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Army Medicine Leadership
LTG Nadja West


Lieutenant General Nadja Y. West
 Army Surgeon General and Commanding General, U.S. Army Medical Command

CSM Gerald Ecker


Command Sergeant Major Gerald C. Ecker 
Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Medical Command  

BG Robert Tenhet


Major General Robert D. Tenhet 
Deputy Surgeon General/
Deputy Commanding General (Support)
U.S. Army Medical Command


Mr. Robert L. Goodman 
Chief of Staff, Office of the Surgeon General and
U.S. Army Medical

MG Patrick Sargent


Major General Patrick D. Sargent 
Deputy Commanding General (Operations),
U.S. Army Medical Command/
Chief, Medical Service Corps


Brigadier General John M. Cho
Deputy Chief of Staff for Support, G-1/4/6
U.S. Army Medical Command  


Brigadier General R. Scott Dingle
Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, G-3/5/7
U.S. Army Medical Command

COL Ramona Fiorey


    Colonel Ramona M. Fiorey
    Acting Assistant Surgeon General for Force Projection and
Acting Deputy Chief of Staff (Quality and Safety) 
U.S. Army Medical Command
Bio | Hi-Res Photo

Mr. Thomas Webb


Mr. Thomas Webb
Acting Deputy Chief of Staff for Warrior Care and Transition
 U.S. Army Medical Command
Bio | Hi-Res Photo


Colonel David C. Trybula
Interim Deputy Chief of Staff, G-8/9
U.S. Army Medical Command 
Bio | Hi-Res Photo

John Resta


Mr. John J. Resta
Acting Deputy Chief of Staff- Public Health
Director of the Army Public Health Center (Provisional)
Office of the Surgeon General and U.S. Army Medical Command
Bio | Hi-Res Photo

Lamont Kapec


Mr. Lamont (Monte) Kapec
Deputy Chief of Staff, Procurement
Head of the Contracting Activity  
Office of the Surgeon General and U.S. Army Medical Command

Margaret Wilmoth


Major General Margaret Wilmoth
Deputy Surgeon General for the Army Reserve

David E. Wilmot


Major General David E. Wilmot
Deputy Surgeon General for the Army National Guard

BG Lisa Doumont


Brigadier General Lisa L. Doumont 
Assistant Surgeon General for Mobilization Readiness and Army Reserve Affairs,
Office of the Surgeon General
Deputy Commander, Army Reserve Medical Command


Brigadier General Jill K. Faris
Assistant Surgeon General for Mobilization,
Readiness & National Guard Affairs
U.S. Army Medical Command