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Wild & Scenic River Publications

Publications Related To Wild & Scenic Rivers

Most of the publications listed here are written and produced by the Interagency Wild & Scenic Rivers Council (Council). Where an additional paper or reference is provided, the source is specifically noted. The Council does not endorse or ensure accuracy of these additional sources. Caveat emptor.

Northern Shovelers
Photo by Pat Gaines

You Need Acrobat

Most of these publications are available here in PDF format; if you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher, please visit www.adobe.com to download a free version. If you would like the original WordPerfect file (version 12.0), please contact Dan Haas at daniel_haas@fws.gov (note the underscore in the address).

The face of the river . . . was not a book to be read once and thrown aside, for it had a new story to tell every day. — Mark Twain

Council White Papers

An Introduction to Wild & Scenic Rivers (76 KB PDF) — A concise primer on wild and scenic rivers and what designation means to you.

A Compendium of Questions & Answers Relating to Wild & Scenic Rivers (317 KB PDF) — Everything you wanted to know about wild and scenic rivers in a Q&A format. These Q&As can also be accessed through a searchable data base.

Designating Rivers Through Section 2(a)(ii) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (416 KB PDF) — This paper describes a process for designating rivers into the National System at the request of a state.

Establishment of Wild & Scenic River Boundaries (52 KB PDF)

Evolution of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: A History of Substantive Amendments 1968-2013 (585 KB PDF) — This paper looks at all of the amendments to the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act since its inception and explores the impacts of those amendments.

Congressional Record for Evolution of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: A History of Substantive Amendments 1968-2013 paper — This page presents the congressional history that was used in this paper.

Implementing the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act: Authorities and Roles of Key Federal Agencies (167 KB PDF) — What responsibilities do other agencies have for wild and scenic rivers? Here's the answer.

Protecting Resource Values on Non-Federal Lands (193 KB PDF) — How wild and scenic rivers are protected where the federal government doesn't manage the surrounding area.

Water Quantity and Quality as Related to the Management of Wild & Scenic Rivers (580 KB PDF) — How to protect water quality and instream flows.

Wild & Scenic River Management Responsibilities (254 KB PDF) — Considerations in managing—and developing management plans for—wild and scenic rivers.

Interim Management and Steps to Develop a CRMP — This paper provides guidance for interim management of a newly designated wild and scenic river and generalized steps to develop a comprehensive river management plan. It expands the content of Appendix A of the Wild & Scenic River Management Responsibilities paper above.

The Wild & Scenic River Study Process (250 KB PDF) — This paper explains the wild and scenic river study process for congressionally authorized and agency-identified study rivers.

The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act: Section 7 (563 KB PDF) — This paper describes the standards and procedures used in evaluating the effects of proposed water resources projects.

Wild & Scenic Rivers and the Use of Eminent Domain PDF (115 KB PDF)

National Wild & Scenic Rivers System

Wild & Scenic Rivers Table (156 KB PDF) — The full listing of designated wild and scenic rivers, complete with mileage, classifications and managing agencies.

Wild & Scenic Rivers Act Abridged (108 KB PDF) — The full act minus the rivers listed in Sections 3(a) and 5(a). The complete text, as well as all the amendments, is available in the section labeled WSR Act & Amendments. Not a Council product.

Agency-By-Agency Mileage/Management Chart (160 KB) — This is a zipped Excel file of the complete National Wild and Scenic Rivers System broken down into who manages the rivers.

State-By-State Mileage Chart (176 KB) — This is a zipped Excel file with the complete National Wild and Scenic Rivers System broken down into mileage by state.

National Wild & Scenic Rivers Policies

Section 7 Determinations

In response to requests from river program managers, Council members have selected examples of Section 7 determinations for common types of water resources projects. Each is an actual determination made by river-administering agency staff from across the country. In some cases, clarifying user notes are included in individual determinations. No single example is best; however, in reviewing the range of examples provided, the practitioner will gain an understanding of how to apply the procedures outlined in the technical report.

Also, don't forget to make use of The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act: Section 7 (563 KB PDF). This paper describes the standards and procedures used in evaluating the effects of proposed water resources projects and is found in the Council White Papers section.

