Mule Deer


  • SW Region Big Game Winter Feeding Update

    Winter feeding efforts began, on a small scale, in the Garden Valley area on Sunday, January 22. Three historic feed sites were plowed out and feed bunks set up and loaded with specially formulated deer “pellets.” Two more sites were set up today, with several others coming on line tomorrow. At least eight feed sites – possibly more - will be up and running by week’s end along the S. Fork Payette River corridor between Garden Valley and Lowman. These areas are closed to public entry; please honor this closure.

  • Elk wait at near the feed line at Bullwhacker feed site near Ketchum.

    Southwest Winter Feeding Report - January 23, 2017


    The Southwest Region has a long history of big game winter feeding efforts. The Winter Feeding Advisory Committee, made up of several citizen volunteers, met on January 9th to review current winter conditions and evaluate the need to declare a winter feeding emergency based on factors outlined in Fish and Game rule and policy as per IC36-123. The last emergency winter feeding operation was conducted in the winter of 2007/2008, when elk and deer were fed because of severe winter weather conditions in Garden Valley and the Lowman area.

  • mule deer in southeast Idaho

    Additional Winter Feeding Sites Authorized in Southeast Idaho

    The Idaho Department of Fish and Game with input from the Southeast Idaho Winter Feeding Advisory Committee (WFAC) has selected additional sites for baiting/feeding efforts in Caribou, Bear Lake, Franklin, Bannock, and Bingham Counties.

  • Boise River Winter closure map

    Boise River Wildlife Management Area closed to protect wintering big game

    Beginning Friday, January 20, the Boise Front Segment of the Boise River Wildlife Management Area (BRWMA) was closed to all public entry. The closure will help protect wintering big game animals and will remain in effect until further notice.

  • Elk and Mule Deer Feeding to Begin in the Silver Creek Valley and Carey areas


    PICABO – With over 36” of snow on the Silver Creek valley floor and hundreds of elk and mule deer in cattle feed lines and along major roadways, Idaho Department of Fish and Game is going to initiate winter feeding of mule deer and elk in the Bellevue, Picabo and Carey areas.

  • Elk wait at near the feed line at Bullwhacker feed site near Ketchum.

    Southwest Winter Feeding Report, January 2017


    The Southwest Region has a long history of big game winter feeding efforts. The Winter Feeding Advisory Committee, made up of several citizen volunteers, met on January 9th to review current winter conditions and evaluate the need to declare a winter feeding emergency based on factors outlined in Fish and Game rule and policy as per IC36-123. The last emergency winter feeding operation was conducted in the winter of 2007/2008, when elk and deer were fed because of severe winter weather conditions in Garden Valley and the Lowman area.

  • Southwest Region Big Game Winter Feeding Update

    The office phone rings more often than usual these days, with citizens calling to voice concern about the welfare of Idaho’s big game animals – specifically mule deer and elk. This year’s more normal Idaho winter, with heavy snowfall and cold temperatures, is compelling animals to move to low elevation winter range where they are noticed by all of us. These winter conditions have some folks convinced that supplemental feeding is necessary to keep big game animals from starving.

  • Upper Snake Region Winter Wildlife Conditions Report for January 10, 2017

    Upper Snake Region Winter Wildlife Conditions Report for January 10, 2017

  • Upper Snake Region hosting meetings to present proposed rule changes for 2017 big game seasons

    Meetings will be Jan. 17-19 in Arco, Rexburg and Idaho Falls. 

Mule Deer

Odocoileus hemionus

IDAPA Classification: Big Game
View Species Profile