Frequently Asked Questions

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Can Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) use a contractor to complete data matches with health insurers, as authorized by the state Medicaid agency?

Yes. State Medicaid programs may contract with MCOs to provide health care to Medicaid beneficiaries, and may delegate responsibility and authority to the MCOs to perform third party liability TPL discovery and recovery activities, including data matches as required by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA). The Medicaid program may authorize the MCO to use a contractor to complete these activities.  The contract language between the state Medicaid agency and the MCO dictates the terms and conditions under which the MCO assumes TPL responsibility.  Generally, any TPL administration and performance standards for the MCO will be set by the state and should be accompanied by state oversight.

When TPL responsibilities are delegated to an MCO, third parties are required to treat the MCO as if it were the state Medicaid agency, including:

(1) Providing access to third party eligibility and claims data to identify individuals with third party coverage;

(2) Adhering to the assignment of rights from the state to the MCO of a Medicaid beneficiary’s right to payment by such insurers for health care items or services; and,

(3) Refraining from denying payment of claims submitted by the MCO for procedural reasons.

Third parties may request verification from the state Medicaid agency that the MCO or its contractor is working on behalf of the agency and the scope of the delegated work.



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