USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for Disaster Assistance

Online to On the Ground: How Students in Virginia Supported Nepal Earthquake Recovery

Students and staff from AidData and the College of William & Mary participating in a Crisis Mapping event in April, 2015. / Hannah Dempsey, AidData

When a devastating earthquake shook Nepal last April, my fellow students at the College of William & Mary and I jumped into action. In mapping affected areas, our efforts helped guide recovery aspects and allow first responders to carry out life-saving efforts.

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Setting an Example, Emblematic of Recovery Possible in Nepal

A young girl plays with her doll outside her family's tent at Camp Hope. More than 330 families from the Sindhupalchowk district are taking temporary shelter at the camp. / Kashish Das Shrestha/USAID

USAID Nepal is committed to earthquake relief efforts. Learn how the private sector is contributing to recovery, and the U.S. Government’s continued commitment.

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Moving Beyond Ebola: Rebuilding Liberia’s Health Care System

A Liberian nurse prepares to go inside an Ebola patient ward to draw blood from confirmed patients for testing in Bong County last October. / Morgana Wingard, USAID

With Ebola cases dwindling in Liberia, now is the time to build a stronger health care system. USAID and Jhpiego are training more than 3,200 workers on infection prevention and control.

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USAID Takes to the High Seas to Bring Reinforcements to Guinea’s Ebola Fight

In the war against Ebola, health care workers on the front lines need more than personal protective equipment and training to keep safe. / Morgana Wingard, USAID

USAID is making sure tons of HTH — a highly volatile chemical — are transported to Guinea safely to help health care workers fighting Ebola keep spaces sanitized.

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Anatomy of a Logistics Operation: How USAID is Equipping Ebola Fighters on the Frontlines

Inside the cargo hold, thousands of sets of protective equipment (PPE) to protect Ebola health care workers. As of January 2015, the U.S. has transported more than 400 metric tons of medical and disaster supplies to West Africa. / Carol Han, USAID/OFDA

Transporting vital supplies and critical commodities quickly to the epicenter of an international disaster is what USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance does every day. However, the Ebola response has proved especially challenging for USAID’s disaster experts.

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U.S. Opens New Ebola Clinic in Liberia


Liberia is in the midst of a building boom to help control the spread of Ebola. In support of the Liberian Government’s Ebola response strategy, the United States is in the process of constructing 15 Ebola treatment units (ETUs) in this hard-hit nation.

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Paloma and Alisha: The Information Gurus Behind the U.S. Ebola Response


This is the fourth installment in our Profiles in Courage series in which photojournalist Morgana Wingard compiles snapshots and sound bites from our USAID and Disaster Assistance Response Team staff on the front lines of the Ebola response. Here she talks to two U.S. Government Information Officers, the team that trafficks in facts and keeps the lines of information open so that the DART team’s efforts are coordinated and efficient.

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Standing with Liberia to Reverse Ebola’s ‘Spillover’ Effects

Washing is a vital part of the operation of the Ebola Treatment Unit at Island Clinic in Monrovia. All scrubs worn under PPEs and shoes must be washed thoroughly in chlorine water and then with soap. / Morgana Wingard

Ebola threatens not only lives, but livelihoods. If it is not contained, it could reverse years of development progress for the affected countries. That’s why the United States, along with our international partners, is stepping up to this challenge.

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Providing Humanitarian Assistance During Unprecedented Times

Our partner Catholic Relief Services distributes life-saving aid from OFDA airlifts to those affected by the ongoing crisis in the Central African Republic. /Catholic Relief Services

Today is World Humanitarian Day, a day to commemorate the fallen relief workers who died in the 2003 bombing of the UN headquarters in Baghdad, as well as the thousands of others who have given their lives to help those in need. Last year marked the most violent year for aid organizations in the past decade: 155 relief staff were killed, 168 were injured, and 132 were kidnapped. This is always a sobering day, but is all the more so this year as we mourn the six aid workers just recently murdered in South Sudan and the many health care staff in West Africa who have sacrificed their lives treating those with Ebola.

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Giving Thanks for Progress in the Fight Against Global Hunger

A young boy in Tajikistan eats a healthy lunch. Photo credit: USAID

We’re thankful for the opportunity to be a part of a collective global effort to end poverty and hunger around the world. Read more >>

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