Special rule report


Status Species Name Special Rules Published Date
T Argali Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan  (Ovis ammon) 17.40(j) 06/23/1992
T Baboon, gelada Wherever found  (Theropithecus gelada) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
T Bat, Northern long-eared Wherever found  (Myotis septentrionalis) 17.40(o) 01/14/2016
RT Bear, American black County range of LA b.bear  (Ursus americanus) 17.40(i) 01/07/1992
EXPN Bear, grizzly U.S.A. (portions of ID and MT, see 17.84(l))  (Ursus arctos horribilis) 17.84(l) 11/17/2000
T Bear, grizzly U.S.A., conterminous (lower 48) States, except where listed as an experimental population  (Ursus arctos horribilis) 17.40(b) 09/23/1986
T Bear, polar Wherever found  (Ursus maritimus) 17.40(q) 02/20/2013
T Deer, Columbian white-tailed Columbia River DPS  (Odocoileus virginianus leucurus) null 10/17/2016
T Elephant, African Wherever found  (Loxodonta africana) 17.40(e) 06/06/2016
E Ferret, black-footed Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population  (Mustela nigripes) 17.84(g) 05/16/2003
EXPN Ferret, black-footed U.S.A. (WY and specified portions of AZ, CO, MT, SD, and UT, see 17.84(g)(9))  (Mustela nigripes) 17.84(g) 05/16/2003
T Langur, long-tailed Indonesia  (Presbytis potenziani) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
T Langur, purple-faced Wherever found  (Presbytis senex) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
T Leopard Gabon to Kenya & southward  (Panthera pardus) 17.40(f) 01/28/1982
T Loris, lesser slow Wherever found  (Nycticebus pygmaeus) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
T Lynx, Canada Contiguous U.S. DPS  (Lynx canadensis) 17.40(k), 23.54 03/24/2000
T Macaque, Formosan rock Wherever found  (Macaca cyclopis) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
T Macaque, Japanese Wherever found  (Macaca fuscata) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
T Macaque, stump-tailed Wherever found  (Macaca arctoides) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
T Macaque, Toque Wherever found  (Macaca sinica) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
E Manatee, West Indian Wherever found  (Trichechus manatus) 17.103, 17.108, 17.108(a), 17.108(c) 04/07/2005
T Markhor, Straight-horned Wherever found  (Capra falconeri megaceros) 17.40(n) 10/07/2014
T Monkey, black howler Wherever found  (Alouatta pigra) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
T Mouse, Preble's meadow jumping wherever found  (Zapus hudsonius preblei) 17.40(l) 05/20/2004
T Otter, Northern Sea Southwest Alaska DPS  (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) 17.40(p) 08/15/2006
T Otter, southern sea Wherever found  (Enhydra lutris nereis) 17.84(d) 09/27/1988
T Pocket gopher, Olympia Wherever found  (Thomomys mazama pugetensis) 17.40(a) 04/09/2014
T Pocket gopher, Roy Prairie Wherever found  (Thomomys mazama glacialis) 17.40(a) 04/09/2014
T Pocket gopher, Tenino Wherever found  (Thomomys mazama tumuli) 17.40(a) 04/09/2014
T Pocket gopher, Yelm Wherever found  (Thomomys mazama yelmensis) 17.40(a) 04/09/2014
T Prairie dog, Utah Wherever found  (Cynomys parvidens) 17.40(g) 08/02/2012
EXPN Pronghorn, Sonoran U.S.A. (AZ), Mexico  (Antilocapra americana sonoriensis) 17.84(v) 05/05/2011
SAT Puma (=mountain lion) FL  (Puma (=Felis) concolor (all subsp. except coryi)) 17.40(h) 08/14/1991
T Seal, Guadalupe fur Wherever found  (Arctocephalus townsendi) 223.201 03/23/1999
RT Squirrel, Delmarva Peninsula fox U.S.A. (DE, Sussex Co.)  (Sciurus niger cinereus) 17.84(a) No date
T Tamarin, white-footed Wherever found  (Saguinus leucopus) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
T Tarsier, Philippine Wherever found  (Tarsius syrichta) 17.40(c) 10/19/1976
T Vicuna Entire, except Ecuador  (Vicugna vicugna) 17.40(m) 05/30/2002
RT Whale, humpback Wherever found  (Megaptera novaeangliae) 224.101, 224.103 01/19/1995
EXPN Wolf, gray WY, EXPN population  (Canis lupus) 17.84(i), 17.84(n) 01/06/2005
T Wolf, gray MN  (Canis lupus) 17.40(d) 12/12/1985
EXPN Wolf, Mexican U.S.A. (portions of AZ and NM)see 17.84(k)  (Canis lupus baileyi) 17.84(k) 01/12/1998
EXPN Wolf, red U.S.A. (portions of NC and TN)  (Canis rufus) 17.84(c) 11/04/1991


