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Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 12-23

Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts
for Calendar Year 2011

compiled by Laura Garner
NOAA Fisheries, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole MA 02543

Web version posted October 11, 2012

Citation: Garner L. 2012. Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for Calendar Year 2011. NEFSC Ref Doc 12-23; 21 p. Available from: National Marine Fisheries Service, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026, or online at

Information Quality Act Compliance: In accordance with section 515 of Public Law 106-554, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center completed both technical and policy reviews for this report. These predissemination reviews are on file at the NEFSC Editorial Office.

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The following bibliography consists of three sections: (1) anonymously peer-reviewed publications ("publications"); (2) transparently peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed publications ("reports"); and (3) abstracts for oral presentations and poster displays. The bibliography covers works prepared by Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) employees which have a 2011 publication or presentation date.

Editorial treatment of bibliographic entries is based on the Council of Science Editors style manual, seventh edition.[1]

Availability of reprints of publications and of photocopies of reports and abstracts varies for each work. Any initial request for a reprint or photocopy should be directed to the sole/senior NEFSC author of the work. Web links to online publications and email links for NEFSC authors are provided when possible.

Bibliographies of publications, reports, and abstracts for earlier years are available online at:


Able KW, Allen DM, Hare JA, Richardson DE, Walsh HJ, Marancik KE, Hoss DE, Bath-Martin G, Warlen SM, Taylor JT, Powles PM, Wenner C. 2011. Life history and habitat use of the speckled worm eel, Myrophis punctatus, along the east coast of the United States. Environ Biol Fishes. 92(2):237-259.

Able, KW, Grothues TM, Rowe P, Wuenschel MJ, Vasslides JM. 2011. Near-surface ichthyoplankton in coastal habitats: Comparisons between the inner shelf and an estuary in the New York Bight during summer and fall. Estuar Coast. 34:726-748.

Andrews AH, Natanson LJ, Kerr LA, Burgess GH, Cailliet GM. 2011. Bomb radiocarbon and tag-recapture dating of sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus). Fish Bull. 109:454-465.

Anker A, Nizinski MS. 2011. Description of a new deep-water species of Alpheus fabricius, 1798 from the Gulf of Mexico (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae). Zootaxa. 2925:49-56.

Baumgartner M, Lysiak N, Schuman C, Urban-Rich J, Wenzel FW. 2011. Diel vertical migration behavior of Calanus finmarchicus in the southwestern Gulf of Maine and its influence on right and sei whale occurrence. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 423:167-184.

Benavides MT, Horn RL, Feldheim KA, Shivji MS, Wintner S, Natanson LJ, Braccini M, Boomer JJ, Gulak SJB, Chapman D. 2011. Global phylogeny of the dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus: implications for fisheries management and monitoring in the shark fin trade. Endang Species Res. 14:13-22.

Blogoslawski WJ, Stewart ME. 2011. Some ozone applications in seafood. Ozone Sci Eng. 33(5):368-373.

Brinson A, Lee M-Y, Rountree B. 2011. Direct marketing strategies: The rise of community supported fishery programs. Mar Pol. 35:542-548.

Bundy A, Link JS, Smith B, Cook A. 2011. You are what you eat … whenever you eat it: an integrative analysis of fish food habits across different seasons in eastern US and Canadian waters. J Fish Biol. 78:514-539.

Byron C, Link JS, Bengston D, Costa-Pierce B. 2011. Calculating carrying capacity of shellfish aquaculture using mass-balance modeling: Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. Ecol Model. 222:1743-1755.

Byron C, Link JS, Bengston D, Costa-Pierce B. 2011. Modeling ecological carrying capacity of shellfish aquaculture in highly flushed temperate lagoons. Aquaculture. 314:87-99.

Campagna C, Short F, Polidoro BA, McManus R, Collette BB, Pilcher N, Sadovy S, Stuart SN, Carpenter KE. 2011. Gulf of Mexico oil blowout increases risks to globally threatened species. BioScience. 61(5):393-397.

Colburn LL, Clay PM. 2011. The role of oral histories in the conduct of fisheries social impact assessment in the northeastern U. S. J Ecol Anthro. 15:74-80.

Collette BB, et al. 2011. High value and long-lived: double jeopardy for tuna and billfishes. Science. 333(6040):291-292.

Collins AG, Bentlage B, Gillan W, Lynn TH, Morandini AC, Marques AC. 2011. Naming the Bonaire banded box jelly, Tamoya ohboya, n. sp. (Cnidaria: Cubozoa: Carybdeida: Tamoyidae). Zootaxa. 2753:53-68.

Collins AG, McBride RS. 2011. Demographics by depth: spatially-explicit densities and life history dynamics of hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Fish Bull. 109:232-242.

Corkeron PJ, Minton G, Collins T, Findlay K, Wilson A, Baldwin R. 2011. Spatial models of sparse data to inform cetacean conservation planning: an example from Oman. Endang Species Res. 15(1):39-52.

Courtenay WR Jr, Munroe TA, Winterbottom R, Ruiz-Carus R, Smith-Vaniz WF. 2011. Dannie Alan Hensley (1944-2008). Copeia. 2011(2):327-331.

Duffy WJ, McBride RS, Cadrin SX, Oliveria K. 2011. Is Cating’s method of transverse groove counts to annuli applicable for all stocks of American shad? Trans Am Fish Soc. 140(4):1023-1034.

Fahlman A, Loring SH, Ferrigno M, Moore C, Early G, Niemeyer M, Lentell B, Wenzel F, Joy R, Moore MJ. 2011. Static inflation and deflation pressure-volume curves from excised lungs of marine mammals. J Exp Biol. 214:3822-3828.

Färe R, Kirkley JE, Walden JB. 2011. Measuring fishing capacity when some outputs are undesirable. Eastern Econ J. 37(4):553-570.

Friedland KD, Lynch PD, Gobler CJ. 2011. Time series mesoscale response of Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus to variation in plankton abundances. J Coastal Res. 27(6):1148-1158.

Friedland KD, Manning JP, Link JS, Gilbert JR, Gilbert AT, O'Connell F Jr. 2011. Variation in wind and piscivorous predator fields affecting the survival of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in the Gulf of Maine. Fish Manage Ecol. 19:22-35.

Fulton EA, Link JS, Kaplan I, Savina-Rolland M, Johnson P, Ainsworth C, Horne P, Gorton R, Gamble RJ, Smith ADM, Smith DC. 2011. Lessons in modelling and management of marine ecosystems: The Atlantis experience. Fish Fish. 12:171-188.

Giner J-L, Wikfors GH. 2011. "Dinoflagellate sterols" in marine diatoms. Phytochemistry. 72(14-15):1896-1901.

