Hamilton, P.; Marx, M.K. [1988.] Population characteristics and habitat use of the right whale, Eubalaena glacialis, in Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bays. NMFS Contract No. NA84EAC00080.
  • Mayo, C.A.; Mattila, D.K.; Pittman, S.; Baraff, L. 1988. Abundance, distribution and habitat use of large whales in Massachusetts Bay and the Great South Channel. NOAA Contract No. 50EANF600059. 149 p.
  • Nelson, G.A.; Ross, M.R. 1988. The population dynamics of sand lance (Ammodytes dubius) in the Northwest Atlantic. I. Abundance and distribution. NOAA Contract No. 43EANF732522. 66 p.
  • Stone, G.S.; Mainwaring, A.; Katona, S.K.; Beard, J.A.; Corbett, H.D. 1988. Surfacing, respiration, and dive characteristics of finback whales (Balaenoptera physalus) observed from Mount Desert Rock, Maine. [Final report] NOAA Contract No's. 40EANF501300 and 40EANF601426.
  • Bellmund, S.A.; Musick, J.A.; Klinger, R.C.; Byles, R.A.; Keinath, J.A.; Barnard, D.E. 1987. Ecology of sea turtles in Virginia. [Va. Inst. Mar. Sci. Spec. Sci. report 119] NMFS Contract No. NA80FAC00004. 48 p.
  • Clapham, P.J. 1987. North Atlantic fin whale research 1987: proceedings of a meeting to review methodology and to coordinate information exchange. NOAA Contract No. 40ENF7001740.
  • Gilbert, J.R. 1987. Marine mammal interaction with New England gillnet fisheries. [Draft report] NMFS Contract No. NA84EAC00070. 21 p.
  • Katona, S.K.; Beard, J.A. 1987. The humpback whale fluke catalogue. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. 40EANF700314. 24 p.
  • Katona, S.K.; Beard, J.A. 1987. The humpback whale fluke catalogue. [Rewritten final report] NOAA Contract No. 40EANF700314. 37 p.
  • Lambertsen, R.H.; Duffield, D.A. 1987. Biopsy studies of the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae. NOAA Contract No. 50EANF500094. 72 p.
  • Manomet Bird Observatory. [1987.] Cetacean and Seabird Assessment Program, 1980-1987. [Non-technical summ. report] NOAA Grant No. 50EANF600028.
  • Manomet Bird Observatory. [1987.] Cetacean and Seabird Assessment Program. [Final report] NOAA Grant No. 50EANF600028.
  • NMFS/URI/NEA/CCS/WHOI Cooperative Right Whale Research Program. 1987. Integrated program for research on the northern right whale off the eastern United States. [Six-mo. progr. report] NMFS Grant No. NA86EAH00053.
  • Reeves, R.R.; Mitchell, E. 1987. Shore whaling for right whales in the northeastern United States. NMFS Contract No. NA85WCC06194.
  • Reeves, R.R.; Mitchell, E. 1987. The history of whaling in and near North Carolina. NMFS Contract No. NA85WCC06194.
  • Watkins, W.A.; Bird, J.E.; Moore, K.E.; Tyack, P. 1987. Reference database: marine mammal literature. NOAA Contract No. 40EANF7022770. 52 p.
  • Brownell, R.L., Jr.; Best, P.B.; Prescott, J.H., editors. 1986. Right whales: past and present status. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Status of Right Whales, New England Aquarium, Boston, MA, 15-23 June 1983. [report Int. Whaling Comm. Spec. Iss. 10:1-14.]
  • Finn, J.T. 1986. Response surface analysis of a large-scale marine ecosystem fishery model. Report on Task 2: programs and documentation for running fractional factorial designs of the ICES MSVPA program. NOAA Contract No. 43EAF7325220. 22 p.
  • Finn, J.T. 1986. Response surface analysis of a large-scale marine ecosystem fishery model. Report on Task 3: test response surface analysis of MSVPA model using a small, hypothetical data set. NOAA Contract No. 40EAF7007210. 13 p.
  • Katona, S.K.; Beard, J.A.; Balcomb, K.C., III. 1986. The humpback whale catalogue. [Final report] NMFS Contract No. NA81FAC00027. 35 p.
  • Kenney, R.D.; Winn, H.E. 1986. Marine mammal data transfer and documentation. NOAA Contract No. 40EANF501629. 83 p.
  • Kenney, R.D.; Winn, H.E.; Brown, C.W. 1986. Aerial surveys for right whales in the Great South Channel, spring 1985. NMFS Contract No. NA84EAC00079.
  • Manomet Bird Observatory. 1986. Monitoring and assessment of cetaceans and seabirds in the shelf waters of the northeast U.S. -- Manomet Bird Observatory Marine Observer Program -- 1985-1986. NOAA Contract No. 50EANF600028. 67 p.
  • Manomet Bird Observatory. [1986.] Monitoring and assessment of cetaceans and seabirds in the shelf waters of the northeast U.S. [Progress report] NOAA Contract No. 50EANF600028.
