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Grants & Funding

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The NICHD uses a variety of mechanisms, including grants and contracts, to provide funding support for research on topics related to its mission. Select a link below for more specific information.

About Research Grants, Contracts, & Types of Funding Announcements

Learn the difference between research grants, contracts, and other funding instruments for extramural research support.

Grants Process

If you are new to the federal grants process, this section will help you find the right research program, determine the correct funding mechanism, and prepare to submit an application.

Grant Policies & Funding Strategies

These policies and strategies help guide how the NICHD handles different grants and funding issues, such as human subjects' protection, data sharing, large grants, and overall funding dollars.

Funding Opportunities & Mechanisms

Find current funding opportunity announcements (FOAs), including requests for applications (RFAs) and program announcements (PAs/PARs), requests for proposals (RFPs), notices (NOTs) of changes and guidelines, and concepts, which may turn into specific initiatives. This section also describes the mechanisms that the NICHD uses to provide extramural funding support.

Small Business Programs

Learn how the NICHD supports small businesses in developing innovative technologies and advancing research.

Peer Review

This section outlines the peer-review process at NIH and provides additional information specific to NICHD. Peer review includes review of applications by scientific review groups and study sections and evaluates and rates the scientific and technical merit of research applications.

Contacts for NICHD Funding Information

Find the right person at the NICHD to answer your application, grants, scientific, policy, and contracts questions.


Related Resources

Vision National Institutes of Health Home BOND National Institues of Health Home Home Storz Lab: Section on Environmental Gene Regulation Home Machner Lab: Unit on Microbial Pathogenesis Home Division of Intramural Population Health Research Home Bonifacino Lab: Section on Intracellular Protein Trafficking Home Lilly Lab: Section on Gamete Development Home Lippincott-Schwartz Lab: Section on Organelle Biology