Programmatic Documents

  • GPM Science Implementation Plan
    Publication Date:
    Abstract / Summary:

    The Global Precipitation Measurement Mission is an international space network of satellites designed to provide the next generation precipitation observations around the world every 2 to 4 hours. It is a science mission with integrated applications goals. The GPM concept centers on the deployment of a Core Spacecraft carrying advanced active and passive microwave sensors to function as a physics observatory to gain physical insights into precipitating systems and to serve as a reference standard to improve global precipitation estimates from a constellation of research and operational microwave sensors capable of precipitation measurements. The GPM constellation buildup follows a progressive strategy to take advantage of partner satellites that carry microwave sensors such as a conical-scanning imager or a cross-track-scanning sounder. 

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    TRMM Senior Review Proposal 2011
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    Abstract / Summary:


    "Although TRMM started as an experimental mission to study tropical rainfall, and was originally expected to last only 3-5 years, it has evolved into the primary satellite in a system of research and operational satellites monitoring precipitation on time scales from 3-hr to inter-annually and beyond. TRMM’s role as the primary satellite in this system is because of the high-quality precipitation information available from its combination of active-passive instruments and the inclined orbit visiting the entire diurnal cycle with frequent intersections with polar-orbiting satellites. Today TRMM data are used to calibrate and integrate precipitation information from multiple polar orbiting satellites/instruments (AMSR on Aqua, SSM/Is on DoD/DMSP and AMSU on NOAA platforms) and geosynchronous satellites into merged precipitation analyses being used both for research and applications. The real-time availability of TRMM products has also resulted in the use of TRMM data by operational weather agencies in the U.S. and around the world for monitoring and forecasting of tropical cyclones, floods and other hazardous weather."

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    TRMM Senior Review Proposal 2007
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    Abstract / Summary:


    "Enclosed is the 2007 TRMM Senior Review proposal in response to NASA's request. We are very excited about the continuation of the TRMM mission.

    The first-time use of both active and passive microwave instruments and the precessing, low inclination orbit (35 degrees) have made TRMM the world's foremost satellite for the study of precipitation and associated storms and climate processes in the tropics. TRMM has met and exceeded its original goal of advancing our understanding of the distribution of tropical rainfall and its relation to the global water/energy cycles and weather..."

  • 2005 GPM Program Status Overview
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    Abstract / Summary:

    The opening presentation given at the 2005 GPM System Definition Review meeting.