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Tag archives for Nutrition

Improving—and Sustaining—Food and Nutrition Security for the Most Vulnerable: A New Food for Peace Strategy

After the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, merchants such as Belleus Pierre, 31, used T-Cash to sell basic food staples to families benefiting from the USAID-funded food assistance program implemented by Mercy Corps. Her participation in the program meant she had a steady flow of customers to her store, providing her own family with much needed income. /Lisa Hoashi, Mercy Corps

Next week, USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP), the largest provider of food assistance in the world, is marking a milestone—we’re issuing a new 10-year food assistance and food security strategy. An office unique within USAID for its dual relief and development mandate, FFP’s new strategy focuses on getting results for millions of vulnerable […]

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If Fighting Hunger Were an Olympic Event

Emmanuel Ngulube visits programs in the field. /USAID

One of USAID’s best weapons for fighting hunger in Malawi is Emmanuel Ngulube, an officer with the Agency’s Office of Food for Peace who has dedicated his entire career to fighting hunger across Africa.

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When The Sweet Potato Goes Viral: A New Approach to Nutrition Programming in Northern Ghana

Women prepare a highly nutritious meal from the orange-fleshed sweet potato, a vitamin A-rich crop introduced in Northern Ghana. / USAID/Ghana

USAID’s new nutrition strategy is creating life-changing results. Read on to learn how integrating sectors like agriculture into nutrition programs has had a big impact on communities in Northern Ghana.

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Building the Bridges of the New Silk Road

In Tajikistan, about half of all Tajik rural households do not have access to safe, potable water. USAID helps turn water from a source of conflict to a source of cooperation. / USAID

What would it take to reconnect Central and South Asia along a New Silk Road? Explore USAID’s efforts to link Central and South Asia, and how these efforts are building a more secure, stable and prosperous future for the entire region.

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Disruptive Innovations Bringing Nepal Closer to Ending Extreme Poverty

Nurses apply chlorhexidine to the umbilical cord of a newborn at Nepalganj Medical College & Teaching Hospital. USAID is helping Nepal bring the life-saving antiseptic gel to villages, communities and health centers across the country. / Thomas Cristofoletti for USAID

From antiseptic interventions for newborn babies to creative, community-based approaches to countering human trafficking, USAID/Nepal is using several innovative programs to cut extreme poverty. Learning from and scaling these types of interventions globally will be the key to meeting the next set of sustainable development goals post-2015 and ending extreme poverty worldwide.

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Nutrition’s New Frontier: The Science of Scaling Up

Implementation science in nutrition helps ensure optimal interventions reach vulnerable children at a young age, giving them adequate nutrients to grow and thrive. / Sight and Life.

We know that good nutrition improves health, saves lives and builds prosperity. We know what to do but not how to do it. There are bottlenecks to scaling up nutrition. It’s time to invest in a new kind of science—implementation science—to help tell us how to deliver nutrition interventions to everyone who needs them.

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Improving Nutrition, Building Resilience for Families, Societies

Uganda is one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Feed the Future is helping increase opportunities for smallholder farmers like Alice Monigo in Uganda by providing trainings for women. /CNFA

Improving nutrition is one of the best investments we can make in development. For the past year, humanitarian, development and health experts from across USAID worked to craft a new approach to nutrition, aimed at increasing food security, reducing malnutrition and building resilience among vulnerable populations like those in the Sahel.

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The Power of Household Consumption and Expenditure Surveys (HCES) to Inform Evidence-Based Nutrition Interventions and Policies

Conducting Household Consumption and Expenditure Surveys (HCES)

Understanding food consumption patterns and nutrient intakes is essential for informing evidence-based food and nutrition policies. The international food and nutrition community, however, faces a lack of accurate and reliable data.

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Could Your Business Benefit from Collaborating with Feed the Future? Find Out

So, you’re interested in how your business can team up with the Feed the Future initiative. Or, maybe you’re just a food or agriculture business with resources, expertise, and a desire to help the poor and expand into new markets.

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Giving Thanks for Progress in the Fight Against Global Hunger

A young boy in Tajikistan eats a healthy lunch. Photo credit: USAID

We’re thankful for the opportunity to be a part of a collective global effort to end poverty and hunger around the world. Read more >>

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