USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for PEPFAR

How Progress Works: A Disappointing Microbicides Trial and Why We’re Not Discouraged

The FACTS 001 trial made use of applicators to dispense 1 percent tenofovir gel before and after sex. Photo Credit: International Partnership for Microbicides

Back to the drawing board: The FACTS 001 trial, a study to test whether tenofovir gel could prevent HIV infection, did not confirm the gel’s effectiveness. While these results are disappointing, USAID is supporting the development of many other promising solutions, including vaginal rings and long-acting injectables.

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Invest in Health Workers to End AIDS

A nurse in the perinatology unit at the Jaime Moto Regional Hospital in Barahona attends to a newborn after receiving training in preventing mother to child transmission of HIV. The training was conducted through CapacityPlus, a USAID-funded project to strengthen the health work force in the Dominican Republic. / Wendy Tactuk, courtesy of CapacityPlus and IntraHealth International

The recent focus on Ebola in West Africa has reminded us of the need for strong and resilient health systems. USAID will continue to use innovative training models and make investments in building work forces and strengthening health systems in countries with high HIV burdens worldwide.

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An Opportunity of 300,000 Lifetimes

A baby receives life-saving drugs. / Anna Zeminski, AFP / Getty Images

A new $200 million initiative by PEPFAR and CIFF will double the total number of children receiving life-saving ART across 10 priority African countries over the next two years, bringing us closer to achieving an AIDS-Free Generation.

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Creating an AIDS-Free Generation through Science and Technology

Women can use this ARV-based vaginal gel to protect themselves against HIV. International Partnership for Microbicides

With the commitment, innovative spirit, creativity and hard work of our partners, USAID is continuously using science and technology in unprecedented ways to make great strides toward an AIDS-free generation.

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Let’s Stand Up For Inclusion, Not Exclusion

The stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV/AIDS continues to be a roadblock for access to critical prevention and care. Yet every day I see significant steps that are being taken to overcome this obstacle, especially efforts led by USAID.

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Video of the Week: Gift’s Last 10 Years

Gift's 10th Birthday

USAID is observing World AIDS Day this year by celebrating ten years of our HIV and AIDS work under PEPFAR. Meet Gift. Today is her 10th birthday and she is celebrating the past decade of her life free of HIV. Thanks to life-saving antiretroviral (ARV) drugs funded by the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the […]

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New Evidence on Child Marriage Prevention in Ethiopia

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To help address the needs of 50 million adolescents who are already married, USAID invested in programs through PEPFAR to reach more than 220,000 married adolescent girls in Ethiopia.

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The Power of a Grandmother’s Love

GoGo means Grandmother in most South African languages. Photo credit: Tash McCarroll/USAID

As we approach World AIDS Day 2013, children affected by and living with HIV/AIDS must remain central to the global response. Read more >>

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Meeting the Needs of Children and Adolescents Who Have Experienced Sexual Violence

In Swaziland, just before sunset, a young girl tests out a new seesaw on a playground built by the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation at the Mkhulamini Clinic. Photo credit: Jon Hrusa, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

The stories of many young women’s courage epitomize the struggle to achieve an AIDS-free generation. Read more >>

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Fostering Leadership to Eliminate Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Nigeria

Keziah Samaila, coordinator of PMTCT in Township Clinic, Nigeria, training women on Family Planning and HIV. Photo: Lourdes de la Peza

More than 85,000 infants in Nigeria are at risk of HIV transmission from their mothers every year. Read more >>

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