RD Apply

  • RD Apply 101
  • Must Haves
  • Register/Apply


What is RDApply

RDApply is an application intake system that allows you to apply for loans and grants for Rural Utility Services (RUS) Programs. With RDApply, you can create an application, upload attachments, sign certifications, and draw service areas, to name a few features.

Why is RDApply Important?

  • Convenience - The Internet allows customers access to information 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. For example, customers can fill out and submit their application any time of the day or night from their homes or offices.
  • Identity Security-Information submitted to the Federal Government remains safe and secure because every customer has a unique User ID and password and only authorized USDA employees can access the information.
  • Reduced Paper Consumption - Over time, RDApply will save paper, which benefits the environment.


Who can create an application?

  • Once you have obtained a Level 2 eAuthentication ID you will be able to access RDApply. Please be sure to read through the Must Haves tab to see details on USDA Level 2 eAuthentication.
  • Depending on the program you are applying for, you may need to be approved as a Legal Representative before you can begin entering data into your application.

How do I become an approved Legal Representative?

When you log into RDApply, you will be taken to the Home Page. At the top of the screen will be a button called “Legal Representative Request.” Clicking it will generate a form where you can send a request to Rural Utilities Services Staff, asking for your eAuth to be linked to a Tax Identification Number.

After you send in your Legal Representative Request, Rural Utilities Services Staff will review it. Once it’s been approved, you will be able to login to RDApply and create an application.

When do I need to become a Legal Representative?

  • Some programs require you to be a Legal Representative in order to create an application
  • If you want the ability to authorize other individuals (with eAuth IDs) to have access to your application

Must Haves

You Must Have Level 2 eAuthentication ID - What is it?

USDA eAuthentication is the system used by all USDA agencies to enable customers to obtain accounts that will allow them to access USDA Web applications and services via the Internet in a secure manner. This includes things such as submitting forms electronically, submitting online applications and checking the status of accounts.

Please note that USDA will only accept eAuthentication Accounts from individuals. Currently USDA eAuthentication does not have a mechanism to issue accounts to businesses, corporations or other entities.

What will I have to do to get the Level 2 eAuthentication Account?

If you do not have a Level 2 eAuthentication Account or just have a Level 1 Account, you must submit certain information to the eAuthentication system, such as name, address, DOB, etc.

After your submitted information is accepted, you will be sent an activation email. You must activate the account from that email. That gives you partial access. Both the eAuthentication system and the email sent by the system will tell you that you need to see a Local Registration Authority (LRA) to prove your identity. You may do that, or you can return to RDApply and we will verify your identity on-line by programmatically asking and receiving correct answers to a series of multiple choice questions that only you should know the answers to by utilizing an on-line service from LexisNexis.


Ready to apply?

If you have an eAuthentication Account select the 'Continue' button.

* Please note, if your account is found to be level 1 then you will be automatically redirected to the eAuthentication system to change your account from level 1 to level 2. You will be required to submit certain information to the eAuthentication system, such as name, address, email, DOB, etc. After your submitted information is accepted, you will be sent an activation email. You must activate the account from that email. That gives you partial access. Both the Eauthentication system and the email sent by the system will tell you that you then need to see a Local Registration Authority (LRA) to prove your identity. You may do that, or you can return to RDApply, select 'Continue' and we will verify your identity on-line by programmatically asking and receiving correct answers to a series of multiple choice questions that only you should know the answers to by utilizing an on-line service from LexisNexis.


If you don't have an eAuthentication Account select the 'Register' button.

You will be redirected to the eAuthentication system to get set up. You will be required to submit certain information to the eAuthentication system, such as name, address, email, DOB, etc. After your submitted information is accepted, you will be sent an activation email. You must activate the account from that email. That gives you partial access. Both the Eauthentication system and the email sent by the system will tell you that you then need to see a Local Registration Authority (LRA) to prove your identity. You may do that, or you can return to RDApply and we will verify your identity on-line by programmatically asking and receiving correct answers to a series of multiple choice questions that only you should know the answers to by utilizing an on-line service from LexisNexis.