Introduction to Section 7 Examples (1.04 MB PDF)

Hydropower Licensing

  1. Klamath Project
    1. Section 7 Determination Transmittal Letter (717 KB PDF)
    2. Klamath River Section 7 Map (285 KB PDF)
    3. Klamath River Hydropower Project Section 7 Report (441 KB PDF)
    4. Klamath River Hydropower Project Section 7 Determination (2.49 MB PDF)
  2. Hells Canyon Complex Project
    1. Hells Canyon Hydropower Project Section 7 Determination & Report (268 KB PDF)
  3. North Umpqua Project
    1. North Umpqua Hydropower Project Section 7 Determination on License Application (3.25 MB PDF)
    2. North Umpqua Hydropower Project Section 7 Determination on Draft EIS (634 KB PDF)
    3. North Umpqua Hydropower Project Section 7 Determination on Final EIS (727 KB PDF)

Bridge Construction or Replacement

  1. Big Darby Creek County Road 36 Bridge Replacement (1.41 MB PDF)
  2. Imnaha River Road Bridge Replacement (5.82 MB PDF)
  3. Sturgeon River Bridge Replacement (7.06 MB PDF)

Stabilization Projects

  1. Little Miami River Section 14 Study Erosion Project (3.54 MB PDF)
  2. Imnaha River Garnett Bank Protection Project (5.40 MB PDF)
  3. Upper Deschutes River Mills Bioengineering Project (2.81 MB PDF)

Infrastructure Projects

  1. Great Egg Harbor River Boat Dock (66 KB PDF)
  2. Allegheny River Forest School Outfall Pipe (3.39 MB PDF)
  3. Allegheny River Boyle Boat Ramp and Dock (911 KB PDF)

Section 7 Flowcharts — In response to requests from river managers, Council members have developed three flowcharts to guide practitioners in determining if a project proposal is a water resources project subject to Section 7(a) and, if so, which evaluative standard applies. The flowcharts also reference the appropriate detailed evaluative process in the Council's Section 7 technical report.

Introduction To Flowcharts

Section 7 Process Schematic

Water Resources Projects Within A WSR Corridor

Water Resources Projects Outside A WSR Corridor

Non-Council Publications

The River Partnership Paradigm (384 KB PDF) — Prepared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act and Federal Water Rights - 2008 (124 KB PDF) — Prepared by the Congressional Research Service.

The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act and Federal Water Rights - 2009 (155 KB PDF) — Prepared by the Congressional Research Service.

About The Interagency Council

Reference & Graphics

Wild and Scenic Rivers Guide For Riverfront Property Owners (3.02 KB PDF - Color Brochure) — A concise guide for landowners along designated rivers that outlines their responsibility for management, how Section 7 of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act applies to their lands, and how best to protect the value of their lands as well as the values of the river.

Abbreviations & Glossary (51 KB PDF) — The abbreviations and glossary of terms used in our publications.

Selected Bibliography of Wild & Scenic River Publications (46 KB PDF) — Some of the publications we think are the best at explaining the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System and how river protection is accomplished in this country.

Agency-By-Agency Mileage/Management Chart (31 KB) — This is a zipped Excel file with the complete National Wild and Scenic Rivers System broken down into who manages the rivers. We also have a self-extracting zipped file (Agency-By-Agency Mileage/Management Chart (160 KB)). To use the self-extracting file, click on the link. Your computer should ask you if you would like to run the file or where you would like the file saved. We suggest you download the file, then 'run' the program (e.g., using Windows Explorer, double click on the file). You should be asked where you would like to save the extracted file. If the program runs without asking you, then check in your computer's 'temporary' directory, which is the default directory to where the file is extracted.

State-By-State Mileage Chart (41 KB) — This is a zipped Excel file with the complete National Wild and Scenic Rivers System broken down into mileage by state. We also have a self-extracting zipped file (State-By-State Mileage Chart (176 KB)). To use the self-extracting file, click on the link. Your computer should ask you if you would like to run the file or where you would like the file saved. We suggest you download the file, then 'run' the program (e.g., using Windows Explorer, double click on the file). You should be asked where you would like to save the extracted file. If the program runs without asking you, then check in your computer's 'temporary' directory, which is the default directory to where the file is extracted.

National Wild & Scenic Rivers System Logos — Zipped or self-extracting files.

WSR Sign Standards PDF (Color, Size, Etc.)(157 KB)
WSR Color Logo TIF (86 KB Zip File)
WSR Logo TIF Self-extracting File (216 KB)
WSR Color Logo EPS (13 KB Zip File)
WSR Logo EPS Self-extracting File (144 KB)
WSR Color Logo EPS (38 KB Zip File)
WSR Logo PNG Self-extracting File (Transparent For PowerPoints) (149 KB)