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New Year's Fireworks Poster 1
Solar System, Sky Watching, Meteor Showers
Dec 30, 2016
Earth will pass through a stream of debris from comet 2003 EH1 on January 3, 2017, producing a shower of meteors known as the Quadrantids.
Dec 19, 2016
A three-year NASA field expedition to examine Earth’s coral reefs is now underway, giving scientists the opportunity to study reefs ecology and condition.
A New View of Coral Reefs Poster 1
Dec 13, 2016
A new NASA study on the International Space Station is investigating how different light spectra can be used to effect astronauts' sleep, or lack of sleep.
The Power of Light Poster 1
Nov 30, 2016
Observations by NASA's IRIS spacecraft suggest that "heat bombs" are going off in the sun's outer atmosphere, helping to explain why the solar corona is so mysteriously hot.
The Mystery of Coronal Heating Poster 1
Oct 20, 2016
NASA is helping improve the ability of forecasters to predict hurricane intensity by flying missions into and above the hearts of powerful storms.
Taking the Surprise out of Hurricane Season Poster 1
Solar System, Sky Watching
Oct 14, 2016
Nothing beats a bright and beautiful "supermoon." Except maybe, three supermoons! 2016 ends with a trio of full moons at their closest points to Earth.
2016 Ends with Three Supermoons Poster 1
Universe, Stars
Oct 7, 2016
30 million years from now, a massive cloud of gas will collide with the Milky Way. Astronomers are studying the incoming cloud and learning more about its origin.
Massive Cloud on Collision Course with the Milky Way Poster
Sun, Earth’s Space Environment
Sep 21, 2016
Four NASA spacecraft have performed a thrilling maneuver to understand the physics of explosive reconnection in Earth's magnetosphere.
NASA Spacecraft Fly in Record-setting Formation Poster
Solar System
Sep 7, 2016
NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is scheduled to launch on a mission to orbit, map and collect samples from the asteroid Bennu, and return to Earth 7 years later.
ScienceCasts: To Bennu and Back Poster 1
Aug 29, 2016
A DNA sequencer recently delivered to the International Space Station could open the door to exciting forms of research ranging from the search for life to the development of new pharmaceutical treatments.
Solar System, Sky Watching
Aug 23, 2016
Venus and Jupiter are converging for a spectacular conjunction in the sunset sky on August 27th.
Sun, Earth’s Space Environment
Aug 16, 2016
Summer is the season for electric-blue noctilucent clouds. NASA's AIM spacecraft is finding that these clouds continue to reveal details about how the atmosphere works.
Universe, Stars
Aug 4, 2016
Researchers using NASA's Kepler space telescope have found evidence of strong magnetic fields in the cores of stars--a finding that could upset theories of stellar evolution.
Strong Magnetic Fields Found Inside Stars Poster 1
Solar System, Mars, Planets of Our Solar System
Aug 1, 2016
NASA is sniffing out the sweet smell of methane on Earth, Mars and beyond. It's a greenhouse gas and, in some places, possibly a sign of life.
Methane Stinks Poster 1
Earth, ISS
Jul 28, 2016
As hurricane season unfolds, a helpful set of eyes mounted on the International Space Station allows scientists to observe massive storms from a special angle.
Global Wind Measurements Poster 1