Gruss, A, Kaplan DM, Hart DR. 2011. Relative impacts of adult movement, larval dispersal and harvester movement on the effectiveness of reserve networks. PLoS One. 6(5):e19960/doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0019960.

Hanner R, Floyd R, Bernard A, Collette BB, Shivji M. 2011. DNA barcoding of billfishes. Mitochondrial DNA. 22(S1):27-36.

Hart DR, Shank BV. 2011. Mortality of sea scallops Placopecten magellanicus in the Mid-Atlantic Bight: Comment on Stokesbury et al. (2011). Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 443:293-297.

Hartman KJ, Phelan BA, Rosendale JE. 2011. Temperature effects on Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) used to estimate dry weight as a condition proxy in coastal bluefish. Mar Coast Fish. 3:307-316.

Hazevoet CJ, Gravanita B, Lopez Suarez P, Wenzel FW. 2011. Seasonality of humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski, 1781) records in Cape Verde seas: Evidence for the occurrence of stocks from both hemispheres? Zoologia Caboverdiana. 2(1):25-29.

Hégaret H, Mirella da Silva P, Wikfors GH, Haberkorn H, Shumway SE, Soudant P. 2011. In vitro interactions between several species of harmful algae and haemocytes of bivalve mollusks. Cell Biol Toxicol. 27(4):249-266.

Helfman G, Collette BB. 2011. Fishes: the animal answer guide. Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins Univ Press; 178 p.

Hendrickson LC. 2011. Effects of a codend mesh size increase on size selectivity and catch rates in a small-mesh bottom trawl fishery for longfin inshore squid, Loligo pealeii. Fish Res. 108(1):42-51.

Hofmann EE, Cahill B, Fennel K, Friedrichs MAM, Hyde KJW, Lee C, Mannino A, Najjar RG, O'Reilly JE, Wilkin J, Xue J. 2011. Modeling the dynamics of continental shelf carbon. Ann Rev Mar Sci. 3:93-122.

Huang JR, Brown CL, Yang TB. 2011. Spatio-temporal patterns of crab fisheries in the main bays of Guangdong Province, China. Iran J Fish Sci. 10(3):425-436.

Hunsicker ME, Ciannelli L, Bailey KM, Buckel JA, Whie JW, Link JS, Essington TE, Gaichas S, et al. 2011. Functional responses and scaling in predator–prey interactions of marine fishes: contemporary issues and emerging concepts. Ecol Letters. 14:1288-1299.

Jech JM. 2011. Interpretation of multi-frequency acoustic data: Effects of fish orientation. J Acoust Soc Am. 129(1): 54-63.

Jereb P, Roper CFE, Vecchione M. 2011. Introduction. In: Jereb P, Roper CFE, eds. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. Rome: FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes No 4, Vol 2; p 1-11.

Jereb P, Roper CFE, Vecchione M. 2011. Family Australiteuthidae. In: Jereb P, Roper CFE, eds. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. Rome: FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes No 4, Vol 2; p 35-37.

Jereb P, Vecchione M, Roper CFE. 2011. Family Loliginidae. In: Jereb P, Roper CFE, eds. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species known to date. Volume 2. Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids. Rome: FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes No 4, Vol 2; p 38-117.

Johnson CL, Runge JA, Curtis KA, Durbin EG, Hare JA, Incze LS, Link J, Melvin GD, O'Brien TD, Van Guelpen L. 2011. Biodiversity and ecosystem function in the Gulf of Maine: pattern and role of zooplankton and pelagic nekton. PLoS ONE. 6(1): e16491. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016491.

Kane J. 2011. Multiyear variability of phytoplankton abundance in the Gulf of Maine. ICES J Mar Sci. 68:1833-1841.

Kapareiko D, Lim HJ, Schott EJ, Hanif A, Wikfors GH. 2011. Isolation and evaluation of new, probiotic bacteria for use in shellfish hatcheries. II. Effects of a Vibrio sp. probiotic candidate upon survival of oyster larvae (Crassostrea virginica) in pilot-scale trials. J Shellfish Res. 30(3):617-625.

Kayal E, Bentlage B, Collins AG, Kayal M, Pirro S, Lavrov DV. 2011. Evolution of linear mitochondrial genomes in medusozoan cnidarians. Genome Biol Evol. 4(1):1-12.

Kirkley JE, Walden JB, Färe R. 2011. A general equilibrium model for Atlantic sea herring (Clupea harengus) with ecosystem considerations. ICES J Mar Sci. 68(5):860-866.

Kristiansen T, Drinkwater K, Lough RG, Sundby S. 2011. Recruitment variability in North Atlantic cod and match-mismatch dynamics. PLoS ONE. 6(3): e17456. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017456.

Li M, Shi S-F, Brown CL, Yang T-B. 2011. Phylogeographical pattern of Mazocraeoides gonialosae (Monogenea mazocraeidae) on the dotted gozzard shad, Konosirus punctatus, along the coast of China. Int J Parasitol. 41:1263-1272.

Lim HJ, Kapareiko D, Schott EJ, Hanif A, Wikfors GH. 2011. Isolation and evaluation of new probiotic bacteria for use in shellfish hatcheries: I. Isolation and screening for bioactivity. J Shellfish Res. 30(3):617-625.

Link JS. 2011. Mismanagement of Marine Fisheries - edited by A. Longhurst (book review). J Fish Biol. 79(4):1084-1085.

Link JS, Bundy A, Overholtz WJ, Shackell N, Manderson J, Duplisea D, Hare JA, Koen-Alonso M, Friedland KD. 2011. Ecosystem-based fisheries management in the Northwest Atlantic. Fish Fish. 12:152-170.

Link JS, Bundy A, Overholtz WJ, Shackell N, Manderson J, Duplisea D, Hare JA, Koen-Alonso M, Friedland KD. 2011. Northwest Atlantic ecosystem-based management for fisheries. In: Belgrano A, Fowler CW, eds. Ecosystem Based Management for Marine Fisheries: An Evolving Perspective. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press; p 32-112.

Link JS, Nye JA, Hare JA. 2011. Guidelines for incorporating fish distribution shifts into a fisheries management context. Fish Fish. 12(4):461-469.

Litvin SY, Guida VG, Weinstein MP. 2011. Lipid class dynamics and storage depots in juvenile weakfish Cynoscion regalis and their application to condition assessment. J Fish Biol. 78(5):1294-1310.

Malak DA, Livingstone SR, Pollard D, Polidoro BA, Cuttelod A, Bariche A, Bilecenoglu M, Carpenter KE, Collette BB, Francour P, Goren M, Kara WH, Massuti E, Papaconstantinou C, Tunesi L. 2011. Overview of the conservation status of the marine fishes of the Mediterranean Sea. Málaga (Spain): IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation/IUCN Red List of Threatened Species -- Regional Assessment; vii + 61 p.