Status Species Name Special Rules Published Date
T Cockatoo, salmon-crested Wherever found  (Cacatua moluccensis) 17.41(c) 03/12/2013
T Cockatoo, white Wherever found  (Cacatua alba) 17.41(c) 06/24/2014
EXPN Condor, California U.S.A. (specific portions of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah)  (Gymnogyps californianus) 17.84(j) 10/16/1996
EXPN Crane, whooping U.S.A. (AL, AR, CO, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KY, LA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NC, NM, OH, SC, TN, UT, VA, WI, WV, western half of WY)  (Grus americana) 17.84(h) 06/26/2001
EXPN Crane, whooping U.S.A. (CO, ID, FL, NM, UT, and the western half of Wyoming)  (Grus americana) 17.84(h) 07/21/1997
T Gnatcatcher, coastal California Wherever found  (Polioptila californica californica) 17.41(b) 12/10/1993
T Horned lark, streaked Wherever found  (Eremophila alpestris strigata) 17.41(a) 10/03/2013
T Parrot, yellow-billed Wherever found  (Amazona collaria) 17.41(c) 03/12/2013
UR Prairie-chicken, lesser Wherever found  (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) 17.41(d) 04/10/2014
EXPN Rail, Guam Rota  (Rallus owstoni) 17.84(f) 10/30/1989
T Warbler, elfin-woods Wherever found  (Setophaga angelae) 17.11(h) 06/22/2016


Status Species Name Special Rules Published Date
SAT Alligator, American Wherever found  (Alligator mississippiensis) 17.42(a), 23.57 10/31/1985
SAT Caiman, brown Wherever found  (Caiman crocodilus fuscus (includes Caiman crocodilus chiapasius)) 17.42(g) 05/04/2000
SAT Caiman, common Wherever found  (Caiman crocodilus crocodilus) 17.42(g) 05/04/2000
T Caiman, Yacare Wherever found  (Caiman yacare) 17.42(g) 05/04/2000
T Crocodile, Nile Wherever found  (Crocodylus niloticus) 17.42(c) 09/23/1993
T Crocodile, saltwater Australia  (Crocodylus porosus) 17.42(c) 06/24/1996
T gartersnake, northern Mexican Wherever found  (Thamnophis eques megalops) 17.42(g) 07/08/2014
E Sea turtle, hawksbill Wherever found  (Eretmochelys imbricata) 224.104 03/23/1999
E Sea turtle, Kemp's ridley Wherever found  (Lepidochelys kempii) 224.104 03/23/1999
E Sea turtle, leatherback Wherever found  (Dermochelys coriacea) 224.104 03/23/1999
E Sea turtle, olive ridley Mexican nesting pop.  (Lepidochelys olivacea) 224.104 03/23/1999
T Sea turtle, olive ridley Except where endangered  (Lepidochelys olivacea) 17.42(b), 223.205, 223.206, 223.207 03/23/1999
T Skink, bluetail mole Wherever found  (Eumeces egregius lividus) 17.42(d) 11/06/1987
T Skink, sand Wherever found  (Neoseps reynoldsi) 17.42(d) 11/06/1987
T Snake, black pine Wherever found  (Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi) 17.42(h) 10/06/2015
SAT Tortoise, desert AZ south and east of Colorado R., and Mexico, when found outside of Mexico or said range in AZ  (Gopherus agassizii) 17.42(e) 04/02/1990
SAT Turtle, bog (=Muhlenberg) U.S.A. (GA, NC, SC, TN, VA)  (Clemmys muhlenbergii) 17.42(f) 11/04/1997


