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Tag archives for Women

Empowering Women Through a Simple Purse

Zubaida posing with the clean birthing kit. / Ayzh

USAID is committed to improving women and baby’s health during childbirth. Ayzh, supported by the Higher Education Solutions Network, develops low-cost, clean birth kits designed to meet the unique needs of women in low-resource settings.

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Innovative HIV-Prevention Product for Women Could Be New Tool in the Fight for an AIDS-Free Gen

The Ring Study findings may give new hope to women who need diverse options to protect themselves from HIV and AIDS./ Matthew Willman/Oxfam, Courtesy of Photoshare

A new USAID-supported monthly vaginal ring is the first HIV prevention method designed specifically for women to be confirmed effective in two large clinical trials. This innovative product has the potential to contribute to the goal of an AIDS-free generation.

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USAID Delivers: Quality Care for Expectant Moms Results in Fewer Stillbirths

Gift Usami Ava, pregnant with her third child, receives prenatal care at the Ugep General Hospital in Nigeria’s Cross River State. Quality prenatal care during pregnancy helps reduce stillbirths and improves maternal and newborn health. / Amy Fowler, USAID

A Lancet series published today reports on the problem of stillbirths worldwide. At USAID, our efforts for maternal and child health address many of the same risk factors associated with stillbirths.

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To Fight Extremism, The World Needs To Learn How To Talk To Women

A Kurdish female fighter of the Women’s Protection Units looks on at a training camp in al-Qahtaniyah, near the Syrian-Turkish border on Feb. 13. Syrian Kurdish forces have been fighting advances by the Islamic State jihadist group. / Delil Souleiman, AFP

From Iraq to Pakistan to Nigeria, groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram are winning the war for women’s hearts and minds — and it’s time to stop it.

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Overcoming the Stigma of Disability Across the Globe

Photo 1_ 7.15LaosLDWDC.Christie

This year, Americans celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Let’s take a moment to recognize the impact of USAID’s inclusive education and youth workforce development programs in other parts of the world.

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3 Myths About Women and Violent Extremism

Members of the Bring Back Our Girls group campaigning for the release of the Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram Islamists march to meet with the Nigerian president in Abuja, on July 8. / Philip Ojisua, AFP

When it comes to terrorism, think women are just victims? Think again. USAID is dispelling this and other common myths and getting to the real story.

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Leadership at USAID Q&A: Susan Markham Shares Why Gender Equality Matters

As USAID’s senior coordinator for gender equality and women’s empowerment, Susan advocates for the inclusion of issues affecting women and families into development work. A women and her children prepare food for dinner in the Aldoosh Village in Yemen with food provided through a USAID program. / Mercy Corps

In this Impact Blog series, we talk with leaders at USAID to learn about the work they are doing and why it matters – both for the Agency and for the development community as a whole.

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FrontLines: Foreign Aid Impact in U.S. and Abroad

A worker at the Banko Gotiti Cooperative in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's Region of Ethiopia holds a handful of ripe red Yirgacheffe coffee berries. Credit: Marcelo Pereira / USAID Agribus Market Develop

How does USAID’s work in developing countries impact Americans in the United States? Check out the new issue of FrontLines to find out.

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From Kenya to Kabul: Women as Decision-Makers, Entrepreneurs, and Leaders

Female participation in the 2014 Afghan elections was unprecedented in scale, with women voters accounting for 38 percent of total turnout according to government counts. / USAID/Afghanistan

My name is Joanne Lewa, and I am from Kenya. Since beginning a temporary work assignment with USAID in Afghanistan six months ago, the achievements of my Afghan sisters and the support from their brothers, sons, fathers and husbands have left the greatest impression on me.

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Breaking Invisible Barriers in the West Bank and Gaza

USAID supports girls’ education in the West Bank. The Agency built the new Nahalin Secondary Girls' School in the Bethlehem Governorate / Credit Alaa Badarneh

USAID gender chief Susan Markham shares stories of her recent trip to the West Bank and why improving opportunities for women and girls is the key for a brighter future for all.

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