USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for Poverty

Acting on Climate, Reducing Poverty, Powering Africa

An M-POWER installation agent places a solar panel on a roof in Tanzania. / Mathieu Young, Off.Grid:Electric, for the Power Africa Photo Contest

As world leaders gather for COP 21, Power Africa and USAID are taking action on climate, and tackling extreme poverty, through investment in renewable energy projects that will improve life for millions.

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Feed the Future: Progress in the Goal of Ending Hunger

Emiliano Dominguez Gonzalez displays his recently harvested strawberries in Honduras. Feed the Future helped nearly 7 million farmers like Emiliano last year boost harvests by using new and improved technologies and agricultural practices. / USAID-ACCESO/Fintrac Inc.

As we start 2015, take a moment to learn about global hunger and consider what you can do to help end it. You can start by reading Feed the Future’s “Year in Review.”

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Ending Extreme Poverty in Asia through Universal Health Coverage

A woman in the Philippines receives a tetanus shot during a pre-natal visit. / HealthPRO

Despite the region’s robust economic growth, over 60 percent of those in extreme poverty still live in Asia. Partnering with countries to invest in Universal Health Coverage will boost the critical economic growth and social safety nets needed to eliminate extreme poverty.

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Giving Thanks for Progress in the Fight Against Global Hunger

A young boy in Tajikistan eats a healthy lunch. Photo credit: USAID

We’re thankful for the opportunity to be a part of a collective global effort to end poverty and hunger around the world. Read more >>

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A Global Effort to End Extreme Poverty

Alex Thier is Assistant to the Administrator for Policy, Planning, and Learning

For the first time in history – a world without extreme poverty is possible. Read more >>

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Accelerating Development through Science, Innovation, and Partnership

Rajiv Shah serves as Administrator at USAID

Americans can be proud of USAID’s history of embracing and advancing science, technology, and innovation to create new solutions for age-old challenges. Today, we are building on this legacy with a renewed sense of focus and energy around the world to end extreme poverty. Read more >>

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From the Field in Pakistan: Catch of a Lifetime

After learning about a USAID-funded teachers’ education program, former fisherman Imran Ali Mallah decided to study to become a teacher. Photo credit:  USAID Teacher Education Project/EDC

A world away from education, Imran once worked diligently as a fisherman. Now, he’s living a different kind of life. Read more >>

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Meet the Experts: New Fellow Helps Feed the Future Apply Lessons Learned in Scaling Health Care Innovations to Agriculture

Smallholder farmer agricultural technologies, like irrigation, increase production and productivity of crops, like bananas in Zimbabwe. Photo credit: Bill Wamisley

Meet Jon Colton, a new Jefferson Science Fellow with USAID, who will support the Feed the Future initiative’s work to scale up promising technologies that help smallholder farmers improve global food security. Read more >>

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Communities in Cote d’Ivoire Benefit from USAID’s Investments

As they gathered for their savings group meeting, group members met us with a traditional welcome. Andrea Halverson. Photo credit: Andrea Halverson, USAID

Learn how USAID is helping communities in rural Cote d’Ivoire develop economic resiliency. Read more >>

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#TheKeyIsWe +SocialGood

Astronaut Ronald J. Garan

[W]e have to ask ourselves, “If we have the resources and the technology to solve the challenges we face, why do they still remain?” Read more >>

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