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Raising Trans Visibility – On Paper, In Person, Online

Gender DynamiX participants march in the Cape Town Pride in 2013. P​hoto: Gender DynamiX​

On Transgender Day of Remembrance we reflect on the lives lost to transphobia, but we also find hope in the organizations and individuals who are fighting for trans rights. Through the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, USAID is proud to help trans rights defenders through CommsLabs.

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Breaking Down Ethnic Divides in Macedonia

Ethnic Albanian and Macedonian students, teachers and school principal take a break during a joint art project in preparation for the Easter holiday in the primary school “Naum Ohridski” in Skopje, Macedonia. Credit: Kristen Byrne, USAID

In observance of the International Day for Tolerance on November 16, Andrew Plitt, USAID Senior Development Advisor to the United States European Command (USEUCOM), reflects on how USAID and the Department of Defense are helping to build a more unified Macedonia after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. Through his eyes, the USAID-DOD partnership is providing a glimmer of hope for the future of Macedonia, especially among its youth.

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It’s Clear: Transparency Works

To make U.S. government  data on development more transparent, anyone on the internet can visit to see the geographic areas and sectors where funds are invested.

Transparency has real impact on our efforts to end extreme poverty and build resilient, democratic societies. Quality, timely information about development cooperation helps everyone — governments, civil society organizations, private citizens and donors — to manage and monitor aid resources more effectively and ensure mutual accountability. USAID is leading the U.S. Government’s effort to enhance […]

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Olive Oil of Hope

Muhammad Shouly is an olive farmer who tripled his harvest after learning about supplementary irrigation techniques through the Olive Oil Without Borders project. / Lubna Rifi, USAID

They say money doesn’t grow on trees. But how about peace? The USAID project Olive Oil Without Borders is boosting economic cooperation between Palestinian and Israeli olive farmers.

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USAID Takes to the High Seas to Bring Reinforcements to Guinea’s Ebola Fight

In the war against Ebola, health care workers on the front lines need more than personal protective equipment and training to keep safe. / Morgana Wingard, USAID

USAID is making sure tons of HTH — a highly volatile chemical — are transported to Guinea safely to help health care workers fighting Ebola keep spaces sanitized.

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The Urgency of Education in South Sudan


Child abduction and forced recruitment as soldiers is threatening the safety and hopes of children in South Sudan. The country’s future is at stake.

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From Kenya to Kabul: Women as Decision-Makers, Entrepreneurs, and Leaders

Female participation in the 2014 Afghan elections was unprecedented in scale, with women voters accounting for 38 percent of total turnout according to government counts. / USAID/Afghanistan

My name is Joanne Lewa, and I am from Kenya. Since beginning a temporary work assignment with USAID in Afghanistan six months ago, the achievements of my Afghan sisters and the support from their brothers, sons, fathers and husbands have left the greatest impression on me.

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How Progress Works: A Disappointing Microbicides Trial and Why We’re Not Discouraged

The FACTS 001 trial made use of applicators to dispense 1 percent tenofovir gel before and after sex. Photo Credit: International Partnership for Microbicides

Back to the drawing board: The FACTS 001 trial, a study to test whether tenofovir gel could prevent HIV infection, did not confirm the gel’s effectiveness. While these results are disappointing, USAID is supporting the development of many other promising solutions, including vaginal rings and long-acting injectables.

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New tools for LGBTI-inclusive development

Staff from the U.S. Embassy in Prague marched in support of Prague Pride in August 2014 / Embassy of the United States, Czech Republic

USAID has published a new toolkit to help development professionals better integrate LGBT people into programming. The toolkit is based on examples of programs and case studies from the Europe and Eurasia region.

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Guinean Doctor Survives Ebola, Pays ​I​t Forward

Participants in an infection prevention and control training in Guinea learn key skills. / Jhpiego

Dr. Thierno Souleymane Diallo, a formidable ally in Guinea’s fight on Ebola, eventually became an Ebola survivor. Now he is championing infection prevention and promoting the control skills he learned through USAID.

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