Manderson J, Palamara L, Kohut J, Oliver MJ. 2011. Ocean observatory data is useful for regional habitat modeling of species with different vertical habitat preferences. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 438:1-17.

McBride RS, Matheson RE. 2011. Florida’s diadromous fishes: biology, ecology, conservation, and management. Fla Sci. 74(3):187-213.

McGillicuddy DJ Jr, Townsend DW, He R, Keafer BA, Kleindinst JL, Li Y, Manning JP, Mountain DG, Thomas MA, Anderson DM. 2011. Suppression of the 2010 Alexandrium fundyense bloom by changes in physical, biological, and chemical properties of the Gulf of Maine. Limnol Oceanogr. 56(6):2411-2426.

Melnychuk MC, Essington TE, Branch TA, Heppell S, Jensen OP, Link JS, Â Martell SJD, Parma AM, Pope JG, Smith ADM. 2011. Can catch share fisheries better track management targets? Fish Fish. 13(3):267-290.

Mercaldo-Allen R, Goldberg R, Clark CE, Kuropat CA. 2011. Observations of juvenile lobsters, Homarus americanus, on a rock-reef in Long Island Sound. Northeast Nat. 18(1):45-60.

Munroe TA, Tyler J, Tunnicliffe V. 2011. Description and biological observations on a new species of deepwater symphurine tonguefish (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae: Symphurus) collected at Volcano-19, Tonga Arc, West Pacific Ocean. Zootaxa. 3061:53-66.

Murray K. 2011. Interactions between sea turtles and dredge gear in the U.S. sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery, 2001-2008. Fish Res. 107(1-3):137-146.

Nye JA, Joyce TM, Kwon YO, Link JS. 2011. Silver hake track changes in Northwest Atlantic circulation. Nat Commun. doi:10. 1038/ncomms1420.

Olson J. 2011. Producing nature and enacting difference in ecosystem-based fisheries management: An example from the Northeastern U.S. Mar Pol. 35(4):528-35.

Olson J. 2011. Understanding and contextualizing social impacts from the privatization of fisheries: An overview. Ocean Coast Manage. 54(5):353-363.

Orellana ER, Collins AG. 2011. First report of the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora (Cubozoa: Tripedaliidae) in the continental USA, from Lake Wyman, Boca Raton, Florida. Marine Biodiversity Records. 4:e54 doi:10. 1017/S1755267211000133.

Overholtz W, Hare JA, Keith C. 2011. Impacts of interannual environmental forcing and climate change on the distribution of Atlantic mackerel on the U.S. Northeast Continental Shelf. Mar Coast Fish. 3:219-232.

Parra GJ, Corkeron PJ, Arnold P. 2011. Grouping and fission-fusion dynamics of Australian snubfin and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins. Animal Behav. 82(6):1423-1433.

Parrish CC, Milke LM, Bricelj VM. 2011. Characterisation of 4α-methyl sterols in Pavlova spp. and postlarval sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus. Aquaculture. 311:261-262.

Politis PJ, DeAlteris JT, Brown RW, Morrison AT III. 2011. Effects of sea state on the physical performance of a survey bottom trawl. Fish Res. 123-124:26-36

Powers JE, Brooks EN. 2011. Characterizing species distributions by productivity and mortality rates in multispecies models. Nat Res Model. 24(2):157-182.

Prieto R, Janiger D, Silva MA, Waring GT, Gonçalves JM. 2011. The forgotten whale: a bibliometric analysis and literature review of the North Atlantic sei whale Balaenoptera borealis. Mamm Rev. 42(3):235-272.

Renkawitz MD, Gregory RS, Schneider DC. 2011. Habitat dependant growth of three species of bottom settling fish in a coastal fjord. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol. 409:79-88.

Renkawitz MD, Sheehan TF. 2011. Feeding ecology of early marine phase Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolts. J Fish Biol. 79:356-373.

Richards RA, Moser J, Dunnigan B, Alade L. 2011. Archival tagging methods for monkfish. Trans Am Fish Soc. 140(3):582-586.

Richardson DE, Hare JA, Fogarty MJ, Link JS. 2011. Role of egg predation by haddock in the decline of an Atlantic herring population. Proc Nat Acad Sci. 108 (33):13606-13611.

Roman S, Cadrin SX, Jacobson N. 2011. Assessing the reliability of fisher self-sampling programs. N Am J Fish Manage. 31(1):165-175.

Roy NK, Walker N, Chambers RC, Wirgin I. 2011. Characterization and expression of cytochrome P4501A in Atlantic sturgeon and shortnose sturgeon experimentally exposed to coplanar PCB 126 and TCDD. Aquat Toxicol. 104:23-31.

Saba VS, Friedrichs MAM, Antoine D, Armstrong RA, Asanuma I, Behrenfeld MJ, Ciotti AM, Dowell M, Hoepffner N, Hyde KJW, Ishizaka J, Kameda T, Marra J, Mélin F, Morel A, O'Reilly J, Scardi M, Smith WO Jr, Smyth TJ, Tang S, Uitz J, Waters K, Westberry TK. 2011. An evaluation of ocean color model estimates of marine primary productivity in coastal and pelagic regions across the globe. BioGeosciences. 8:489-503.

Sheehan TF, Renkawitz MD, Brown RW. 2011. Surface trawl survey for U. S. origin Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. J Fish Biol. 79:374-398.

Sherman K, O'Reilly J, Belkin IM, Melrose C, Friedland KD. 2011. The application of satellite remote sensing for assessing productivity in relation to fisheries yields of the world's large marine ecosystems. ICES J Mar Sci. 68(4): 667-676.

Silva RD, DeAlteris JT, Milliken HO. 2011. Evaluation of a poundnet leader designed to reduce sea turtles bycatch. Mar Fish Rev. 73(3):36-45.

Smith BC, Persson A, Selander E, Wikfors GH, Alix J. 2011. Toxin profile change in vegetative cells and pellicle cysts of Alexandrium fundyense after gut passage in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Aquat Biol. 13:193-201.

Smith DR, Kayal E, Yanagihara AA, Collins AG, Pirro S, Keeling PJ. 2011. First complete mitochondrial genome sequence from a box jellyfish reveals a highly fragmented, linear architecture and insights into telomere evolution. Genome Biol Evol. 4(1)52-58.

Smith SL, Pollnac RB, Colburn LL, Olson J. 2011. Classification of coastal communities reporting commercial fish landings in the Northeast region: Developing and testing a methodology. Mar Fish Rev. 73(2):41-61.

Stock CA, Alexander MA, Bond NA, Brander K, Cheung WWL, Curchitser EN, Delworth TL, Dunne JP, Griffies SM, Haltuch MA, Hare JA, Hollowed AB, Lehodey P (more). 2011. On the use of IPCC-class models to assess the impact of climate on living marine resources. Progr Oceanogr. 88:1-27.

