Personal Adventures and Explorations of the Northwest Passage

January 25, 2017

David Thoreson - Personal Adventures and Explorations of the Northwest Passage

The presentation includes stories of David’s three Arctic expeditions aboard small sailboats and the quest for the infamous Northwest Passage. He begins with the 1994 passage attempt aboard the 57′ s/v Cloud Nine in which the crew became trapped in the ice and barely escaped. Thirteen years later, in 2007, David and crew were successful in traveling along famed explorer Roald Amundsen’s route and became the first American sailboat in history to accomplish this feat. In 2009, he was ice expert and documentary photographer on the scientifically-equipped, 64′ s/v Ocean Watch which accomplished the NW Passage from west to east. David became the only American sailor in history to transit the infamous passage in both directions.

David tells adventure stories visually, stitching voyages together and along the way go into brief history, photography and landscape, trip planning, ice charts, wildlife, native villages, and changes in the environment contributing to loss of Arctic ice.

Funded project of Iowa Humanities. Iowa Humanities is a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

For more information regarding this event:

Time: 6:00 pm

Contact: Iowa Humanities E-mail:
Ross & Elizabeth Baty Monticello Public Library
205 E Grand Street
Monticello, IA 52310
United States
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