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NARMS Now: Human Data

	Graphic: Narms Now

Interactive tool from CDC that makes it easier to find out how antibiotic resistance for four bacteria transmitted commonly through food – Campylobacter, E. coli O157, Salmonella, and Shigella – has changed over the past 20 years.


Web, print, and other resources for partners and the public

Federal NARMS Partners

    FDA coordinates NARMS and leads the retail meat testing portion of the NARMS program
    USDA leads the food animal sampling portion of the NARMS program

Annual NARMS Reports

Threats and Foodborne Germs Report

	NARMS Antibiotic Report Cover

This CDC report connects antibiotic resistance to foodborne and other enteric germs in animals, foods, and humans.
Download Report [PDF - 114 pages, 5.24 MB]

CDC and Antimicrobial Resistance


Antimicrobial Resistance Education

NARMS Antibiotic Report Cover

International and Consensus Organizations

Country-Specific Programs
