“Fresno has benefited from the Obama Administration’s [multi]-agency Strong Cities, Strong Communities initiative, which helped Fresno with downtown development, transportation and workforce development…Fresno has substantially supported and improved as a result of the work and our partnership with the Obama Administration.” Ashley Swearengin, Mayor of Fresno, January 21, 2016

“I want to underscore how important I think this effort is, Strong Cities, Strong Communities. It is one that takes tremendous ingenuity, and a determination to cut red tape and do government business better… We are living in a time when there will be limited resources. That is just a fact. Budgets are tight at the state level, at the local level, and at the federal level. And yet the need continues to be enormous. So the question is how to consistently get more bang for our buck.” President Barack Obama, March 15, 2012

The White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) brings together 19 federal agencies to work together in partnership with committed city leaders as they implement locally driven economic visions. SC2 is an innovative approach for supporting cities experiencing population and job loss, persistent poverty, capacity constraints, and similar challenges in an era of ever dwindling resources. SC2 consists of four components: SC2 Deployed Federal Community Solutions Teams; SC2 National Resource Network; SC2 Fellows and AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers; and the SC2 Economic Visioning Challenge.

SC2 Community Solutions Team SC2 Community Solutions Team     SC2 Economic Visioning Challenge SC2 Economic Visioning Challenge      SC2 National Resource NetworkSC2 National Resource Network      
SC2 Community Solutions Team and National Resource Network SC2 Community Solutions Team and National Resource Network


The White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) is co-chaired by the Domestic Policy Council Director and the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The membership of the Council includes the cabinet secretaries and agency directors from the 19 participating federal agencies below. The SC2 Executive Director and Council staff are based at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This staff coordinates with senior-level points of contact at the 19 participating federal agencies to manage approximately 45 federal staff based in the field and manages the SC2 National Resource Network (NRN).

Image HUD Treasury Defense Justice Interior Veterans Affairs Commerce Labor HHS DOT Energy Education USDA Homeland Security EPA GSA SBA CNCS NEA NASA