  • Mayo, C.A.; Mattila, D.A.; Pittman, S.; Christian, P.; Baraff, L. 1986. Abundance, distribution and habitat use of large whales in the southern Gulf of Maine: May 1 - Sept. 30, 1986. NOAA Contract No. 50EANF600059.
  • Payne, M.P.; Selzer, L.A., editors. 1986. Marine mammals, sea birds and marine turtles in the Gulf of Maine and Massachusetts Bay with special emphasis on the locations of the Foul-Area Disposal Site and the Cape Arundel Disposal Site. NOAA Contract No. 50EANF600028. 277 p.
  • Gilbert, J.R.; Wynne, K.M. 1985. Harbor seal populations and fisheries interactions with marine mammals in New England, 1984. NMFS Contract No.'s. NA80FAC00029 and NA84EAC00070. 15 p.
  • Mattila, D.; Clapham, P.J.; Mayo, C.A.; Katona, S.K.; Stone, G. 1985. Humpback whale studies on Silver Bank, 1984. NMFS Contract No. NA83FAC00004. 17 p.
  • Watkins, W. [1985.] Changes observed in the reaction of whales to human activities. NOAA Contract No. 50EANF500068. 31 p.
  • Boehm, P.D. 1984. Organic pollutant biogeochemistry studies in the northeast U.S. marine environment. Part 1. The state of organic pollutant (PCB, PAH, coprostanol) contamination of the Boston Harbor - Massachusetts Bay - Cape Cod Bay system: sediments and biota. Part 2. Organic geochemical studies in the Hudson Canyon and Gulf of Maine areas. [Final report] NOAA Contract No. NA83FAC00022. 61 p.
  • Center for Coastal Studies. 1984. Efforts to release a humpback whale from entanglement - a report. 5 p.
  • Gilbert, J.R.; Wynne, K.M. 1984. Harbor seal populations and marine mammal - fisheries interactions, 1983. NMFS Contract No. NA80FAC00029. 52 p.
  • Kraus, S.D.; Prescott, J.H. 1984. Seasonal movements of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Gulf of Maine. NMFS Contract No. NA82FAC00027. 10 p.
  • Kraus, S.D.; Prescott, J.H.; Stone, G.S. 1984. Right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in the western No. Atlantic: a summary of research conducted from 1980 to 1984.
  • Nassau County Department of Health. 1984. Rapid sewage indicator technique pilot project Nassau County, New York. Grant No. NA-83-FA-C-00038. 48 p.
  • Payne, P.M.; Selzer, L.A.; Knowlton, A.R. 1984. Distribution and density of cetaceans, marine turtles and seabirds in the shelf waters of the northeastern United States, June 1980 - December 1983, based on shipboard observations. NMFS Contract No. NA81FAC00023. 245 p.
  • Payne, P.M.; Selzer, L.A.; Whan, P.W.; Whitman, A.A. 1984. The distribution, abundance and selected prey of the harbor seal in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. NMFS Contract No. NA82FA00007. 32 p.
  • Gilbert, J.R.; Wynne, K.M. 1983. Harbor seal populations and marine mammal - fisheries interactions, 1982. NMFS Contract No. NA80FAC00029. 43 p.
  • Kenney, R.D.; Hyman, M.A.M.; Winn, H.E. 1983. Calculation of standing stocks and energetic requirements of the cetaceans of the northeast U.S. outer continental shelf. NMFS Contract No. NA83FAC00009. 176 p.
  • Kraus, S.D.; Prescott, J.H. 1983. A summary of 1982 research on the No. Atlantic right whale, Eubalaena glacialis, with notes on seasonal distribution and abundance and significant re-sightings of individuals. NMFS Contract No. NA81FAC00030.
  • Kraus, S.D.; Prescott, J.H.; Stone, G.S. 1983. Harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, in the U.S. coastal waters off the Gulf of Maine: a survey to determine seasonal distribution and abundance. NMFS Contract No. NA82FAC00027. 22 p.
  • Lambertsen, R.H. 1983. Status report on biopsy studies of the North Atlantic humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) for karyologic determination of the sex of photographically identified individuals. NMFS Contract No. NA83FACC00017. 46 p.
  • Mattila, D.K. 1983. Humpback whales in Mona Passage, Puerto Rico: a summary. NMFS Contract No. NA83FAC00004.
  • Payne, P.M.; Selzer, L.A. 1983. Population distribution, abundance, and prey requirements of the harbor seal in Southern New England. NMFS Contract No. NA82FA00007. 51 p.
  • Shurman, V.R. 1983. Report on Nantucket grey seals, winter and spring 1983. NMFS Contract No. NA83FBA00075. 16 p.
  • Boehm, P.D. [1982]. New York Bight benthic sampling survey: coprostanol, polychlorinated biphenyl and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon measurements in sediments. [Final report] NMFS Contract No. NA80FAC00038. 20 p.