Strugnell J, Cherel Y, Cooke IR, Gleadall IG, Hochberg FG, Ibáñez CM, Jorgensen E, Laptikhovsky VV, Linse K, Norman M, Vecchione M, Voight JR, Allcock AL. 2011. The Southern Ocean: source and sink? Deep-Sea Res II. 58:196-204.

Terceiro M. 2011. The summer flounder chronicles II: new science, new controversy, 2001-2010. Rev Fish Biol Fish. 21:681-712.

Trenkel V, Ressler PH, Jech JM, Giannoulaki M, Taylor C. 2011. Underwater acoustics for ecosystem-based management: state of the science and proposals for ecosystem indicators. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 442:285-301.

Tyrrell MC, Link JS, Moustahfid H. 2011. The importance of including predation in fish population models: Implications for biological reference points. Fish Res. 108(1):1-8.

Vervoort W, Henry L-A, Nizinski MS. 2011. Redescription of the leptothecate hydroid Halecium macrocephalum Allman 1877 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). J Natural Hist. 45(33-34):2095-2104.

Warden ML. 2011. Modeling loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) interactions with US Mid-Atlantic bottom trawl gear for fish and scallops, 2005-2008. Biol Conserv. 144(9):2202-2212.

Warden ML, Murray KT. 2011. Reframing protected species interactions with commercial fishing gear: Moving toward estimating the unobservable. Fish Res. 110(3):387-390.

Wikfors GH. 2011. Trophic interactions between phytoplankton and bivalve aquaculture. In: Shumway SE, editor. Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment. West Sussex [UK]: John Wiley & Sons, Inc; p 125-134.

Wiley D, Ware C, Bocconcelli A, Cholewiak D, Friedlaender A, Thompson M, Weinrich M. 2011. Underwater components of humpback whale bubble-net feeding behavior. Behaviour. 148: 575-602.

Wirgin I, Roy NK, Loftus M, Chambers RC, Franks DG, Hahn ME. 2011. Mechanistic basis of resistance to PCBs in Atlantic tomcod from the Hudson River. Science. 331(6022): 1322-1325.

Wood SA, Frasier TR, McLeod BA, Gilbert JR, White BN, Bowen WD, Hammill MO, Waring GT, Brault S. 2011. The genetics of recolonization: an analysis of the stock structure of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the northwest Atlantic. Can J Zool. 89(6):490-497.


Clark CW, Ellison WT, Hatch LT, Merrick RL, Van Parijs SM, Wiley DN. 2011. An ocean observing system for large-scale monitoring and mapping of noise throughout the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. In: Report to the U.S. Congress on the National Oceanographic Partnership Program, Fiscal Year 2011; 17 p.

Clay PM, Olson J. 2011. Defining and applying sustainability: Connecting sociocultural, economic and biological concepts. Anthropology News (American Anthropological Association) In Focus Commentary; p 7, 10.

Clay PM, Olson J. 2011. Social science in ecosystem-based fisheries management: a focus on sociocultural aspects. In: Report of the Working Group on the Northwest Atlantic Regional Sea (WGNARS), 8-10 February 2011, Halifax, Canada. ICES CM. 2011/SSGRSP:01, p 21-22.

Duffy WJ, Gross EW, Nelson C, Emery S. 2011. Proceedings of the Pollock Ageing Workshop 13-14 July 2010, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-16; 16 p. Available online at:

Ecosystems Surveys Branch. 2011. Resource Survey Report: 2010 Autumn Bottom Trawl Survey. Informal report; 38 p. Available online at:

Ecosystems Surveys Branch. 2011. Resource Surveys Report: 2011 Spring Bottom Trawl Survey. Informal report; 42 p. Available online at:

Fratantoni PS, Holzwarth-Davis T, Bascunan C, Taylor MH. 2011. Description of the 2009 oceanographic conditions on the Northeast U.S. continental shelf. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-13; 32 p. Available online at:

Gatzke J, Khan C, Cole T, Duley P, Henry A, Van Parijs S,Wiley D. 2011. NOAA NEFSC Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Program 2009 aerial survey results summary. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-06; 7 p. Available online at:

Henry AG, Cole TVN, Garron M, Hall L. 2011. Mortality and serious injury determinations for baleen whale stocks along the Gulf of Mexico, United States, and Canadian eastern seaboards, 2005-2009. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-18; 24 p. Available online at:

Jacobson LD, Seaver A, Tang J. 2011. AstroCalc4R: software to calculate solar zenith angle; time at sunrise, local noon and sunset; and photosynthetically available radiation based on date, time and location. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-14; 10 p. Available online at:

Khan C, Cole T, Duley P, Henry A, Gatzke J. 2011. North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Survey (NARWSS) and Right Whale Sighting Advisory System ( RWSAS) 2010 results summary. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-05; 6 p. Available online at:

Kitts A, Bing-Sawyer E, McPherson M, Olson J, Walden J. 2011. Report for fishing year 2010 on the performance of the northeast multispecies (groundfish) fishery (May 2010-April 2011). NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-12; 44 p. Available online at:

Kitts A, Bing-Sawyer E, McPherson M, Olson J, Walden J. 2011. Interim report for fishing year 2010 on the performance of the northeast multispecies (groundfish) fishery (May 2010 - January 2011). NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-07; 41 p. Available online at:

Kitts A, Bing-Sawyer E, Walden J, Demarest C, McPherson M, Christman P, Steinback S, Olson J, Clay P. 2011. 2010 final report on the performance of the northeast multispecies (groundfish) fishery (May 2010-April 2011). NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-19; 97 p. Available online at:

Legault CM. 2011. Survey design efficiency of DFO and NEFSC surveys for cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank. TRAC Ref Doc. 2011/06; 82 p.

Legault CM, Alade L, Stone HH. 2011. Stock assessment of Georges Bank yellowtail flounder for 2011. TRAC Ref Doc. 2011/01; 111 p.

Link JS. 2011. Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible -- Francis of Assisi. In: Packer D, editor. Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Habitat-Ecosystem Workshop, Virginia Beach, VA, December 13-14, 2010. NOAA Tech Memo NMFS F/SPO. 115; p 47-48.

Link JS, Gaichas S, Miller TJ, Essington T, Bundy A, Boldt J, Drinkwater KF, Moksness E. 2011. Synthesizing lessons learned from comparing fisheries production in 13 northern hemisphere ecosystems: emergent fundamental features. ICES CM. 2011/O:03; 2 p.

