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Reports by Topic: Telecommunications

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2004 Update of Links to the Future: The Role of Information and Telecommunications Technology in Appalachian Economic Development
June 2004
Oden, Michael, and Sharon Strover with Nobuya Inagaki and Chris Lucas
University of Texas
This study updates parts of the analysis found in the Links to the Future report published in June 2002.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (900 KB)
Evaluation of the Appalachian Regional Commission's Telecommunications Projects: 1994–2000
June 2003
Westat Corporation
This program evaluation examines 70 telecommunications projects that were started and completed between 1995 and 2001.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (1.5 MB)
Regional Technology Assets and Opportunities: The Geographic Clustering of High-Tech Industry, Science and Innovation in Appalachia
August 2002
Feser, Edward and Harvey Goldstein
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This study identifies sub-regional concentrations of businesses, universities, colleges, and labs that involve technology-related employment, R&D, and applied innovation within and adjacent to ARC's 406 counties.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (8 MB)
Links to the Future: The Role of Information and Telecommunications Technology in Appalachian Economic Development
June 2002
Oden, Michael, and Sharon Strover with Nobuya Inagaki, Martha Arosemena, Jeremy Gustafson, and Chris Lucas
University of Texas
This report documents the status of information, computing, and telecommunications technologies in the Appalachian Region.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (3 MB)