USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Carl Bell

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“Localize It”: A Voice from the Field

By partnering with local companies in Senegal’s rice value chain, USAID is working to increase food security and decrease poverty. / USAID/Senegal.

“Localize it” is a phrase that increasingly resonates in the world of development. It echoes the growing voice from the field calling for greater local involvement, locally based solutions, and empowerment of local communities. This is all the more true in the context of building partnerships with the private sector to address development objectives. As […]

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By Preparing for Disaster, Chile Remains Resilient

Photo Caption 1 (‘Chile 2010 earthquake’)/credit: A magnitude 8.8 earthquake hit Chile in 2010 causing extensive damage and hundreds of deaths. Photo Credit: Larry Sacks/USAID

A powerful magnitude 8.2 earthquake struck near the northern coast of Chile on April 1, prompting a tsunami and a series of strong aftershocks. Yet, nearly 1 million people were safely evacuated from harm’s way thanks to Chile’s disaster response preparations and early detection of the tsunami.

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