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Due to the increasing complexity of occupational health and safety problems, a variety of resources may be needed to address specific issues.

Related Safety and Health Topics Pages Reference Texts
  • Reference Texts. Includes authoritative textbooks that remain a primary source of information. Their major disadvantage is the time required to write and print them. As a result, the information is often dated and, in some instances, not correct. This link provides a listing of major reference texts. It is not all inclusive, but demonstrates the range of texts available.
  • Journals. Lists professional journals, published weekly or monthly, typically provide more current and in-depth information than textbooks. It has become possible to rapidly search a large number of journals and reports as online data services have developed. For example, the National Library of Medicine developed the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (MEDLARS) to complement its Index Medicus, which required hand-searches using key words.
Electronic References
  • Electronic References. Provides a list of some electronic references.
  • Other Internet Sites. Identifies internet "home pages" that have rapidly become a major source of technical information. In addition to providing hyperlinks to specific documents, they also link to additional sources and contacts for help. Some home pages permit users to submit queries, but it may not be possible to ascertain the qualifications of the person providing the response. Many of these services are provided at no cost to the user. Some generic Internet Sites are provided, but many industry and hazard specific sites also exist.
    • Internet search engines, which have indexed many of the millions of pages on the World Wide Web, provide keyword searches which will aid in locating potential sources of information.
    • Other resources include CD-ROMs, which can store thousands of pages of documents, such as all the articles over a period of years from a group of professional journals. Articles pertaining to a particular subject can be located on the CD-ROM in a matter of seconds.
  • US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Includes recall announcements and product safety alerts.
Other References
  • US-EU Cooperation on Workplace Safety and Health. OSHA and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Documents the cooperation between the United States of America and the European Union that has successfully been developed since the 1995 New Transatlantic Agenda in the field of health and safety at work.