  • Boehm, P.D. [1982]. New York Bight benthic sampling survey: coprostanol, polychlorinated biphenyl and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon measurements in sediments (1980-1981). [Final report] NOAA Contract No. NA80FAC00013. 21 p.
  • Boehm, P.O. and F.W. Steimle. 1982. Levels of selected organic pollutants in haddock from Georges Bank - absolute concentrations and variability between age classes, individuals and sample poolings. NOAA Contract Report No. NA-81-FA-C-00013. 20 p.
  • Kraus, S.D.; Prescott, J.H. 1982. The No. American right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) in the Bay of Fundy, 1981, with notes on distribution, abundance, biology, and behavior. NMFS Contract No. NA81FAC00030. 105 p.
  • Manomet Bird Observatory. 1982. Manomet Bird Observatory Marine Observer Program 1982 cruise reports. NMFS Contract No. NA81FAC00023.
  • Mattila, D. 1982. 1982 fluke identification survey and song recordings of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) along the northwest coast of Puerto Rico. NMFS Contract No. NA81FAD00003. 18 p.
  • Mayo, C.A. 1982. Observations of cetaceans: Cape Cod Bay and southern Stellwagen Bank Massachusetts, 1975-1979. [NTIS Access. No. PB82-186263.] NMFS Contract No. NA80FAD00003. 68 p.
  • Payne, P.M.; Rimmer, C.C. 1982. Radio-telemetry of a rehabilitated harbor seal during the winter 1982 with comments on movements and numbers of the harbor seal in Massachusetts. NMFS Contract No. NA82FA00007. 46 p.
  • Powers, K.D.; Payne, P.M. 1982. Distributions of marine mammals, birds and turtles near Deepwater Dumpsite 106 (DWD-I06)and the Philadelphia Dumpsite (PDS). 60 p.
  • Powers, K.D.; Payne, M.P.; Fitch, S.F. 1982. Distribution of cetaceans, sea birds and turtles, Cape Hatteras to Nova Scotia. NMFS Contract No. NA81FAC00023. 165 p.
  • Sastry, A.N.; Rines, H.M.; Jones, J.G. 1982. Food requirements for artificial conditioning of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians Lamarck to maturity. NMFS Contract No. NA80FAC0001. 41 p.
  • Weinrich, M.T. 1982. Biology of the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae): northern Stellwagen Bank, summer 1981. [Gloucester Fish. Mus. Cetacean Res. Unit Spec. report 1]. NMFS Contract No. NA81FBA00231. 50 p.
  • GEOMET Technologies, Inc. 1981. Chemical and physical analysis of sediment samples: Cruise DE8009. [Final report; 1 of 3 vols.] NMFS Contract No. NA80FAC00037. 82 p.
  • GEOMET Technologies, Inc. 1981. Chemical and physical analysis of sediment samples from New York Bight[,] Long Island Sound[, and] Ocean Pulse (NEMP) Cruises [AL and KE]8007. [Final report; 1 of 3 vols.] NMFS Contract No. NA80FAC00037. 124 p.
  • Geraci, J.R., et al. 1981. Investigation of harbor seal mortality and determination of infectious agent, New England region. NMFS Contract No. NA80FAH00009.
  • Gilbert, J.R.; Stein, J.L. 1981. Harbor seal populations and marine mammal - fisheries interactions. NMFS Contract No. NA80FAC00029. 35 p.
  • Manomet Bird Observatory. 1981. Manomet Bird Observatory Marine Observer Program 1981 cruise reports. NMFS Contract No. NA81FAC00023.
  • Mattila, D. 1981. 1981 fluke identification survey and song recordings of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, along the northwest coast of Puerto Rico. NMFS Contract No. NA81FAD00003. 8 p.
  • Powers, K.D.; Payne, P.M.; Miller, D.S. [1981.] A marine mammal observer training program. NMFS Contract No. NA80FAD004. 150 p.
  • Prescott, J.H.; Kraus, S.D.; Fiorelli, P.; Gaskin, D.E.; Smith, G.J.D.; Branser, M. 1981. Harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) distribution, abundance, survey methodology and preliminary notes on habitat use and threats. NMFS Contract No. NA80FAD00009. 61 p.
  • Prescott, J.H.; Kraus, S.D.; Gilbert, J.R. 1981. Proceedings of a workshop on humpback whales of the western North Atlantic. [Draft report]
  • Stewart, L.L.; Auster, P.J.; Zajak, R. 1981. Investigation on the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, in three eastern Connecticut estuaries: June 1980 - May 1981. [Final report] NMFS Contract No. NA80FAC00027. 146 p.
  • Suomala, J.B., editor. 1981. Meeting on hydroacoustical methods for the estimation of marine fish populations, 25-29 June 1980. II. Contributed papers, discussion, and comments. [Cambridge, MA: Charles Stark Draper Laboratory.] NMFS Contract No. 035043311. 964 p.
Contract and Grant Reports, 1971-1980
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