BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
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Data Collection: Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts Series
Frequency: Annually since 1980
Latest data available: 2012

Every year since 1980, BJS has extracted justice expenditure and employment data from the Census Bureau's Annual Government Finance Survey and Annual Survey of Public Employment. BJS publishes these data in the Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts series, which presents estimates of government expenditures and employment for the following justice categories: police protection, all judicial and legal functions (including prosecution, courts, and public defense), and corrections. This series includes data for national, federal, state and large local governments (counties with populations of 500,000 or more and cities with populations of 300,000 or more). The unit of analysis in the Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts series is the government. For example, the corrections employment reported for any particular state represents the total of all correctional personnel employed by that state, regardless of which prison, probation office, or other corrections agency employs them.

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Data Experts

  • Tracey Kyckelhahn, Ph.D., BJS Statistician
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    Collection Period


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    The data are compiled from the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual surveys of governmental finances and employment. The justice data include the expenditures and employment of the federal government, state governments, and a sample of county, municipal, and township governments. Unless otherwise noted, data for total governmental expenditures, including justice and non-justice governmental functions, also include the expenditures of special districts and school districts, which generally do not have justice functions.

    The 2012 survey sample was selected from the 2007 Census of Local Governments and consists of large units of government (including all 50 state governments) sampled with certainty and smaller units selected with a probability proportional to the unit’s expenditure. It was designed to produce state by type of government estimates with a relative standard error of 3% or less for total expenditure and state estimates with a relative standard error of 5% or less on total expenditure, criminal justice, and other government functions. All other government units were selected into the sample with a probability proportional to their size.

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    Changes Over Time

    The finance portion of the sampling parameters has changed over time. In 2001 and 2003 the sample size was cut by 50%. The smaller sample did not produce reliable state-by-state estimates for local expenditures. The 2004 sample reverted back to the same methods as the 2000 sample.

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    Publications & Products

    The following publications and products were generated by BJS using data from this collection.

    Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts, 2012 - Preliminary Presents data from the Census Bureau's Annual Survey of State and Local Government Finances and Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll.
      Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format 117K) | Historical Overview (ASCII file 4K) | Definitions of Terms and Concepts (ASCII file 15K) | Methodology (ASCII file 30K) | Comparability issues (ASCII file 21K)
    Part of the Justice Expenditure and Employment Series

    State Government Indigent Defense Expenditures, FY 2008–2012 - Updated Provides data on state government indigent defense expenditures for fiscal years 2008 through 2012.
      PDF (997K) | ASCII file (38K) | Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format 26K)

    Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts, 2009 - Final Presents data from the Census Bureau's Annual Government Finance Survey and Annual Survey of Public Employment.
      Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format 68K) | Historical Overview (ASCII file 4K) | Definitions of Terms and Concepts (ASCII file 30K) | Methodology (ASCII file 15K) | Comparability issues (ASCII file 21K)
    Part of the Justice Expenditure and Employment Series

    Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts, 2011 - Preliminary Presents data from the Census Bureau's Annual Government Finance Survey and Annual Survey of Public Employment.
      Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format 68K) | Historical Overview (ASCII file 4K) | Definitions of Terms and Concepts (ASCII file 30K) | Methodology (ASCII file 15K) | Comparability issues (ASCII file 21K)
    Part of the Justice Expenditure and Employment Series

    Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts, 2010 - Final Presents data from the Census Bureau's Annual Government Finance Survey and Annual Survey of Public Employment.
      Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format 68K) | Historical Overview (ASCII file 4K) | Definitions of Terms and Concepts (ASCII file 30K) | Methodology (ASCII file 15K) | Comparability issues (ASCII file 21K)
    Part of the Justice Expenditure and Employment Series

    Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts, 2010 - Preliminary Presents data from the Census Bureau's Annual Government Finance Survey and Annual Survey of Public Employment.
      Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format 68K) | Historical Overview (ASCII file 4K) | Definitions of Terms and Concepts (ASCII file 30K) | Methodology (ASCII file 15K) | Comparability issues (ASCII file 21K)
    Part of the Justice Expenditure and Employment Series

    Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts, 2009 - Preliminary Presents data from the Census Bureau's Annual Government Finance Survey and Annual Survey of Public Employment.
      Comma-delimited format (CSV) (Zip format)
    Part of the Justice Expenditure and Employment Series

    Justice Expenditures and Employment, 1982-2007 - Statistical Tables Presents data on justice expenditures and employment in 5-year increments from 1982 to 2007.
      PDF (547K) | ASCII file (23K) | Spreadsheets (Zip format 42K)
    Part of the Justice Expenditure and Employment Series

    Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts, 2007 Presents data from the Census Bureau's Annual Government Finance Survey and Annual Survey of Public Employment.
      Spreadsheet (Zip format 140K)
    Part of the Justice Expenditure and Employment Series

    Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts, 2006 Presents data from the Census Bureau's Annual Government Finance Survey and Annual Survey of Public Employment.
      Spreadsheet (Zip format)
    Part of the Justice Expenditure and Employment Series

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