Link JS, Gamble RJ, Fulton E. 2011. NEUS-Atlantis: Construction, calibration, and application of an ecosystem model with ecological interactions, physiographic conditions, and fleet behavior. NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE. 218; 247 p. Available online at:

Link JS, Gamble RJ, Fogarty MJ. 2011. An overview of the NEFSC’s ecosystem modeling enterprise for the Northeast US shelf large marine ecosystem: Towards ecosystem-based fisheries management. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-23; 89 p. Available online at:

Mercaldo-Allen R, Goldberg R. 2011. Review of the ecological effects of dredging in the cultivation and harvest of molluscan shellfish. NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE. 220; 78 p. Available online at:

Moore JE, Merrick RL, editors. 2011. Guidelines for Assessing Marine Mammal Stocks: Report of the GAMMS III Workshop, February 15-18, 2011, La Jolla, California. NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-OPR. 47; 95 p.

Moustahfid H, Grimes C, Kocik J, Block B, Holland K, Payne J, Fox D, Seitz A, Alexander C. 2011. Toward a National Animal Telemetry Observing Network (ATN) for our oceans, coasts and great lakes: workshop synthesis report (U.S. IOOS workshop, March 2011, Santa Cruz, California). NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-SWFSC-482; 52 p. Available online at:

Northeast Fisheries Science Center. 2011. 51st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (51st SAW): Assessment Report. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-02; 856 p. Available online at:

Northeast Fisheries Science Center. 2011. 52nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (52nd SAW) Assessment Report. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-17; 962 p. Available online at:

Northeast Fisheries Science Center. 2011. 51st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (51st SAW): Assessment Summary Report. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-01; 70 p. Available online at

Northeast Fisheries Science Center. 2011. 52nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (52nd SAW): Assessment Summary Report. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-11; 51 p. Available online at:

Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Southeast Fisheries Science Center. 2011. Preliminary Summer 2010 regional abundance estimate of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in northwestern Atlantic Ocean continental shelf waters. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-03; 33 p. Available online at:

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Orphanides CD. 2011. Estimates of cetacean and pinniped bycatch in the 2009 New England sink gillnet and Mid-Atlantic gillnet fisheries. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-08; 28 p. Available online at:

Pace RM III. 2011. Frequency of whale and vessel collisions on the US Eastern seaboard two years post ship strike rule. NEFSC Ref Doc. 11-15; 12 p. Available online at:

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Alade L, Traver ML, Sosebee KA, Link JS. 2011. Predatory consumption of silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) in the northwest Atlantic [abstract]. Presented at: 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Betancur-R R, Li C, Munroe TA, Smith WL, Orti G. 2011. The evolutionary origin of flatfish asymmetry revisited: a multi-locus phylogenetic assessment [abstract]. Presented at: Evolution 2011 Meeting; Norman OK; 17-21 Jun 2011; np.

Blogoslawski WJ. 2011. A multi-year study of total Vibrio at a commercial shellfish hatchery [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):443.

Blogoslawski WJ. 2011. Overview of the 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):441.

Blogoslawski WJ, Stewart ME. 2011. Some ozone applications in seafood. 20th Ozone World Congress and 6th Ultraviolet World Congress; Paris, France; 23-27 May 2011; pnk.

Bohaboy EC, Mueter FJ, Bundy A, Fu C, Hjermann DO, Link JS. 2011. Common patterns, common drivers: Comparative analysis of system-level aggregate surplus production across northern hemisphere ecosystems [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Bort J, Todd S, Stevick P, Van Parijs SM, Summers E. 2011. North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) acoustic activity on a potential wintering ground in the Central Gulf of Maine [abstract]. Presented at: 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; Tampa FL; 26 Nov - 2 Dec 2011; np.

Brinson A. 2011. Fishermen's perceptions of catch share programs in the New England charter boat fishery [abstract]. Presented at: NAAFE Forum 2011; Manoa HI; 11-13 May 2011.

Brooks EN. 2011. Recruitment processes and mortality sources: Timing is everything [abstract]. Presented at: Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Seminar Series; Honolulu HI; 10 Jan 2011; np.

Brooks EN. 2011. Effects on reference points of variable reproductive potential [abstract]. Presented at: Fish Reproduction and Fisheries, NAFO Workshop on Implementation of Stock Reproductive Potential into Assessment and Management Advice for Harvested Marine Species; Aberdeen, Scotland; 12-14 Apr 2011; np.

Brooks EN. 2011. Variable productivity and reference points: Priors, proxies, and pragmatism [abstract]. Presented at: Technical Expertise in Stock Assessment Workshop on Maximum Sustainable Yield and the Precautionary Approach when Productivity Varies; Montreal, Canada; 13-15 Dec 2011; np.

Brooks GH, Munroe TA, Tuckey T. 2011. Multi-decadal abundance of hogchokers (Achiridae: Trinectes americanus) in lower Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries [abstract]. Presented at: 25th Annual Meeting, Tidewater Chapter, American Fisheries Society; Gloucester Point VA; 10-12 Mar 2011; np.

Brulle F, Sunila I, Wikfors GH. 2011. Approach for comparing Long Island Sound and Martha's Vineyard oyster strains for environmental tolerances related to aquaculture performance [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):444.

Chambers RC. 2011. Relationships between female parent and offspring quality in summer flounder [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Cholewiak DM, Waring C, Van Parijs S. 2011. Description and classification of “social” sounds produced by humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) during the feeding season [abstract]. Presented at: 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; Tampa FL; 26 Nov - 2 Dec 2011; np.

Choromanski J, Stiles S, Jeffress D. 2011. Evaluation of genetic lines of bay scallops: selection for growth at an early life stage [poster]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):445-446.

Chu D, Jech JM, Tomich S, Hufnagle L. 2011. Three-dimensional acoustic imaging of the fish swimbladder [abstract]. Presented at: ICES WG-FAST; Reykjavik, Iceland; 10-13 May 2011; np.

Clark CW, Ponirakis DW, Dugan PJ, Rice AN Ellison WT, Southall BL, Hatch LT, Van Parijs SM. 2011. Acoustic habitat loss and cumulative impacts on baleen whales from multiple anthropogenic sources over ecologically meaningful scales [abstract]. Presented at: 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; Tampa FL; 26 Nov - 2 Dec 2011; np.

Clay PM, Kitts A. 2011. Northeast Fisheries Science Center/Social Sciences Branch existing and future performance measure data [abstract; invited talk]. Presented at: Workshop for Developing a Methodology and Indicators for Evaluating Catch Sectors in New England; Portsmouth NH; 7 Feb 2011; np.

Clay PM, Olson J. 2011. The place of social science in ecosystem-based fisheries management [abstract]. Presented at: ICES WGNARS, Working Group on the Northwest Atlantic Regional Sea; Halifax, Canada; 8-10 Feb 2011; np.

