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The Review Group

About the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies

On August 12, 2013 President Obama directed the establishment of a Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies and tasked the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to provide administrative support to the Review Group.

President Obama met with the members of the Review Group, Richard Clarke, Michael Morell, Geoffrey Stone, Cass Sunstein and Peter Swire - on August 27, 2013 and thanked them for taking on this important task. Their mission is to review and provide recommendations on “how in light of advancements in communications technologies, the United States can employ its technical collection capabilities in a manner that optimally protects our national security and advances our foreign policy while respecting our commitment to privacy and civil liberties, recognizing our need to maintain the public trust, and reducing the risk of unauthorized disclosure.”

Public Comments for the Review Group

On September 4, 2013 the Review Group solicited comments from the public to inform its deliberations, and included in that solicitation its Privacy and Comment Policy.  Between September 4, 2013 and October 4, 2013, the Review Group received close to 250 comments.

The Review Group has reviewed all submitted comments, and is publishing all comments that meet the Review Group's Privacy and Comment Policy. *Note: The Group received several requests for extension.  In each case, the extension was granted.

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Posted comments do not reflect the opinions of the Review Group Members, whether individually or collectively, nor of the USG. Comments submitted to the Review Group have become part of the official record of the Review Group’s activity and will be retained consistent with applicable policy and legal requirements.

The Review Group Members thank all who took time and effort to share their ideas.

Statements & Releases

November 1, 2013 -- Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies Releases Public Comments

September 9, 2013 -- Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies Conducts Meetings with Privacy and Civil Liberties Experts and Information Technology Industry Experts

September 4, 2013 -- Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies Seeks Public Comment

August 27, 2013 -- Statement by the Press Secretary on the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technology

August 12, 2013 -- DNI Clapper Announces Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies

August 12, 2013 -- Presidential Memorandum -- Reviewing Our Global Signals Intelligence Collection and Communications Technologies




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