Compass Article

Welcome to the beginning of a brand new year! With the commencing of 2017, we offer you another Compass eNewsletter. Read more

Compass Article
Volunteer Opportunities would like to wish you a Happy New Year! With 2017 in full swing, you have an opportunity to start the year off on the right foot by finding new and exciting ways to give back to your community. Read more

Compass Article
Volunteer Opportunities

Traditionally, the holiday season is the time for giving gifts, and January is the time for dealing with the bills! This year, why not extend the spirit of giving past the holidays and into the New Year? Read more

Compass Article
Business Loans

It’s the start of the New Year, and you may notice an influx of people at the gym, new employees at work, or friends making new budget resolutions for their families. The New Year is often a season of hope and new beginnings. Read more

Compass Article
Housing Loans

In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed into law that the third Monday in January would be recognized Federally as Martin Luther King Jr. Day, in an effort to commemorate and honor the life of one of America’s greatest figures in the non-violent Civil Rights movement more than half a century ago. Dr. King was born on January 15, 1929, and every year around this time, our nation honors his fight for equality for all Americans. Read more
