Frequently Asked Questions

  ADA/508 friendly site


Is there a potential conflict with the Medicaid requirement to process an application within 45 days and the Exchange rule that allows applicants 90 days to respond to requests to resolve information that is not reasonably compatible?

The requirements are different, but they are not in conflict.  The 45-day limit for Medicaid is the outer boundary limit by which a State must determine Medicaid eligibility for all individuals who apply on a basis other than disability, and as discussed above, we expect much quicker determinations in most cases.  The Medicaid program provides a reasonable opportunity period for individuals whose citizenship or immigration status cannot be verified.  Medicaid provides benefits for individuals during their reasonable opportunity period, who are otherwise eligible for Medicaid. The Exchange rule provides for a 90-day reasonable opportunity period for all factors of eligibility. The Exchange determines eligibility without delay and then provides a 90-day reasonable opportunity period for the applicant to provide any additional required information.

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