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Washington, DC
Unit: març de 2008

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  1. For , we think you'll like this old video of Sunny and Bo at the White House:

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    Know what foods should go in a disaster supply kit? Join us & on 8/31 at 11am to learn:

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    We will be live-streaming 4pm press conference on panda cub death via on .

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    We are sad to report that the smaller of the two panda cubs has died. We will continue to provide updates on social media w/ .

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    fa 10 hores

    CIA has its own staff of officers & trainers who are a part of our Security Protective Service.

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    Do you know these facts about women's service in

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  7. Today in 1920, the 19th Amendment goes into effect giving women the right to vote.

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    On the would like to honor our four-legged friends serving our Nation.

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    On , we salute the K9 members of our team. Semper Paratus, pups!

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  10. This week we thanks the volunteers who contributed to the Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts:

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  11. 26 ag.

    Take good care of your eyes. You only have one pair!

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    25 ag.

    Celebrate 's birthday! Visit a park for free today.

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    25 ag.

    “The Wizard of Oz” film debuted 1939. Follow the yellow brick road with

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    All parks will be fee-free on August 25 in honor of our 99th birthday! Come help us celebrate

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  15. 25 ag.

    There's a candy desk in the Senate Chamber? Learn more about it and who's filling the stash:

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  16. 24 ag.

    Today in 2006, Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet. Learn more about the mysterious Pluto:

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    The 's panda cam is on, but you'll probably hear rather than see the tiny cubs

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    It’s Contact Lens Health Week. Healthy habits=healthy eyes.

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    Get the basics on bad food safety in a & webinar on 8/31. Sign up:

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    Have a question for Carter during his Worldwide Troop Talk on Sept 1? Use on Twitter.

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