Status Species Name Special Rules Published Date
T Frog, California red-legged Wherever found  (Rana draytonii) 17.43(d) 04/13/2006
T Frog, Chiricahua leopard Wherever found  (Rana chiricahuensis) 17.43(b) 06/13/2002
T Salamander, California tiger U.S.A. (Central CA DPS)  (Ambystoma californiense) 17.43(c) 08/04/2004
T Salamander, Georgetown Wherever found  (Eurycea naufragia) 17.43(e) 08/07/2015
T Salamander, San Marcos Wherever found  (Eurycea nana) 17.43(a) 07/14/1980


Status Species Name Special Rules Published Date
T Catfish, Yaqui Wherever found  (Ictalurus pricei) 17.44(h) 08/31/1984
T Chub, Chihuahua Wherever found  (Gila nigrescens) 17.44(g) 10/11/1983
T Chub, Hutton tui Wherever found  (Gila bicolor ssp.) 17.44(j) 03/28/1985
T Chub, slender Wherever found  (Erimystax cahni) 17.44(c) 09/09/1977
T Chub, Sonora Wherever found  (Gila ditaenia) 17.44(o) 04/30/1986
EXPN Chub, spotfin U.S.A. (AL, TN-specified portions of Shoal Creek; see 17.84(m)(1)(ii))  (Erimonax monachus) 17.84(o) 04/08/2005
EXPN Chub, spotfin U.S.A. (TN-specified portions of the Tellico River; see 17.84(m)(1)(i))  (Erimonax monachus) 17.84(m) 08/12/2002
T Chub, spotfin Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population  (Erimonax monachus) 17.44(c) 09/09/1977
T Dace, desert Wherever found  (Eremichthys acros) 17.44(m) 12/10/1985
T Dace, Foskett speckled Wherever found  (Rhinichthys osculus ssp.) 17.44(j) 03/28/1985
T Darter, bayou Wherever found  (Etheostoma rubrum) 17.44(b) 09/25/1975
EXPN Darter, boulder Shoal Creek  (Etheostoma wapiti) 17.84(o) 04/08/2005
EXPN Darter, duskytail Tellico River, TN  (Etheostoma percnurum) 17.84(m) 08/12/2002
T Darter, leopard Wherever found  (Percina pantherina) 17.44(d) 01/27/1978
T Darter, Niangua Wherever found  (Etheostoma nianguae) 17.44(k) 06/12/1985
T Darter, Okaloosa Wherever found  (Etheostoma okaloosae) 17.44(bb) 04/01/2011
T Darter, slackwater Wherever found  (Etheostoma boschungi) 17.44(c) 09/09/1977
EXPN Madtom, smoky Tellico River, TN  (Noturus baileyi) 17.84(m) 08/12/2002
EXPN Madtom, yellowfin U.S.A. (TN-specified portions of the Tellico River; see 17.84(e)(1)(ii))  (Noturus flavipinnis) 17.84(e) 08/12/2002
EXPN Madtom, yellowfin U.S.A. (TN, VA-specified portions of the Holston River and watershed; see 17.84(e)(1)(i))  (Noturus flavipinnis) 17.84(e) 08/04/1988
T Madtom, yellowfin Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population  (Noturus flavipinnis) 17.44(c) 09/09/1977
E Minnow, loach Wherever found  (Tiaroga cobitis) 17.44(q) 10/28/1986
EXPN Minnow, Rio Grande Silvery Rio Grande, from Little Box Canyon to Amistad Dam  (Hybognathus amarus) 17.84(u) 12/08/2008
EXPN Pikeminnow (=squawfish), Colorado Salt and Verde R. drainages, AZ  (Ptychocheilus lucius) 17.84(b) 07/24/1985
T Salmon, Chinook Lower Columbia River ESU  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Salmon, Chinook Puget Sound ESU  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Salmon, Chinook Upper Willamette River ESU  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Salmon, chum Columbia River ESU  (Oncorhynchus keta) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Salmon, chum Hood Canal summer-run ESU  (Oncorhynchus keta) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Salmon, sockeye Ozette Lake ESU  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) nerka) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Sculpin, pygmy Wherever found  (Cottus paulus (=pygmaeus)) 17.44(u) 09/28/1989
T Shiner, beautiful Wherever found  (Cyprinella formosa) 17.44(h) 08/31/1984
T Shiner, Pecos bluntnose Wherever found  (Notropis simus pecosensis) 17.44(r) 02/20/1987
T Silverside, Waccamaw Wherever found  (Menidia extensa) 17.44(s) 04/08/1987
E Spikedace Wherever found  (Meda fulgida) 17.44(p) 07/01/1986
T Spinedace, Big Spring Wherever found  (Lepidomeda mollispinis pratensis) 17.44(i) 03/28/1985
T Spinedace, Little Colorado Wherever found  (Lepidomeda vittata) 17.44(t) 09/16/1987
T Springfish, Railroad Valley Wherever found  (Crenichthys nevadae) 17.44(n) 03/31/1986
T Steelhead California Central Valley DPS  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Steelhead Central California Coast DPS  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Steelhead Lower Columbia River DPS  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Steelhead Middle Columbia River DPS  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Steelhead Snake River Basin DPS  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Steelhead South-Central California Coast DPS  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Steelhead Upper Willamette River DPS  (Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss) 223.203 07/10/2000
T Sturgeon, Beluga Wherever found  (Huso huso) 17.44(y) 03/04/2005
T Sturgeon (Gulf subspecies), Atlantic Wherever found  (Acipenser oxyrinchus (=oxyrhynchus) desotoi) 17.44(v) 09/30/1991
SAT Sturgeon, Shovelnose Wherever found  (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) 17.44(aa) 09/01/2010
T Sucker, Warner Wherever found  (Catostomus warnerensis) 17.44(l) 09/27/1985
T Trout, Apache Wherever found  (Oncorhynchus apache) 17.44(a) 07/16/1975
T Trout, bull U.S.A., conterminous, lower 48 states  (Salvelinus confluentus) 17.44(w), 17.44(x) 04/08/1999
T Trout, Gila Wherever found  (Oncorhynchus gilae) 17.44(z) 07/18/2006
T trout, Greenback Cutthroat Wherever found  (Oncorhynchus clarki stomias) 17.44(f) 04/18/1978
T Trout, Lahontan cutthroat Wherever found  (Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi) 17.44(a) 07/16/1975
T Trout, Little Kern golden Wherever found  (Oncorhynchus aguabonita whitei) 17.44(e) 04/13/1978
T Trout, Paiute cutthroat Wherever found  (Oncorhynchus clarkii seleniris) 17.44(a) 07/16/1975
EXPN Woundfin Gila R. drainage, AZ, NM  (Plagopterus argentissimus) 17.84(b) 07/24/1985


