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Last update: Thursday, January 19, 2017


Welcome to the FRA Office of Safety Analysis Web Site. The purpose of this site is to make railroad safety information including accidents and incidents, inventory and highway-rail crossing data readily available to the public.

Site users can run dynamic queries, download a variety of safety database files, publications and forms, and view current statistical information on railroad safety. TO SEARCH , a PDF or WORD formatted “Table of Contents” list is available. To search by key word among queries, tables and output table fields, click on the link and then search using the application search feature (Control F).

  ** New Instructions for Completing Form FRA F6180.54- Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Report **

  ** Accident/Incident Recordkeeping and Reporting Reference Links **

  ** New email address for Railroad Accident/Incident Reporting **

  ** New mailing address for Railroad Accident Incident Reporting **

  Definition of Individual, System and Consolidated Railroads

  ** Submit Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Data with the NEW Grade Crossing Inventory System (GCIS) **

1 - Overview

1.02  Operational Data Tables
1.03  Overview Charts By Railroad
1.04  Overview Charts By State
1.11  One Year Accident/Incident Overview - Combined
1.12  Ten Year Accident/Incident Overview
1.13  Freight/Passenger Operations Ten Year Overview
1.14  Graphic Ten Year Accident/Incident Overview

2 - Query Accident/Incident Trends

2.03  Train Accidents by Railroad Groups
2.04  Employee on Duty Casualties
2.05  Employee on Duty Casualty Rates
2.07  Trespasser Casualties
2.08  Highway-Rail Crossings
2.09  Train Accidents and Rates

3 - Train Accidents

3.01  Accident Trends - Summary Statistics
3.02  Accident Trends - Charts & Graphs
3.04  Railroad Safety Statistics Annual Report
3.05  FRA Accident Report and Other Forms
3.06  FRA Accident Reporting Guide and other Publications

  Query FRA Accident Data:
3.08  Accident Map with Table
3.10  Accident Causes
3.11  Accident Detail Report
3.16  Summary of Train Accidents With Reportable Damage, Casualties, and Major Causes
3.17  Type Of Territory Vs. Accident Type and Cause
3.18  Accident By State/Railroad

4 - Casualties

4.02  FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reports (Published May 2011)
4.03  FRA Guide (PDF) (Effective May 1, 2003)

  Query FRA Casualty Data:
4.06  Casualty Detail Report
4.07  Casualty Map with Table
4.08  Casualty Summary Tables
4.09  Worker Safety Report
4.11  Suicide Casualties By State/Railroad
4.12  Casualties By State/Railroad

5 - Highway-Rail Crossing Accidents

5.01  FRA Guide (PDF) (Effective May 1, 2003)
5.02  Generate Crossing Inventory and Accident Reports
5.03  Accident Prediction - WBAPS
5.06  FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reports (Published May 2011)

  Query FRA Crossing Accident Data:
5.08  Frequency of Crossing Collisions
5.09  Hwy/Rail Detail Report
5.10  Hwy/Rail Map with Table
5.14  Hwy Rail Accident Incident Summary By Railroad
5.15  Consolidated Hwy Rail Accident Incident

6 - Reserved for Future Use


7 - Downloads

7.03  FRA Database File Structures
7.04  FRA Auxiliary (Reference) Tables
7.05  FRA Publications - All
7.06  Annual Safety Statistical Report for 2005 (self-extracting EXE)
7.09  FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reports (Published May 2011)

8 - Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory

8.01  Query By Location
8.02  Query By Number Range
8.03  Accident Prediction - WBAPS
8.04  Annual Safety Statistical Report for 2005 (self-extracting EXE)

  Canned Queries for Public and Private Crossings:
8.05  Crossing Inventory By State
8.08  Public Crossing Inventory Detail Report
8.10  Public Grade Crossing Inventory By State and County

9 - FRA Safety Reporting

9.01  FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reports (PDF) (Published May 2011)
9.02  FRA Forms
9.04  Accident/Incident Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements (Effective June 1, 2011 and July 1,2011)
9.05  FRA Home Page
9.06  Railroad Reporting Threshold (DOC)

  From this site, you will be able to:
  • Quick Stats. Overview of current railroad safety statistics on railroad accidents and incidents, casualties.
  • Accident/Incident Summary. Information by cause, type of railroad, and location.
  • Accident/Incident Graphs and Charts. Railroad safety trends in graphical (bar charts) fashion.
  • Query FRA Safety Databases. Detailed and summary reports on FRA's databases which encompass Railroad Accidents/Incidents, Railroad Inspections and Highway-Rail Crossing Information. Users can enter specific query criteria and produce output reports (including color maps) of the results. A Query Generator Page is available where users can 'Write your-own' queries against the FRA Accident/Incident Files.
  • Crossing Inventory and Accident Histories. Highway-rail crossings, a detailed Inventory and/or Accident history for one or more crossings. Users can also generate highway-rail crossing hazard indexes using FRA's Web-based Accident Prediction System (WBAPS).
  • Download FRA Safety Files. Users can download a wide selection of FRA database files including the Highway-rail Crossing Inventory files (in .DBF format). Accident/Incident reports can be downloaded in a variety of formats (.DBF, .XLS, .MDB, .TXT) using a query interface. Additionally, the metadata for the FRA databases as well as copies of the reference tables (e.g. GSA Locations, Railroad Code file, Accident/Incident Codes) have been made available on this page.
  •   Frequently Asked Questions
    9.11  Legal Notice
    9.12  Definitions
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