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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability

Science Programs

Our Science Programs provide a focal point for basic and applied R&D programs in energy and also encompass medical, biotech, high-energy physics, and advanced computing projects.

Leveraging our research for the nation's benefit

In today’s dynamic national security and technical environment, our science programs and strategic partnerships and collaborations allow the Laboratory to cost-effectively leverage our research to accomplish programmatic goals.

Our science programs help Los Alamos attract, retain, and develop an inventive and innovative workforce. Partnering with academic institutions, industry, and other laboratories, we leverage our science and technology for the nation’s benefit.

Applied Energy Programs

Applied EnergyWith energy use increasing across the nation and the world, the Laboratory is using its world-class scientific capabilities to enhance national energy security by developing energy sources with limited environmental impact and by improving the efficiency and reliability of the energy infrastructure.

Civilian Nuclear Program

Civillian Nuclear ProgramThe Civilian Nuclear Program Office is the focal point for nuclear energy research and development and next-generation repository science at the Laboratory. The Program manages projects funded by Department of Energy offices of Nuclear Energy, Environmental Management and Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD)

LDRDThe LDRD program is a prestigious source of research and development (R&D) funding awarded through a rigorous and highly competitive peer-review process. As the sole source of discretionary R&D funding at the Laboratory, LDRD resources are carefully invested in cutting-edge activities that build technical capabilities and explore ways to meet future mission needs.

National Security Education Center (NSEC)

NSECNSEC focuses on education and strategic research collaborations and student opportunities. Its strategic centers, institutes and education programs foster high quality, multi-program and multi-division research efforts, specialized recruiting and strategy development.

Office of Science

Office of ScienceThrough the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, Los Alamos conducts long-term, national-security–inspired, fundamental science programs. These often high-risk and high-payoff efforts enable remarkable discoveries and tools that transform our understanding of energy and matter and advance the national, economic and energy security of the nation.

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