Clay PM, Pinto da Silva P, Kitts A. 2011. Defining social and economic performance measures for catch share systems in the Northeast U.S.: Where we are today [abstract]. Presented at: Society for Applied Anthropology annual meeting; Seattle WA; 29 Mar - 2 Apr 2011; np.

Col LA, Link JS, Cadrin S, Palka D. 2011. Estimating consumption by gray and harbor seals on the Northeast US continental shelf [abstract]. Presented at: Gulf of Maine Seals - Fisheries Interactions and Integrated Research; Provincetown MA; 28 Oct 2011; np.

Col LA, Link JS, Cadrin S, Palka D. 2011. Estimating fish predation by marine mammals on the Northeast US continental shelf [abstract]. Presented at: ICES Annual Science Conference; Gdansk, Poland; 19-23 Sep 2011; np.

Col LA, Link J, Cadrin S, Palka D. 2011. Should marine mammal consumption be included in stock assessments of small pelagics? [abstract]. Presented at: 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Col LA, Link JS, Cadrin S, Palka D. 2011. What are the food requirements of cetaceans on the Northeast US continental shelf? [abstract]. Presented at: 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; Tampa FL; 27 Nov - 2 Dec 2011; np.

Colburn LL, Pollnac RB. 2011. Fishermen's participation in fisheries management: Issues and processes [abstract]. Presented at: Society for Applied Anthropology; Seattle WA; 29 Mar - 2 Apr 2011; np.

Collette BB, Carpenter KE. 2011. Red listing tunas and billfishes [abstract]. Presented at: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; Minneapolis MN; 19 Jul, 2011; np.

DeAlteris J, Parkins C, Milliken HO, Ruhle J. 2011. Effects of two alternative TED designs on catch performance in the summer flounder trawl fishery [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Dickinson K, Mercaldo-Allen R, Goldberg R, Pereira J, Clark P, Kuropat C, Kardas A, Hurst A, Mesek SL. 2011. Measuring the biogeochemical effects of hydraulic shellfish dredging on marine sediments [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):446.

Dixon MS, Rivara K, Li Y, Meseck SL, Rose JM, Croxton AN, Smith BC, Wikfors GH. 2011. Quantifying phytoplankton consumption by FLUPSY-housed oysters [abstract]. Presented at: National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting; Baltimore MD; 27-31 Mar 2011; np.

Eddy C, Skomal G, Bernal D, Kohler NE, Natanson LJ. 2011. The life history and feeding ecology of the Galapagos shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis) in the waters off Bermuda [abstract]. Presented at: 29th Annual Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society; Minneapolis MN; 6-11 Jul 2011; np.

Fässler SMM, Jech JM. 2011. Pressure effects on the KRM-predicted frequency response of an individual Atlantic herring [abstract]. Presented at: ICES WG-FAST; Reykjavik, Iceland; 10-13 May 2011; np.

Fogarty MJ, Gaichas SK, Benoit H, Essington TE, Fu C, Gamble RJ, Koen-Alonso M, Link JS. 2011. Assembly rules for aggregate-species production models: Simulations in support of management strategy evaluation [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Fogarty MJ, Gaichas SK, Benoit H, Essington TE, Fu C, Gamble RJ, Koen-Alonso M, Link JS. 2011. Assembly rules for aggregate-species production models: Simulations in support of management strategy evaluation [abstract]. Presented at: ICES Annual Science Conference; Gdansk, Poland; 19-23 Sep 2011; np.

Fogarty MJ, Gaichas S,  Benoit  H, Essington T, Fu C, Gamble R, Koen-Alonso M , Link JS. 2011. Assembly rules for aggregate-species production models: Simulations in support of management strategy evaluation [abstract]. Presented at: 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress; Victoria BC; 14-18 May 2011; np.

Fu C, Boldt J, Bundy A, Cook A, Liu H, Utne KR, Link JS. 2011. Multivariate empirical contrasts across 11 northern hemisphere ecosystems [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Fu C, Boldt J, Link JS, Bundy A, Gaichas S, Gamble R, Cook A, Utne KR, Liu H. The effects and relative importance of fishing, trophodynamic and environmental drivers on ecosystems [abstract]. Presented at: ICES Annual Science Conference; Gdansk, Poland; 19-23 Sep 2011; np.

Gaichas S, Link JS, Miller TJ, Essington T, Perry RI, Bundy A, Boldt J, Drinkwater KF, Moksness E. 2011. Using production models as tools to examine factors that influence productivity of marine systems: Contrasts across levels of aggregation, ecosystems and drivers [abstract]. Presented at: ESSAS 2011 Open Sciences Meeting; Seattle WA; 22-26 May 2011; np.

Galimany E, Ramón M, Ibarrola I, Wikfors GH. 2011. An approach to study the feeding behavior of mussels in the field [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):447.

Gamble RJ, Gaichas SK, Link JS, Boldt J, Fu C, Cook A, A'mar ZT. 2011. A surplus production model database incorporating biomass, catch and environmental data for multiple ecosystems: Construction, projects, and synthesis [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Gamble RJ, Link JS, Fogarty MJ, Gaichas S, Nye J, Benoit H, Essington T. 2011. Simulating the triad of drivers with MS-PROD, a multispecies production model [abstract]. Presented at: ICES Annual Science Conference; Gdansk, Poland; 19-23 Sep 2011; np.

Goldberg R, Mercaldo-Allen R, Clark P, Pereira J, Kuropat C, Meseck S, Dickinson K, Kardas A, Hurst A. 2011. Measuring ecological effects of hydraulic shellfish dredging on benthic biota [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):448.

Goldberg R, Mercaldo-Allen R, Rose J, Clark P, Pereira J, Kuropat C, Meseck S, Dickinson K, Kardas A, Hurst A. 2011. Measuring ecological effects of hydraulic shellfish dredging on benthic biota [abstract]. Presented at: National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting; Baltimore MD; 27-31 Mar 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):510.

Goulette GS, Hawkes JP. 2011. Increasing acoustic tag detection efficiencies by altering vertical placement of hydroacoustic receivers [abstract]. Presented at: 37th Annual Meeting of the Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society; Lac Delage, Quebec; np.

Gurshin CWD, Howell WH, Jech JM. 2011. Target strength of Atlantic cod from synchronized split-beam and multibeam echosounders [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Gurshin C, Howell H, Jech JM. 2011. Synoptic acoustic and trawl surveys of spring-spawning Atlantic cod in Ipswich Bay [poster]. Presented at: Reconciling Spatial Scales and Stock Structures for Fisheries Science and Management; Portsmouth NH; 27-29 Jun 2011; np.

