Frequently Asked Questions

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What does it mean for an individual to withdraw their Medicaid application in order to receive a determination of eligibility for Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTCs)?

In a State where the Marketplace makes Medicaid and CHIP eligibility assessments, but not eligibility determinations, there are certain requirements that the Marketplace must follow (found at 42 CFR 155.302(b)) in order to ensure a smooth transition between programs.  When an eligibility assessment reveals that an applicant is potentially eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, the Exchange must transmit the individual’s electronic account to the Medicaid or CHIP agency for completion of the eligibility determination.

However, when an eligibility assessment reveals that an applicant does not appear to be Medicaid or CHIP-eligible, the Exchange does not have the authority to deny Medicaid/CHIP eligibility (because that is not the arrangement in that State).  The Exchange has the responsibility to notify applicants that they do not appear to be Medicaid/CHIP-eligible and provide them with the opportunity to either seek a formal Medicaid eligibility determination (which would delay the eligibility determination for an APTC), or to withdraw their application for Medicaid/CHIP and receive a determination for an APTC and a cost-sharing reduction (section 155.305(b)(4)).  We will address in further guidance how the withdrawal will be addressed in the case of an appeal of an APTC decision.


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