Diversion Control Division, US Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration

RESOURCES > Publications & Manuals > Informational Documents > Customer Service Plan for Registrants

Customer Service Plan for Registrants

Our Mission

The Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Diversion Control Division oversees a comprehensive regulatory and enforcement program designed to prevent the diversion of legitimately produced controlled substances and regulated chemicals used in the clandestine manufacture of controlled substances. Major components of this program include:

  • Scheduling controlled substances,Pharmaceutical containers
  • Setting production quotas for certain controlled substances and regulated chemicals,
  • Establishing import and export controls,
  • Investigating DEA registrants to detect diversion and, where diversion occurs, prosecuting violators,
  • Conducting liaison with industries and associations representing registrants,
  • Assisting state and local authorities, and
  • Maintaining international liaison and representing the United States on matters related to controlled substances and regulated chemicals at the United Nations.

Our Services

DEA’s Diversion Control Division, through headquarters staff and field personnel, supports registrants with the following services:

  • Registration of qualified individuals, institutions, and other entities to handle controlled substances and regulated chemicals,
  • Responses to requests for information and assistance,
  • Publications to clearly explain the provisions of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) of 1970 and its regulations,
  • Meetings with industry associations to address issues of mutual concern to DEA and registrants, and
  • Investigations of substantiated allegations of diversion.

Our Standards

As a DEA registrant, you have a right to expect:

  • Courteous and professional treatment from DEA personnel
  • Responses to:
    • written, electronic, or telephone inquiries
    • concerns and criticisms
    • complaints and suggestions to improve our service, procedures, and performance
  • Guidance regarding the CSA and its regulations
  • Discretion in handling sensitive information

Available Publications

To assist you in understanding the CSA and its implementing regulations, the following manuals are available online at www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/pubs/ manuals/index.html or from the address at the end of this pamphlet.

  • Pharmacist’s Manual: An Informational Outline of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970
  • Practitioner’s Manual: An Informational Outline of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970
  • Mid-Level Practitioner’s Manual: An Informational Outline of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970
  • Chemical Handler’s Manual: A Guide to Chemical Control Regulations
  • Security Outline of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970

The CSA is the principal federal law directed at combating the illicit manufacture and Prescription symbols with medicine bottles encloseddistribution of controlled substances and regulated chemicals in the United States. As a DEA registrant, you play a critical role in helping to prevent the diversion of these substances. Your adherence to the law and compliance with its objectives are powerful resources to protect the public health. The DEA is committed to providing the finest possible service to assist you with your efforts.

Information regarding a DEA registration to handle controlled substances or regulated chemicals can be obtained by contacting:

Registration Support

Telephone Toll Free: (800) 882-9539

E-mail: DEA.Registration.Help@usdoj.gov

Additional information may be obtained through the Internet by visiting: www.DEAdiversion.usdoj.gov

Suggestions, Comments, or Complaints

DEA wants to provide outstanding service to our registrants. We encourage you to send any suggestions you may have to help improve our services:

Drug Enforcement Administration
Diversion Control Division
Liaison & Policy Section
8701 Morrissette Drive
Springfield, VA 22152
E-mail: ODLL@usdoj.gov

Revised: February 2015

Emergency Disaster Relief
Got Drugs? Turn in your unused or expired medication for safe disposal here.
RX Abuse Online

Diversion Control Division  •  8701 Morrissette Drive  •  Springfield, VA 22152  •  1-800-882-9539