Harrison J, Van Parijs SM, Moore S, Alter L, Barlow J, Best B, Baumgartner M, Cholewiak D, Cleary J, Ferguson M, Forney K, Garrison L, Halpin P, Haverland T, Kumar A, Palacios D, Redfern J. 2011. The NOAA Cetacean Density and Distribution Mapping Working Group: Developing comprehensive geospatial tools to assist management in impact analyses of cetaceans in US EEZ waters [abstract]. Presented at: 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; Tampa FL; 26 Nov - 2 Dec 2011; np.

Hedges Monk M, Powers J, Brooks EN. 2011. Impacts of multispecies interactions on single-species fisheries rebuilding plans [abstract]. Presented at: 8th International William R and Lenore Mote Symposium in; Sarasota FL; 8-10 Nov 2011; np.

Hedges Monk M, Powers J, Brooks EN. 2011. Single-species surplus production in a multi-species community: model comparisons [abstract]. Presented at: 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Hernandez K, Van Parijs SM, Stanistreet J, Mussoline S. 2011. Long term song seasonality and patterns of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on a feeding ground [abstract]. Presented at: 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; Tampa FL; 26 Nov - 2 Dec 2011; np.

Holsman K, Stockhausen W, Essington TE, Koen-Alonso M, Gamble RJ, Link JS, Miller TJ. 2011. Comparing surplus production fit with and without environmental and ecological co-variates for 11 large marine ecosystems in the northern hemisphere [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Hyde KJW, Fogarty M, Hare J, O'Reilly J. 2011. Application of remote sensing phytoplankton composition models in estimates of fisheries production potential [abstract]. Presented at: 2011 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Limnology and Oceanography in a Changing World; San Juan PR; 13-18 Feb 2011; p 117.

Hyde KJW, Melrose DC, Hare JA, Fogarty MJ. 2011. Improved estimates of phytoplankton species composition for use in fishery production potential models [abstract]. Presented at: Plankton 2011, Plankton Biodiversity and Global Change; Plymouth UK; 22-23 Sep 2011; np.

Hyde KJW, Melrose DC, Hare JA, Fogarty MJ. 2011. Improved estimates of phytoplankton species composition for use in fishery production models [abstract]. Presented at: NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Meeting; Alexandria VA; 3-7 Oct 2011; np.

Jarvis S, Steinback S. 2011. A bioeconomic model of recreational angling in the New England groundfish fishery [abstract]. Presented at: NAAFE Forum 2011; Manoa HI; 11-13 May 2011.

Kapareiko D, Alix JH, Jeffress D, Wikfors GH. 2011. Evaluation of a Bacillus sp. probiotic candidate upon survival of oyster larvae (Crassostrea virginica) during pilot-scale trials and its effects upon oyster hemocyte immune functions [abstract]. Presented at: National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting; Baltimore MD; 27-31 Mar 2011; np.

Kapareiko D, Wikfors GH, Alix JH, Schott E, Schreier HJ, McIntosh D, Rash JM and Ukaegbu O. 2011. Analysis of spatial and temporal interactions of a probiotic bacterium and a shellfish larvae pathogen during hatchery larviculture of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):449.

King AL, Wikfors GH, Meseck SL. 2011. Ocean acidification and competition between phytoplankton species, an experimental approach [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):449-450.

Lee M-Y. 2011. An inverse demand system for northeast groundfish [abstract]. Presented at: NAAFE Forum 2011; Manoa HI; 11-13 May 2011.

Li Y, Siddiqui G, Wikfors GH. 2011. Determination of sex and gonadal development of Eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica Gmelin through protein profiles of hemolymph by SELDI-TOF-MS technology [abstract]. Presented at: National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting; Baltimore MD; 27-31 Mar 2011; np.

Li Y, Wikfors GH, Rivara K, Croxton AN, Dixon MS, Meseck SL, Smith BC. 2011. Quantifying ecosystem interactions of a flupsy oyster nursery in a highly-productive Peconic estuary embay­ment: Variabilities in oysters’ phytoplankton clearance rates [abstract]. Presented at: The Smayda Festschrift -- A symposium in celebration of five decades of contributions to plankton ecology by Ted Smayda; Narragansett RI; 23-24 Jun 2011; np.

Link JS. 2011. Overview of ecosystem-based management and integrated ecosystem assessments [abstract]. Presented at: California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Conference Symposium: Integrated Ecosystem Assessment and Ecosystem Modeling of the California Current: CalCOFI Annual Conference; La Jolla CA; 12-14 Dec 2011; np.

Link JS, Auster PJ. 2011. The challenges of evaluating competition among marine fishes: who cares, when does it matter, and what can one do about it? [abstract]. Presented at: 8th FSU Mote Symposium, Species Interactions in Marine Communities; Sarasota FL; 8-10 Nov 2011; np.

Link JS, Gaichas S, Miller TJ, Essington T, Bundy A, Boldt J, Drinkwater KF, Moksness E. 2011. Contrasts across levels of aggregation, ecosystems and drivers:  Lessons learned from fisheries production estimates in 11 northern hemisphere ecosystems [abstract]. Presented at: ICES Annual Science Conference; Gdansk, Poland; 19-23 Sep 2011; np.

Lipsky CA, Hawkes J, Kocik J. 2011. Mark-recapture estimates of Atlantic salmon smolts in Maine rivers: Habitat and trapping -- location, location, location [abstract]. Presented at: 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Lipsky CA, O’Malley MB, Stevens JR, Shaw LR, Saunders RC, Kocik JF. 2011. The Penobscot estuarine fish community survey [poster]. Presented at: 67th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference; Manchester NH; 17-19 Apr 2011; np.

Lucey SM, Gamble RJ, Miller TJ, Stockhausen W, Boldt J, Hjermann DO, Link JS. 2011. Comparison of surplus production estimates with and without environmental and ecological co-variates: Patterns for functionally aggregated groups across 11 large marine northern hemisphere ecosystems [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Lucey SM, Gamble RJ, Miller TJ, Stockhausen JL, Boldt JL, Huermann DO, Friedland KD, Cook A, Link JS. 2011. Comparison of surplus production estimates with and without environmental co-variates: Patterns for functionally aggregated groups across 10 large marine ecosystems in the northern hemisphere [abstract]. Presented at: ICES Annual Science Conference; Gdansk, Poland; 19-23 Sep 2011; np.

McBride RS, Somarakis S, Fitzhugh GR, Albert A, Yaragina NA, Wuenschel MJ, Alonso-Fernández A, Basilone G. 2011. Fish reproductive strategies in relation to the trophic dynamics of their environment [abstract]. Presented at: Fish Reproduction and Fisheries; Vigo, Spain; 16-20 May 2011; np.

McBride RS, Wuenschel MJ, McElroy WD, Fitzhugh GR. 2011. Understanding reproductive dynamics of marine fishes to inform fishery management [abstract]. Presented at: 35th Annual Larval Fish Conference; Wilmington NC; 22-26 May 2011; np.

