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[South Carolina State Plan Website]
Contact Information

South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation

Division of Occupational Safety and Health
P.O. Box 11329
Columbia, South Carolina 29211-1329
PH: (803) 896-7665
FAX: (803) 896-7670

South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation

Holly Pisarik, Director

Dorothy "Dottie" Ison, Occupational Safety and Health Administrator
PH: (803) 896-7686

About the South Carolina State Plan

The South Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Plan (SCOSH) has the distinction of being one of the first programs approved by the United States Department of Labor in accordance with the guidelines of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. This was accomplished on November 30, 1972.

The State program is administered by a Director of the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. The Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation is divided into divisions for Labor, Fire and Life Safety, and Professional and Occupational Licensing.

The SCOSH plan has been considered fully operational since 1974. This status was recognized in 1975, when the Commissioner for the South Carolina Department of Labor and the OSHA Regional Administrator in Atlanta, Georgia, signed an "Operational Status Agreement". This suspended the concurrent jurisdiction exercised by Federal officials in all areas covered by the state Plan. This was closely followed by "Certification" in 1976, when South Carolina completed all developmental steps as outlined in its Plan and as required by the United States Department of Labor.

On December 15, 1987, the South Carolina program received 18(e) determination (final approval). Final approval of the South Carolina State Plan represented a judgment, after extensive evaluation, that the South Carolina Department of Labor was administering its State Plan in an effective manner, and resulted in formal relinquishment of concurrent Federal authority to enforce occupational safety and health standards in areas covered by the State.


The South Carolina OSH Program exercises jurisdiction over all private and public sector employers and employees within the State except private sector maritime activities; employment on military bases; and private sector employment at Area D of the Savannah River Site (power generation and transmission facilities operated by South Carolina Electric and Gas) and at the Three Rivers Solid Waste Authority; Federal government employers and employees; and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), including USPS employees, and contract employees and contractor-operated facilities engaged in USPS mail operations. See 29 CFR 1952.95.

Regulations and Standards

States must set job safety and health standards that are "at least as effective as" comparable federal standards. (Most States adopt standards identical to federal ones.) States have the option to promulgate standards covering hazards not addressed by federal standards.

South Carolina has adopted the Federal OSHA Standards verbatim, with a few exceptions. These standards including the following:

General Industry

  • Definition and Requirement for a National Recognized Testing Laboratory, 1910.7
  • Spray Finishing using Flammable and Combustible Material, 1910.107
  • Respiratory Protection, 1910.134
  • Powered Industrial Trucks, 1910.178

Construction Industry

  • General Safety and Health Provisions, 1926.20
  • Excavation, 1926.650

Please see Detailed Differences between S.C. and Federal Standards.

Enforcement Programs

The state occupational safety and health act requires employers to provide their employees with a safe and healthy worksite which is free of hazards which may cause injuries and illnesses to workers.

The SC OSHA office conducts inspections of businesses to assure compliance with the law with a staff of 17 safety inspectors and 12 industrial hygienists.

Voluntary and Cooperative Programs

Consultation Programs

Employers who want help in recognizing and correcting safety and health hazards and in improving their safety and health programs may obtain it from a free consultation service largely funded by OSHA. The service is delivered by state governments using well-trained professional staff.

Consultation is a cooperative approach to solving safety and health problems in the workplace. As a voluntary activity, it is neither automatic nor unexpected. You must request it. The obligation for the employer is a commitment to correct in a timely manner all job safety and health hazards that are found during the consultation visit. The commitment must be made prior to the visit by the consultant.

In addition to helping employers identify and correct specific hazards, consultants provide guidance in establishing or improving an effective safety and health program and offer training and education for the employer, supervisors and employees.

Primarily targeted for smaller businesses in higher hazard industries or with especially hazardous operations, the safety and health consultation program is completely separate from the inspection effort. In addition, no citations are issued or penalties proposed.

The service is confidential, too. The name of the employer, and any information about the workplace, plus any unsafe or unhealthy working conditions the consultant uncovers, will not be reported routinely to the OSHA inspection staff.

South Carolina Consultation Program information.

Training Classes

OSHA Voluntary Programs provide a variety of training programs and presentations designed to reduce or eliminate safety and health hazards in the workplace. Training is available to employers and employees of both the public and private sector upon request and may occur on-site (requiring participation of 12 or more employees) or as a result of participating in one of the Regional Training programs coordinated by the training staff. In Fiscal Year 2005, in excess of 591 training programs were delivered to employees throughout our state resulting in more than 16,276 employees being trained on various OSHA regulations and other safety and health issues.

General industry, health, and construction areas are covered in the training curriculum. Examples of training programs offered include:

  • The OSHA Inspection Process
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Lockout/Tagout (LOTO)
  • Trenching/Excavation
  • Hazard Communication
  • S.C. SMART- Safety Management Accident Reduction Training
  • Fall Protection (Construction)
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Violence in the Workplace
  • Scaffolding (Construction)
  • Permit Required Confined Spaces
  • Industrial Trucks (Forklifts)
  • OSHA Recordkeeping

Policies and Procedures

Program Directives are technical interpretations of standards and may be used as a guide. For more information, please contact Gwen Thomas.

Informal Conferences and Appeals

As of January 1, 2009, the South Carolina Administrative Law Court hears and makes decisions on contests of citations, penalties, and abatement dates arising from the enforcement of occupational safety and health standards and regulations.

Employers, employees, and employee representatives have the right to contest citation(s), abatement dates and/or proposed penalty(ies) to SCOSH. If the employer, employee, or employee representative fails to contest, within a twenty (20) calendar day period, the citations(s), abatement date(s), and proposed penalty assessment become a final order not subject to review.

Contest procedures are set forth in the Rules of Procedure for the South Carolina Administrative Law Court (ALC), which may be obtained from the ALC website or by contacting the Clerk, SC Administrative Law Court, Edgar A. Brown Building, 1205 Pendleton Street, Suite 224, Columbia, SC 29201.

Other Resources

Employers in South Carolina are required to post two employment notices from the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation in a place or places where employees can see them. These posters are: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health) and the Labor Law Abstract (Payment of Wages, Child Labor, and Right-to-Work).

Three other state agencies also require employment postings: the Employment Security Commission's "Workers Pay No Part of the Cost for Job Insurance" (UCI 104) and "If You Become Unemployed (UCI 105); the Workers' Compensation Commission's "Workers Comp Works For You"; and the Human Affairs Commission's "Equal Opportunity is the Law".

Due to budget constraints, LLR is no longer printing these posters. They can be downloaded from this site.

South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation

Division of Occupational Safety and Health
P.O. Box 11329
Columbia, South Carolina 29211-1329
PH: (803) 896-7665
FAX: (803) 896-7670
For detailed contact information visit SCOSH web site.

OSHA makes every effort to ensure that the information on this page is accurate and up to date, but changes in state law and procedures affecting the information on this page are beyond OSHA's control. Contact state program staff directly to verify important information.