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Treasury Curator


  • Treasury: An Office Building’s Evolution

    Treasury: An Office Building’s Evolution

    The Treasury building that stands next to the White House was originally designed to be a fire-proof office building serving the administrative needs and the storage of records of the Department. While the first wing was completed in 1842, the final wing of the building took until 1869, spanning the era of the Civil War. During that time, the building housed the first machinery for the printing a national currency and added many other bureaus and functions to the building. It would take until the 20th century until the "factory" operations were relocated to other locations for the Treasury building to return to its' original focus of being an office building.
  • Treasury and the Civil War

    Treasury and the Civil War: 150th Anniversary

    The Department of the Treasury played a critical role in both financing the Civil War and in providing a fortification building next to the White House assigned as a refuge for President Lincoln and his cabinet if Confederate troops were to march on Washington, D.C. This exhibition commemorates the efforts of the Department and the nation on the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War in April 1865 and the loss of Abraham Lincoln, one of our greatest presidents.
  • The Design and Construction of the West Stairs

    The Design and Construction of the West Stairs

    Much of what is known about the construction details of the west stairs in the west wing of the Treasury building is through a few architectural drawings and a series of annual reports of the Supervising Architect. In principle, the west wing was completed in 1865 although the stairs going from the 4th floor to the 5th floor and the dome as we know it today were not completed until well after the original construction was finished.

  • 40th Anniversary of the Treasury Historical Association

    40th Anniversary of the Treasury Historical Association

    The history of the Department, the bureaus and the Treasury building have been the focus of the Treasury Historical Association since its founding in 1973. This exhibition highlights historic gifts and funding support for restoration projects at the Treasury building over the last 40 years.

  • The first Mint building at Philadelphia

    U.S. Mint Buildings Across the Nation

    Like the Treasury Building, which clearly served as a model for many buildings designed by the Supervising Architect's Office, the United States Mint buildings were often among the most important architectural focal points of their communities. Originally these buildings housed several functions ranging from the industrial to the clerical, but today these buildings often have been adapted to dramatically different uses. The best tools for uncovering the original intent of the architect are primarily architectural drawings, the Supervising Architect's annual reports, and other primary sources such as personal letters and newspaper articles. These types of documents offer researchers a first-hand account of the past: they demonstrate the demands of a program that had to accommodate disparate functions; tell us details about construction, costs, and workmanship; and provide insight into the factors that influenced their forms.

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