McBride RS, Wuenschel MJ, Nitschke P, Thornton G, King JR. 2011. Spatial variation in size- and age-at-maturity of female winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, as determined with gonad histology [abstract]. Presented at: 8th International Flatfish Symposium; Ijmuiden, the Netherlands; 5-11 Nov 2011; np.

McElroy WD, Rowinski YK, Towle EK, Wuenschel MJ, McBride RS. 2011. Reproductive potential of female Pseudopleuronectes americanus: comparison of fecundity and skipped spawning among three stocks [abstract]. Presented at: 8th International Flatfish Symposium; Ijmuiden, the Netherlands; 5-11 Nov 2011; np.

Mehaffie NC, Sutton SE, Smith BE, Link JS, Miller TJ. 2011. Quantifying the contribution of diadromous species to the diets of marine predators in the Gulf of Maine [abstract]. Presented at: 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np

Melnychuk M, Essington TE, Jensen O, Branch TA, Pope J, Parma A, Smith T, Link JS, Heppell S, Martell S. 2011. Can catch-share fisheries better track management targets? [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Melrose DC, Hyde KJW, Hare JA. 2011. Development of a long-term phytoplankton time series in the U.S. Continental Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem [abstract]. Presented at: Plankton 2011, Plankton Biodiversity and Global Change; Plymouth UK; 22-23 Sep 2011; np.

Mendez RV, Rios J, Redman DH, Roy JJ. 2011. The growth and survival of the American lobster, Homarus americanus, fed with two different feeding regimes [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):450-451.

Meseck SL, Li Y, Dixon MS, Wikfors GH,  Chu D, MacDonald D, Rivara K, Luther G III. 2011. Can a commercial floating upwelling system (FLUPSY) help in ecosystem restoration: quantifying interactions with the local environment [abstract]. Presented at: 2011 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Limnology and Oceanography in a Changing World; San Juan PR; 13-18 Feb 2011; p 166.

Miller AS, Sheehan TF, Renkawitz MD, Spencer RC, Meister AL, Miller TJ. 2011. Retrospective analysis of Atlantic salmon marine growth parameters in the northwest Atlantic based on tag-recovery data [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Miller AS, Sheehan TF, Spencer RC, Renkawitz MD, Meister AL. 2011. Revisiting the marine migration of US Atlantic salmon with historic Carlin tag data [abstract]. Presented at: NASCO/ICES Symposium, Salmon at Sea: Scientific advances and their implications for management; La Rochelle, France; 11-13 Oct 2011; np.

Munroe TA. 2011. A systematic revision of the flatfish genus Peltorhamphus Günther (Pleuronectiformes: Rhombosoleidae), with description of a new species [abstract]. Presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Society Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; Minneapolis MN; 7-11 Jul 2011; np.

Munroe TA, Brooks GH, Tuckey T. 2011. Multi-decadal abundance of hogchokers (Achiridae: Trinectes americanus) in lower Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries [abstract]. Presented at: 8th International Flatfish Symposium; Ijmuiden, the Netherlands; 5-11 Nov 2011; np.

Nieland JL, Sheehan TF, Saunders R, Murphy JS, Lake TT. 2011. Dam impact analysis on Atlantic salmon recovery in the Penobscot River, Maine [abstract]. Presented at: 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Nye JA, Gamble RJ, Link JS, Lucey SM, Fulton EA. 2011. Kill, kill, kill! Simulating marine ecosystems without dogfish (or cod, or herring, or birds) [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Nye JA, Joyce TM, Kwon Y-O, Link JS. 2011. Silver hake tracks changes Gulf Stream position and Northwest Atlantic circulation [abstract]. Presented at: Southern New England Chapter, American Fisheries Society Summer Meeting; Old Lyme CT; 14 Jun 2011; np.

Olson J, Clay PM, Pinto da Silva P. 2011. Fisheries and agriculture: Moving to sustainability through cross-pollination [abstract]. Presented at: Society for Applied Anthropology annual meeting; Seattle WA; 29 Mar - 2 Apr 2011; np.

Orphanides CD. 2011. Comparing compliance between different types of harbor porpoise bycatch reduction measures in the US Northwestern Atlantic gillnet fishery [abstract]. Presented at: 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; Tampa FL; 26 Nov - 2 Dec 2011; np.

Orphanides CD. 2011. An examination of the impact of time-area closures on harbor porpoise bycatch in the US Northwestern Atlantic gillnet fishery [abstract]. Presented at: Consortium for Wildlife Bycatch Reduction Workshop; Woods Hole MA; 17-20 Oct 2011; np.

Parkins CJ, DeAlteris J, Milliken HO. 2011. Evaluation of the catch performance of a topless trawl in the summer flounder trawl fishery [abstract]. Presented at: American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Risch D, Stanistreet J, Van Parijs SM. 2011. Minke whale vocalizations in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, USA [abstract]. Presented at: 3rd Symposium on Acoustic Communication by Animals; Ithaca NY; 15 Aug 2011; p 124.

Smith BC, Dixon MS. 2011. Where have all the scallops gone? Encouraging sightings of bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians, in Connecticut waters in 2010 [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):454.

Smith BE, Collie JS, Lengyel NL. 2011. Chronic bottom fishing, the invasive ascidian Didemnum vexillum, and demersal fish feeding: The “pros” and “cons” of habitat alteration on northern Georges Bank [abstract]. Presented at: 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society; Seattle WA; 4-8 Sep 2011; np.

Stanistreet JE, Van Parijs SM, Cholewiak D, Risch D. 2011. Passive acoustic tracking of singing humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on a North Atlantic feeding ground [abstract]. Presented at: 3rd Symposium on Acoustic Communication by Animals; Ithaca NY; 15 Aug 2011; p 149.

Stevens JR, O’Malley MB, Saunders RC, Lipsky CA, Kocik JF, Shaw LR. 2011. The Penobscot estuarine fish community survey: An overview with rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) monitoring components [poster]. Presented at: 4th North American Workshop on Rainbow Smelt; Portland ME; 24-25 Jan 2011; np.

Stiles S, Choromanski J, Jeffress D, Kerk N, Caccone G, Benavides E. 2011. Studies on DNA, phenotypic, and morpological markers for stock identification and diversity of shellfish such as the bay scallop [abstract]. Presented at: 31st Milford Aquaculture Seminar; Milford CT; 7-9 Feb 2011; J Shellfish Res. 30(2):454-455.

Stockhausen WT, Miller TJ, Koen-Alonso M, Essington TE, Lucey SM, Gamble RJ, Link JS, Friedland KD, Gaichas SK. 2011. Can a full multispecies production model tell us anything single-species models with covariates can't? [abstract]. Presented at: ICES Annual Science Conference; Gdansk, Poland; 19-23 Sep 2011; np.

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