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Click a name or image below for bios and hi res photos.


ODNI Leadership
 CIO  CIO  Dempsey small

Director of National Intelligence

Principal Deputy DNI


Director of National Intelligence (Acting)

Deputy DNI,
Intelligence Integration

Michael Dempsey


Kevin Meiners


Deborah Kircher small


National Counterterrorism Center

Nicholas Rasmussen

Assistant DNI,
Acquisition, Technology, & Facilities

Kevin Meiners

 Assistant DNI,
Chief Human Capital Office

Deborah Kircher 

Edward-Gistaro small CIO

B Brooker small

Assistant Deputy DNI,
Intelligence Integration

Edward Gistaro

Assistant DNI,
  IC Chief Information Officer

Dr. Raymond Cook

General Counsel (Acting)

Bradley Brooker


 Monica Hayes small


Irvin C. McCullough small


Dawn-Eilenberger small

Assistant DNI,
IC Chief Financial Officer

Monica Hayes

 Inspector General of the IC

Charles McCullough

Assistant DNI,
Policy & Strategy

Dawn Eilenberger


 Meink small


Lt. Gen. John Bansemer small


missing male small

Assistant DNI,
Systems & Resource Analyses

Dr. Troy E. Meink

 Assistant DNI,
Partner Engagement

Lt. Gen. John Bansemer, USAF

National Counterproliferation Center

Henry Hollatz
 evanina  Tonya Ugoretz Hale small

 National Counterintelligence

William Evanina

Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center

Tonya Ugoretz

Public Affairs Office

Brian Hale
 Alex Joel  Rita Sampson   

Civil Liberties, Privacy, and Transparency

Alex Joel

IC Equal Opportunity & Diversity

Rita Sampson



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