Matt DeDiana


web developer, skier, tenor, hockey fan

Burlington, VT
Joined July 2010

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  1. Jan 24

    If you're feeling just a little bit meh this morning, 'fobly-mobly' is a useful term from the 18th century for 'neither well nor unwell'.

  2. 19 hours ago
  3. Jan 21

    Trump wants this GIF banned. Nuff said.

  4. Jan 21

    "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." 1984. Orwell.

  5. Jan 20

    What if this account that is simply half an onion in a Ziploc bag ended up with more followers than ?

  6. Jan 19

    Say its name. Say its name.

  7. Jan 19

    So here's the front page of the paper of record this a.m., Jan 19 2017. Last day facts, numbers etc have any power for a while.

  8. Jan 17

    Motherfucker straight up stole this from a Mr Show sketch!

  9. Jan 16

    Apple's wireless ear buds have more computing power than the iPhone 2G

  10. Jan 13

    Moose are fast. Even in several feet of snow.

  11. Jan 14

    Wow Shepard Fairey's new poster for the 2017 inauguration: We The People.

  12. 23 Dec 2016

    🎵 Hello Dark NES My Old Friend... 🎵

  13. Jan 14

    On Saturdays only, this bar smells of weed and patchouli

  14. Jan 14

    It's telling, I'm afraid, that Donald Trump treats Vladimir Putin with more respect than he does John Lewis.

  15. Jan 12

    This is the Director of the Office of Government Ethics explain why Trump MUST sell his businesses. Every American should read this quote.

  16. Jan 10

    Realizing basically no real person is a gun 'nut' The culprit is the gun industry and its outsize financial influence on politicians

  17. Jan 10

    hey i can no longer connect to the IPEDS Post Secondary Education Data API. who can I contact for tech help?

  18. Matt DeDiana followed , , and 7 others
    • @Popehat

      Popehat's Twitter feed. "Not intolerable." Views are solely Ken's fault.

    • @HalfOnionInABag

      Just here to get more followers than . (Had to close the DMs, sorry all. All inquiries:

  19. Jan 5

    The New Yorker is on fire this week.

  20. Jan 5

    Trump illegally gives Bondi $ from his foundation. Bondi drops FL investigation of Trump U. Trump wins, gives her WH job. Quid. Pro. Quo.

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