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Conferences and Meetings

Come visit our booth, talk with BEA staff, and explore the latest data products. BEA will attend the following professional and economic conferences in 2017:

2017 Conferences

What Where When
ASSA Annual Meeting: Allied Social Sciences Associations Chicago, IL January 6-8, 2017
SABEW Spring Conference: Society of American Business Editors and Writers Seattle, WA April 27-29, 2017
APA National Planning Conference: American Planning Association New York, NY May 6-9, 2017
C2ER Annual Conference: Council for Community and Economic Research Denver, CO June 12-16, 2017
SelectUSA Investment Summit Washington, DC June 18-20, 2017
ALA Annual Conference: American Library Association Chicago, IL June 22-27, 2017
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting New Orleans, LA June 25-27, 2017
NACo Annual Conference: National Association of Counties Columbus, OH July 21-24, 2017
Joint Statistical Meetings: American Statistical Association Baltimore, MD July 29-Aug. 3, 2017
NCSL Legislative Summit: National Conference of State Legislatures Boston, MA August 6-9, 2017
J-Expo Annual Conference: Excellence in Journalism Anaheim, CA September 7-9, 2017
IEDC Annual Conference: International Economic Development Council Toronto, Ontario, Canada September 17-20, 2017
NABE Annual Conference: National Association for Business Economics Cleveland, OH September 23-26, 2017

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We will update this list throughout the year. To let us know about an event or request additional information, please contact the public information line at (301) 278-9004 or CustomerService@bea.gov.