Program 101

What does this program do?
This program provides payments to owners of USDA-financed Rural Rental Housing or Farm Labor Housing projects on behalf of low-income tenants unable to pay their full rent.

Who may apply for this program?

  • Project owners as part of their Rural Rental Housing or Farm Labor Housing new construction financing applications
  • Projects must be established on a nonprofit or limited profit basis

What is an eligible area?
Rental Assistance can only be provided for apartments in new or existing Rural Rental Housing and Farm Labor Housing financed properties.

How may funds be used?
Payments are made on behalf of the tenants and become part of the property’s income, which pays operational expenses

Who may receive assistance?
Properties with low- or very low-income (1) tenants qualify to receive assistance.  Properties with very low-income tenants receive first priority.

How do we get started?
Rental Assistance is coupled with an application for new construction financing under the Rural Rental Housing or Farm Labor Housing programs.   To apply, project owners should contact their local RD office.

Who can answer questions?
Contact your local RD office or you can find Rural Rental Properties.

What governs this program?

  • Code of Federal Regulation, 7 CFR 3560-Subpart F
  • This program is authorized by Title V of the Housing Act of 1949

NOTE: Because citations and other information may be subject to change please always consult the program instructions listed in the section above titled "What Law Governs this Program?" You may also contact your local office for assistance.

(1) Very-low- and low-income: Very-low-income is below 50% of area median income; low-income is 50-80% of area median income.

Forms & Resources

NOTE: If state specific forms are not shown above, please ensure that your state is selected in the dropdown menu above to find the State Office contact information and speak to a Housing Programs Specialist before attempting to fill out any forms or applications. This will save you valuable time in your application.