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Tag archives for Human Rights

Openly LGBTI and in Office: A Historic Election for Guatemala

USAID elections projects promote transgender rights with lessons learned from the region. / NDI

Guatemalans are taking action to include the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community in election processes. On Sept. 6, they elected the first openly LGBTI congressperson into office, a turning point in Guatemalan inclusion and civil rights.

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Beyond News and Numbers: Who are Refugees?

Children play in the streets of the Hittein Refugee Camp in Zarqa, Jordan. / USAID Jordan

On the occasion of World Refugee Day we honor the strength and resilience of the more than 60 million people around the world who have fled war, persecution, and human rights abuses.

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Truth, Justice and Development

Guatemalan citizens demand justice and truth. / USAID/Guatemala

Today is the International Day for the Dignity of Victims. USAID joins those honoring the victims and survivors of extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, torture, sexual violence, mass displacement, and other rights violations.

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A ‘Daily’ Struggle for Human Rights


December 10 marks International Human Rights Day and the 66th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. USAID joins the world and all those who struggle for the realization and protection of their human rights.

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Moving Forward with USAID’s LGBT Vision for Action

A gay rights activist holds a rainbow flag during a Rainbow Pride rally in Kolkata on July 15, 2012.

While June’s Pride month celebrations have ended, we have many reasons to keep the celebrations going – with release of the USAID LGBT Vision for Action, concretely demonstrating support for the human rights of LGBT persons around the world.

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Ending Child Labor


An ambitious social movement to eradicate child labor globally came together two decades ago – and has had unprecedented success. At USAID, we have learned what programs are effective, and what more needs to be done to end child labor.

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Why Free Media Matters

A minicab driver listens to a radio broadcast in a market in Abeche, Chad (2009). / Internews

Media independence has been tied to social stability, improved governance and reduced corruption, better health outcomes, faster economic growth and fewer famines. USAID’s support of open media environments in 31 countries around the world is having real impact on the lives of real people.

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The Syrian Conflict Through the Lens of Women and Girls

Credit: Odd Andersen, AFP

The crisis in Syria presents humanitarian, developmental and demographic challenges particularly for women and children, who have been exposed to serious risks while fleeing their homes, in camps, and in unfamiliar countries’ cities and towns. Two USAID leaders recently visited Jordan and Turkey and returned with stories of great adversity and but also of hope.

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A Moment For Hope in the DRC?

Walking into the Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, eastern Congo (DRC), one is immediately struck by a sense of purposefulness. The hospital, led by the legendary Dr. Denis Mukwege, has treated nearly 20,000 survivors of sexual violence since 1999.

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Farmer Field Schools: A Safe Place to Discuss Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence affects people everywhere, including the predominantly agrarian rural communities where USAID and its partners work to improve agricultural production.

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