Status Species Name Special Rules Published Date
EXPN Bean, Cumberland (pearlymussel) AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Villosa trabalis) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Blossom, tubercled (pearlymussel) AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Epioblasma torulosa torulosa) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Blossom, turgid (pearlymussel) AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Epioblasma turgidula) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Blossom, yellow (pearlymussel) AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Epioblasma florentina florentina) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Clubshell AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Pleurobema clava) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Combshell, Cumberlandian AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Epioblasma brevidens) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Lampmussel, Alabama AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Lampsilis virescens) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Mapleleaf, winged U.S.A. (AL-specified portions of the Tennessee River; see 17.85(a)(1))  (Quadrula fragosa) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Monkeyface, Cumberland (pearlymussel) AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Quadrula intermedia) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Mussel, oyster AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Epioblasma capsaeformis) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Pearlymussel, birdwing AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert, and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Lemiox rimosus) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Pearlymussel, cracking AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Hemistena lata) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Pearlymussel, dromedary AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Dromus dromas) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Pigtoe, finerayed AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Fusconaia cuneolus) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Pigtoe, shiny AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Fusconaia cor) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001
EXPN Purple cat's paw (=purple cat's paw pearlymussel) AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Epioblasma obliquata obliquata) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001


Status Species Name Special Rules Published Date
EXPN Riversnail, Anthony's AL; Free-Flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, AL  (Athearnia anthonyi) 17.85(a) 06/14/2001


Status Species Name Special Rules Published Date
SAT Butterfly, cassius blue Wherever found  (Leptotes cassius theonus) 17.47(a) 04/06/2012
SAT Butterfly, ceraunus blue Wherever found  (Hemiargus ceraunus antibubastus) 17.47(a) 04/06/2012
SAT Butterfly, nickerbean blue Wherever found  (Cyclargus ammon) 17.47(a) 04/06/2012
T Skipper, Dakota Wherever found  (Hesperia dacotae) 17.47(b) 10/24/2014


Status Species Name Special Rules Published Date
T Isopod, Madison Cave Wherever found  (Antrolana lira) 17.46(a) 10/04/1982

Total number of species is 143.