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HIV sequence database


Purpose: Generate a phylogenetic tree with branches distinguished by color and stroke weight, based on set(s) of numerical values for individual taxa. See AnnotateTree Explanation.

Input tree
Paste your tree file
in Newick format

[Sample Input]
Or upload Newick tree file

Values for taxa
Number of data parameters one   two icon
Taxon-to-numerical-value tableicon
Header for legendicon
Number of categoriesicon
Min - Max values for numerical rangeicon -
Number of post-decimal digits in legendicon

Tree options
Tree typeicon Phylogram   Circular tree
Tree widthicon Use fixed scale (phylogram only)   Draw a scale bar
Color choicesicon Reverse palette
Line capicon
Show only a subclade icon
two or more taxon names, comma- or space-separated
Branch weight scaleicon
Relative branch weighticon
Width of thinnest branchicon
Width of thickest branchicon

Details: AnnotateTree Explanation.

Alternative tool: Rainbow Tree.

last modified: Tue Apr 5 12:12 2016

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