USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for Extreme Poverty

The End of Extreme Poverty

Alex Thier, USAID’s Assistant to the Administrator for Policy, Planning and Learning, on the main stage at TEDx Foggy Bottom 2015. / Gregg Rapaport, USAID

USAID’s policy chief Alex Thier recently presented at TEDx Foggy Bottom in front of an audience of 1,500 to talk about ending extreme poverty and the Agency’s role in working toward that goal as part of its mission.

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Historic Donor Agreement: More Money Where It Is Needed Most

A worker at Muya Ethiopia weaves fabric that will become clothing and accessories sold on store shelves thousands of miles away. From 2005 to 2014, with support from USAID, Muya expanded from seven to 400 full-time employees and now sells 90 percent of its products overseas. / IESC, Steve Dorst

The post-2015 development agenda talks are well underway. Already, significant changes have amended lending-reporting practices, making aid more transparent, fair and effective. Next stop: Addis Ababa.

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Disruptive Innovations Bringing Nepal Closer to Ending Extreme Poverty

Nurses apply chlorhexidine to the umbilical cord of a newborn at Nepalganj Medical College & Teaching Hospital. USAID is helping Nepal bring the life-saving antiseptic gel to villages, communities and health centers across the country. / Thomas Cristofoletti for USAID

From antiseptic interventions for newborn babies to creative, community-based approaches to countering human trafficking, USAID/Nepal is using several innovative programs to cut extreme poverty. Learning from and scaling these types of interventions globally will be the key to meeting the next set of sustainable development goals post-2015 and ending extreme poverty worldwide.

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Ending Extreme Poverty in Asia through Universal Health Coverage

A woman in the Philippines receives a tetanus shot during a pre-natal visit. / HealthPRO

Despite the region’s robust economic growth, over 60 percent of those in extreme poverty still live in Asia. Partnering with countries to invest in Universal Health Coverage will boost the critical economic growth and social safety nets needed to eliminate extreme poverty.

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Politically Smart Development


Earlier this month, Tony Blair, Patron of the Africa Governance Initiative, set out the case for politically smart and locally led aid which means identifying and working on reforms that political leaders really care about. By taking this politically realistic approach, we believe aid will be more effective and so will governments in developing countries.

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The Extreme Poor Shouldn’t Have to Make Extreme Choices


The global community is already sending important signals that partnering to eradicate extreme poverty deserves a place at the top of the development agenda. Because of the progress already being made, we sit at a unique intersection where, with the brightest minds from the entire development community, ending extreme poverty is possible. This video shows that when we create a world free from extreme poverty, we liberate people from the stark choices they should never have to make.

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Ending Extreme Poverty: Frontiers in Development Photo Contest Top 5

Photo by: Kevin Ouma/TechnoServe. Submitted by Natalya Podgorny

USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning is proud to share the top 5 photos from their Frontiers in Development photo competition. Which are your favorites?

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Ending Extreme Poverty with a New Model of Development

On April 3, U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Rajiv Shah unveiled the U.S. Global Development Lab.

Working together, we can throw open the doors of development and engage millions of people in our mission to unlock a brighter future for all.

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U.S. Global Development Lab Launches to Develop and Scale Solutions to Global Challenges


Imagine a world in which diagnostics for diseases that are prevalent in developing countries are available at pennies per use, renewable off-grid energy services are affordable for households earning less than $2/day, and every family has enough healthy food to eat. USAID is helping to turn these ideas into realities by launching the U.S. Global Development Lab.

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FrontLines: The End of Extreme Poverty

FrontLines March/April 2014: The End of Extreme Poverty

Read the latest edition of USAID’s FrontLines to learn about the Agency’s plans for eliminating extreme poverty within the next two decades.

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