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This holiday season

the best present

isn’t just under a tree

it’s under the stars in the sky

It’s standing on a mountain

paddling a mighty river

Or taking in a canyon

This holiday season

go play in the snow

and have fun in the sun

all year long

with the best stocking stuffer ever
The America the Beautiful Annual Pass

unlocks more than two thousand federal recreational sites

so you can get out and explore America

This holiday season give the best gift ever

a ticket to the great outdoors

Get your America the Beautiful Annual Pass today!

[link on the screen at the end: on.doi.gov/pass

Last edited 1/20/2017

This holiday season the best present isn’t just under a tree, it’s outside under the stars. Give the gift of the great outdoors with the best stocking stuffer ever: America the Beautiful pass -- it provides access to over 2,000 public lands including national parks! Go to http://on.doi.gov/pass and gets yours today.