News Articles

Solar System, Sky Watching, Meteor Showers
Dec 30, 2016
2017 is beginning with fireworks. No, not those fireworks… We’re talking about a lightshow from shattered comet 2003 EH1.   According to the International Meteor Organization and other forecasters, Earth will pass through a stream of debris from the comet on January 3, 2017, producing a... Read More
New Year's Fireworks Poster 2
Dec 19, 2016
Earth’s coral reefs teem with diverse forms of life, from microscopic phytoplankton to whale sharks. As much as one quarter of all ocean species depend on reefs for food or shelter—a remarkable statistic considering that reefs cover less than two percent of the ocean bottom.    
A New View of Coral Reefs Poster 2
Dec 13, 2016
Crewmembers on the International Space Station (ISS) can experience sunrises and sunsets in rapid succession -- about 16 “sunsets” per day because the space station circles Earth once every 90 minutes.
The Power of Light Poster 2
Dec 9, 2016
NASA researchers will present new findings on a wide range of Earth and space science topics at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
Photo of crowd watching video presentation on large Hyperwall screen
Dec 8, 2016
The Scientific Visualization Studio works closely with scientists to create visualizations, animations, and images to depict NASA science.
Map of United States with data overlay
Solar System
Dec 7, 2016
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has sent to Earth its first views of Saturn’s atmosphere since beginning the latest phase of its mission.
view of outer edges of Saturn's main rings from NASA's Cassini spacecraft
Dec 2, 2016
Toolkits are compilations of free downloadable resources with various science themes.  For example, toolkits may contain ready-to-print posters, social media graphics,  or bookmark templates . Topics include Mars, total solar eclipses, and science calendars.  Explore and download... Read More
Toolkit topics
Sun, Our Sun
Nov 30, 2016
Imagine standing around a roaring campfire, roasting s’mores. You feel the warmth of the flames as the marshmallows crackle. Now back away. You get cooler, right? That's not how it works on the sun. The visible surface of the sun has a temperature of 10,000° F.  Backing away from the inferno... Read More
The Mystery of Coronal Heating Poster 2
Oct 20, 2016
Prior to the 1960’s, the biggest storms on Earth could take people by surprise. Someone standing on a beach in Florida might not know if a distant bank of clouds was a routine squall or … the harbinger of a powerful hurricane.
Taking the Surprise out of Hurricane Season Poster 2
Solar System, Sky Watching
Oct 14, 2016
Step outside on October 16, and take a look at the moon. Not only will the moon be full, but on that day, the moon will be at its closest point to our planet as it orbits Earth. This makes the October full moon a supermoon.
2016 Ends with Three Supermoons Poster 2
Universe, Stars
Oct 7, 2016
In 1963, an astronomy student named Gail Smith working at an observatory in the Netherlands discovered something odd—a massive cloud of gas orbiting the Milky Way galaxy. Smith’s cloud contained enough gas to make 2 million stars the size of our sun, and it was moving through space at 700,000 mph... Read More
Astrophysics, Smith's Cloud, star formation, extragalactic cloud, hubble space telescope
Sep 27, 2016
“It’s absolutely thrilling to be embarking on this journey. Today, NASA is leading efforts to answer a host of important questions for humanity: Where do we come from? How did life originate? How are Earth's environments changing? There has never been a more pivotal time to solve these mysteries... Read More