China is home to one-fifth of the world’s people, who are all living in a nation only slightly larger than the United States. China's diverse ecosystems provide habitat for about 10% of the Earth’s wildlife, some of which is found nowhere else, including the giant panda and golden snub-nosed monkey.

China’s rapidly developing economy and growing population are placing greater demands on its wildlife and natural resources. In the past half century, 10 animal species and 200 plant species have become extinct. Another 20 birds or mammals are on the verge of extinction; some 400 more animal species are threatened or endangered, as are 4,000 higher plant species. Read more about the East Asia Program.

Russia’s vast terrain stretches from the frozen tundra of the far north, to the peaks of the Caucasus Mountains to the southern prairies. Its temperate forests – two-thirds of all temperate forests left on earth - offer sanctuary to endangered species and play an increasingly vital role in storing emissions of carbon dioxide. Amur tigers, snow leopards, saiga antelope, Siberian cranes and giant taimen fish are just some of the species that call Russia home.

Many of these unique species, however, are threatened by habitat loss, poaching and climate change. Since their natural ranges often span both the U.S. and Russia– across the Artic land bridge - protecting them requires close cooperation among governments, conservation organizations, and local communities.

Read more about the Russia Program.