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United States Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

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 This page provides links to collections of data that —
 are accessible or searchable online or can be downloaded, and  
Food and Nutrition
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  • Nutrient Data Laboratory: Links to about a dozen data sets prepared on food composition, nutrients, phytonutrients, and other topics.

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  • Maize Genome Database(MaizeGDB): Comprehensive source of information on the genetics and molecular biology of maize.  
  • SoyBase: Access to a number of soybean genetics datasets.  
  • Animal Genetic Map Data on Cattle, Swine and Sheep: Linkage maps, marker sets and other datasets from genome mapping projects for cattle, swine and sheep.  
  • GrainGenes: Compilation of molecular and phenotypic information on wheat, barley, rye, triticale and oats.

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Natural Resources
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  • CEAP Watershed Assessment Study: ARS and NRCS are leading the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) to quantify the effectiveness of USDA conservation programs. The ARS Watershed Assessment Study (WAS) has lead to development of the STEWARDS data system. STEWARDS employs web-based GIS technologies to present water quality, hydrology, soils, climate and other data from ARS CEAP watersheds.  
  • ARS Portal to GRACEnet, REAP and Stewards: This application is an ongoing effort of the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS), to increase the availability of research data to the broader research community. The data contained within this application represent complex relationships amongst hundreds of scientific measurements. (Requires Microsoft Silverlight).  
  • Experimental Watersheds: Soils, vegetation, land use, hydrology, topography, climate and other data from the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed and Santa Rita Experimental Range, both in Arizona.  
  • Water Database: Precipitation and streamflow data from small agricultural watersheds in the United States.  
  • Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) Plotter: Developed to more easily retrieve and examine the time series of USDA-NRCS SCAN locations.  
  • Soil, Plant, Atmosphere, Water Field & Pond Hydrology: Daily hydrologic budget model for agricultural fields and ponds (wetlands, lagoons, ponds and reservoirs).

Systematics (Taxonomic Classification)
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  • Systematic Botany & Mycology Laboratory: The web site of the ARS Systematic Botany & Mycology Laboratory provides access to several of its own datasets--along with those of other organizations--on topics of plant and microbial taxonomy and collections  
  • Systematic Entomology Laboratory: The ARS Systematic Entomology Laboratory provides links to many datasets on entomological taxonomy and holdings of many entomological collections maintained by ARS, the National Museum of Natural History and other organizations.  
  • Plant Taxonomic Informationof the National Germplasm Information Network (GRIN): Classification and nomenclature for plant germplasm accessions of the ARS National Plant Germplasm System and for many other economic plants worldwide.



Last Modified: 12/13/2016
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