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BLM Montana-Dakotas Native Plants Program

Montana and the Dakotas encompass a large and diverse area from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Plains containing a wide range of vegetation communities. The Bureau of Land Management administers over eight million acres in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota within the Middle Rockies, and the Northwestern Plains (includes the Northwestern Glaciated Plains and the Northwestern Great Plains) Ecoregions. From the Rocky Mountains to Great Plains, Montana has diverse plant communities that include the Douglas Fir woodlands to the shortgrass prairie; the sagebrush steppe to the badlands of the Dakotas, MT/DKs BLM manages habitat in a wide spectrum of landscape. There are 64 ACEC in MT/DKs BLM and many of them have native plants as one of their reasons to list the area as an ACEC. 

The botany program ensures that the plant resource is considered in management actions.  Major program areas in the botany program are Native Plant Restoration, Seeds of Success, and special status species.

native plants montana
Buffalo berry in the foreground near Schnell
Junipers on Chugwater formation in the Pryor Mountains
Junipers on Chugwater formation in the Pryor Mountains